You are Becoming Infertile

IMT staff

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Just the word sounds like it’s female business, doesn’t it? It’s the career chicks who “forgot to have babies” that seem to be spending so much time at those fertility clinics, right? Wrong. Infertility is a couple’s problem, and according to a recent Wall Street Journal article, it’s one not often talked about unless it’s a success story.

Infertility is as much a man’s problem as a woman’s. And while women’s fertility issues are sometimes caused by missing that narrow window of opportunity -- about 400 ovulations over about 30 years where much can go wrong --- men’s problems can be lifelong or created by life choices.

It’s true: In the last 50 years, human male fertility has been declining. Right now, you’ve got half the firepower of a man who lived in the 1960s. And male fertility is continuing to decline by about 2% a year.

In general, docs say that when a couple is infertile, a third of the time it’s a female problem, a third of the time it’s problems with the dude’s body and a third of the time it could be either. In one English study of 708 couples, sperm defects were the most common cause of infertility.

You Are Becoming Infertile - Blog - Testosterone replacement & general men's health articles
So many discouraging studies like this coming out, and almost... odd... I mean I know that we are a lot less active than in the past, but the extreme rate at which people are losing natural "physical" hormone levels just seems too fast to account for that alone.
Something in the food? The air? Is it time we start taking out the tinfoil hats? lol..
But really, it's worrisome just thinking about what it will be like in 50yrs, especially with how the medical field tends to treat the symptoms rather than the cause...