" You who visit are on Other" forums


New member
I m an Ology guy period. I do not have time to surf the net except for advice on mY Audi and Jet Ski (ok porn )

Should you see some other members on other sites that are either overwhelmed and getting either abused or further Confused, encourage them to check out Ology. I did, intitially look AROUND but it seemed a lot of other forum s actually promote ( I could be wrong) what I d call mega cycles or are reckless in promoting either to guys ( and girls) to young to act foolishly with the long term goal WE promote here , that being overall health and longevity AND using AAS to maximize whatever goals an individual may have.

We have experts in powerlifting, bodybuilding, fitness competitions and such. We also have a cadre of trt guy s for old folks like me that still want to take off their shirts washing cars, doing yardwork or hanging at the beach ( and sexing up Mrs. T BETTER than I could have at 19 ).

Have them , in the opening "Hello Ology intro" state who referred them and we ll take care of you. I get nothing material from being here but Karma and truelly believe we are the most respective of new members and promote responsible use not abuse of AAS.

Thank you
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I recently learned that a very popular forum owner was busted for gear and heroin. As a result, the LE was let into the forum as mods. The owner (that got busted) then bought another huge open source board.

Glad I got this tidbit so I thought I'd share.
I found some of the same Tu.. Even real bad bigshotism. High dose recommend. Gang up on the newbie make him /her feel inferior.
I recommended this site to a meso RX member and a mod banned me. I only come here now....that forum sucks ass btw
I recommended this site to a meso RX member and a mod banned me. I only come here now....that forum sucks ass btw

Meso doesn't have mods, and I seriously doubt that's the only reason you were banned.

I know many forums that truly suck but being honest - meso isn't one of them :)
I've gotta admit that since my old board from the 90's and early 2000's disappeared, I really just surfed from board to board lurking and never really felt any of them were worth signing up for. TRT research had me looking for more knowledge and I again wanted to build my knowledge and confidence to explore what could be done to change my body. This was the one place I actually felt gave good, fair, and consistent feedback and was worth putting in the time to get to know another group of journeyman amateur body tinkerers. I continued to lurk for a while, but glad I finally put more than my big toe in to test the waters. You guys have been very welcoming and Im looking forward to the journey.
Meso doesn't have mods, and I seriously doubt that's the only reason you were banned.

I know many forums that truly suck but being honest - meso isn't one of them :)

How am I expected to pay attention to anything you write with that girl in your pic smiling at me? I know she wants me. I can see it in her eyes. She has that come hither look.
AAAAHHH yes...she looks like a young.................
RACHEL MCCLISH the original and hottest ever MS Olympia. I recently looked her up and she is still a very beautiful woman. Born in 55 or 56...

These new one s are...gorilla s.

But I hope we are a welcoming board and if we continue to be cool and keep source talk either limited or in private LE will lose interest.

I for one do not hook up people w sources, get anyone anything anytime for any reason...do not need the money and would not even if I did..plus I m a legal trt guy.... I augment w ugl..that s all. This is serious biz..but people take it to seriously..u know ?
I like to learn....anything I do not....irregardless the topic. Only 1 topic continues to escape me with actions and or reactions. And after years of study and collecting a huge empirical personal data base what drives ...women.
Meso doesn't have mods, and I seriously doubt that's the only reason you were banned.

I know many forums that truly suck but being honest - meso isn't one of them :)

I was banned I believe for that reason. I got in an argument over blood levels, everything is underdosed to them, and I tried to log on two days later and no access. I pointed out that ology said different about blood levels. I don't recall being overly rude but fuck them. My bloods were 4120 on 600mg test WK and someone said it is slightly underdosed. Maybe I pissed the wrong people off idk. I stand by my opinion that the people there are fucked up. Reddit is decent to me but ology is my go to.
I fairly new here and I have to say this forum has much higher quality members contributing. Seems like some of the other boards are there only to flame the crap out of anyone who dares ask a question. Then the guys that actually have some knowledge are so set that their way is the best they can't see that there are other ways to get it done as well.

Most of what I have learned is through trial and error, and keeping my mouth shut and just paying attention.

Glad to have found this forum.
I lurked here and on another site for a long time. I have to admit I was kind of in the category of listening to information that I wanted to hear instead of what I needed to here. Instead of posting here I posted on the other site about my cycle and was given some poor advice which I listened to. Thankfully I came back to this site and kept reading the stickies and the more i read the more I questioned the advice that I'd been given.

Finally decided to ask my questions here knowing full well that I was gonna get flamed.....and I did but I sucked it up and didn't argue and kept asking questions.

I will say though that if you ask serious questions you get few but very direct responses. If you ask a stupid question or one that's been asked a thousand times you get a lot of responses and the more you argue the more info you get amidst the flameing!

All in all this site has been a gold mine of info and the people here have been great!!

I was lucky that Ology was the first place I found when I started looking into AAS. We have some great people here, I do miss CRazyMike and his antics though. He was a solid dude.
There's a reason why I'm on ology and nowehere else... This thread answers it all!

Sure I used to surf back in the day board to board as whatever came up in search engines directed me to whatever, but a lot of the directs were actually to here and I just used to surf ology for a while mostly. Still to this day I do a bit of a search via Google and check out answers from other boards, but it just makes me appreciate ology a lot more.

I can't be fucked spending time on other boards contributing, I'm more of a find one board and stick with it, I won't be leaving here anytime soon, we got great members and excellent advice here with a no bullshit approach. A lot of boards have groups of members with a mob mentality and definitely gang up on other members, probably from the mega dosing and heavy tren abuse that goes on haha... :insane2: