Young bodybuilder - Big Dreams | 500mg testo-e 12 weeks


New member
The reason why im posting this thread (and im hoping it is okey to ask for help here mod?) is because i have great dreams to start compete in bodybuilding and i want to dedicated my life to it. I have been reading alot about famous bodybuilders and there is a pattern that most builders start using AAS as teens. I will provide some information about myself and my training and diet / history:

Age: 20

Weight: 92 kilo

Height: 193cm

BF%: 15-18%

Medical conditions: Never had issues

Training experience: 1 year of very serious training/diet

Training Schedule: 3-1-3 Split

day 1 Push:

Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Flat Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Militarypress: 3set 10reps
Cabelflyes: 5set 10-12reps
Triceps pushdowns: 5set 8-12reps

day 2 legs:
Lever Leg Extension: 3set 10rep
Lever Seated Leg curl: 3set 10rep
Squats: 5set 10reps
Deadlift: 5set 10 reps
Lever seated calf raise: 5set 10rep

day 3 pull:

Chins: 5set 6-10rep
Barbell bent over row: 3set 10-12rep
cable pulldown: 5set 8-12rep
cable seated row: 5set 10rep
barbell preacher curl: 5set 8-12rep

Diet: Currently im cutting and eat 2800 calories - my macros are 40% protein 40% carbs 10% fats

Food info: I keep my food simple, it consists of chicken, eggs, pasta,rice,fish(tuna), bread (rare), protein shake, omega3 + vitamin supps

Supplements: Creatin, BCAA+EAA 10g during and after training, whey 100% protein, versa-1, DMAA tablets / jack3d / craze, vitamin+omega3+kalcium/magnesium supps.

My goal with AAS: To put on alot of mass

My suggested cycle is: 500mgTesto-E once a week for 12 weeks

My suggested post cycle therapy (pct) is: 14 days after the last inject with testo-e il front nolva with 60mg daily the first week of post cycle therapy (pct). And after the front il take 20mg of nolva every day for the remaining time.


week 1: 500mg testo-e
week 2: 500mg testo-e
week 3: 500mg testo-e
week 4: 500mg testo-e
week 5: 500mg testo-e
week 6: 500mg testo-e
week 7: 500mg testo-e
week 8: 500mg testo-e
week 9: 500mg testo-e
week 10: 500mg testo-e
week 11: 500mg testo-e
week 12: 500mg testo-e

post cycle therapy (pct) (14 days after last inject with testo):
week 1: day 1-7: 60mg nolva
week 2: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 3: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 4: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
Il also get armidex and if i start feeling gyno during the cycle il start taking 1mg on a dailybase.

I have great dreams in bodybuilding, and I know 20 years old with 1y experience is way to low. But I have already decided to start, what im looking for is help if the cycle is good and the post cycle therapy (pct) also? Should I change something ?

Please dont laugh or tell me im stupid. Im very dedicated to the training and my diet and have been the last 10 months. This is my life and I want to dedicated everything to bodybuilding. I strive to be professional in the sport, and I know im 20 and very young. But you guys know as well as me that time is the most important thing to build a good body. If I want to go far in bodybuilding I need to start taking steroids now or it will be to late.

Look at the facts Phil Heath is 33 years old and im 20, he has trained since he was a teen and probably started taking at 18-20 - the same with most other IFBB pros.

I live my life everyday for bodybuilding, lately I have lost contact with most of my friends since they think im stupid and strange that I want to be that big and tells me il never go far. I dont care what they say but I do what i want to do. I never drink or smoke or eat food with low nutrition, i never take NSAIDs (painkillers) since they fuck your protein syntheses neither do I sleep under 8 hours.

Please help me since im very confused and my intentions are good, what do you think about my cycle. 1 years is very low training, but i have grown alot during this time, and i have develop big arms, cobra trapz and bat lats, my legs are growing very much. My mother thinks im currently on steroids since I have grown so much, so does my friends and therefor they have stopt being with me since they thinking im doing the jucie.

/ Sorry for the bad English, im not from an English speaking country.
The reason why im posting this thread (and im hoping it is okey to ask for help here mod?) is because i have great dreams to start compete in bodybuilding and i want to dedicated my life to it. I have been reading alot about famous bodybuilders and there is a pattern that most builders start using AAS as teens. I will provide some information about myself and my training and diet / history:

Age: 20

Weight: 92 kilo

Height: 193cm

BF%: 15-18%

Medical conditions: Never had issues

Training experience: 1 year of very serious training/diet

Training Schedule: 3-1-3 Split

day 1 Push:

Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Flat Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Militarypress: 3set 10reps
Cabelflyes: 5set 10-12reps
Triceps pushdowns: 5set 8-12reps

day 2 legs:
Lever Leg Extension: 3set 10rep
Lever Seated Leg curl: 3set 10rep
Squats: 5set 10reps
Deadlift: 5set 10 reps
Lever seated calf raise: 5set 10rep

day 3 pull:

Chins: 5set 6-10rep
Barbell bent over row: 3set 10-12rep
cable pulldown: 5set 8-12rep
cable seated row: 5set 10rep
barbell preacher curl: 5set 8-12rep

Diet: Currently im cutting and eat 2800 calories - my macros are 40% protein 40% carbs 10% fats

Food info: I keep my food simple, it consists of chicken, eggs, pasta,rice,fish(tuna), bread (rare), protein shake, omega3 + vitamin supps

Supplements: Creatin, BCAA+EAA 10g during and after training, whey 100% protein, versa-1, DMAA tablets / jack3d / craze, vitamin+omega3+kalcium/magnesium supps.

My goal with AAS: To put on alot of mass

My suggested cycle is: 500mgTesto-E once a week for 12 weeks

My suggested PCT is: 14 days after the last inject with testo-e il front nolva with 60mg daily the first week of post cycle therapy (pct). And after the front il take 20mg of nolva every day for the remaining time.


week 1: 500mg testo-e
week 2: 500mg testo-e
week 3: 500mg testo-e
week 4: 500mg testo-e
week 5: 500mg testo-e
week 6: 500mg testo-e
week 7: 500mg testo-e
week 8: 500mg testo-e
week 9: 500mg testo-e
week 10: 500mg testo-e
week 11: 500mg testo-e
week 12: 500mg testo-e

PCT (14 days after last inject with testo):
week 1: day 1-7: 60mg nolva
week 2: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 3: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 4: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
Il also get armidex and if i start feeling gyno during the cycle il start taking 1mg on a dailybase.

I have great dreams in bodybuilding, and I know 20 years old with 1y experience is way to low. But I have already decided to start, what im looking for is help if the cycle is good and the pct also? Should I change something ?

Please dont laugh or tell me im stupid. Im very dedicated to the training and my diet and have been the last 10 months. This is my life and I want to dedicated everything to bodybuilding. I strive to be professional in the sport, and I know im 20 and very young. But you guys know as well as me that time is the most important thing to build a good body. If I want to go far in bodybuilding I need to start taking steroids now or it will be to late.

Look at the facts Phil Heath is 33 years old and im 20, he has trained since he was a teen and probably started taking at 18-20 - the same with most other IFBB pros.

I live my life everyday for bodybuilding, lately I have lost contact with most of my friends since they think im stupid and strange that I want to be that big and tells me il never go far. I dont care what they say but I do what i want to do. I never drink or smoke or eat food with low nutrition, i never take NSAIDs (painkillers) since they fuck your protein syntheses neither do I sleep under 8 hours.

Please help me since im very confused and my intentions are good, what do you think about my cycle. 1 years is very low training, but i have grown alot during this time, and i have develop big arms, cobra trapz and bat lats, my legs are growing very much. My mother thinks im currently on steroids since I have grown so much, so does my friends and therefor they have stopt being with me since they thinking im doing the jucie.

/ Sorry for the bad English, im not from an English speaking country.
Your cycle looks ok. However, your diet is going to be key.....Why dont you try adding 10-15lbs natually and when you can do that then you MIGHT be ready to cycle. Your test levels at 20 are already sky high bro. I'll give you some slack though since you stated that you will be devoted to this for life.

Why dont you add some pictures so we can see what were working with here.....
Lengthen the test cycle, add a kicker for 4 weeks (SD, dbol, anadrol) and add a tail for 4-5 weeks (anavar) and run HCG throughout since you are young. No sense in shutting yourself down for the minimal gains of a 12 test only cycle.

Il eat 3k calories when il go on the cycle. Why shouldent I do the cycle for only 12 weeks? Il still make some great gains even doh if il drop down on zero testo after the cycle. And il also do a post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva as I said for 4weeks starting 60mg and then 20mg. Or wont that be enough for a post cycle therapy (pct)?
I know you don't wanna hear this but I would highly suggest waiting to get a few years under your belt. Your test levels are at there peak at this point in your life. Like you said in your OP you have Already made huge noticeable gains in just 10 months of training. If I were you I would ride those natty gains as long as i possible could.
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I know brizza60, your 100% right - but I cant wait around anymore. Since my goals are seriously to be an IFBB pro within atleast 5-8years il need to start using now. I mean most pros usully starts at their teens right?
Lengthen the test cycle, add a kicker for 4 weeks (SD, dbol, anadrol) and add a tail for 4-5 weeks (anavar) and run HCG throughout since you are young. No sense in shutting yourself down for the minimal gains of a 12 test only cycle.

^^^^Wrong . You don't need an multi/oral stack right now . Everything you listed looks good , go ahead on the test only cycle , then plan a deca or oral cycle next . My .02 cents . ~Bo
^^^^Wrong . You don't need an multi/oral stack right now . Everything you listed looks good , go ahead on the test only cycle , then plan a deca or oral cycle next . My .02 cents . ~Bo

Great, yeh i was thinking a deca+testo cycle after this one. If im not wrong that is prob the best mass building cycle? Maybe blast some orals like dbol under a 4 week period? And a deca+testo cycle should be around 18-20weeks?

You think il make some greata gains on this cycle? What do u think of my pct?
Should I use arimidex on a daily with 1mg even if i dont start to get gyno, just to be on the safe side? And is my post cycle therapy (pct) enough for me to keep the gains and restore the t-levels?
I WOULD NOT only use test. Yes you will make good gains but you won't make great gains. IFBB pros blast and cruise so they never come off. You can't keep up with them cycling 500mg test for 12 weeks when they cruise on 1g+ a week.

It is very simple to add a 4 week kicker of dbol and a 4-5 week tail of anavar and you will be happy if you do. 12 weeks of a low/mid dose test is not worth shutting yourself down for.
I WOULD NOT only use test. Yes you will make good gains but you won't make great gains. IFBB pros blast and cruise so they never come off. You can't keep up with them cycling 500mg test for 12 weeks when they cruise on 1g+ a week.

It is very simple to add a 4 week kicker of dbol and a 4-5 week tail of anavar and you will be happy if you do. 12 weeks of a low/mid dose test is not worth shutting yourself down for.

from the reading ive done dbol arent that good as a first cycle, as i said - my next cycle il prob use dbol for a blast. but not in my first cycle, and what du mean with 12weeks of 500mg testo is to low? u got start somewhere dont u? isent testo the best aas to build mass on?

ofc ifbb takes way more then me, but u gota start somewere dont you?

do u know i can take arimidex on a daily base with 1mg? to prevent gyno on the safe side? and is my post cycle therapy (pct) enough to restore t-levels + gains?
Test and dbol is the age old first cycle stack and is tried and true. It is one of the best things to run as a first cycle. Everyone I know ran this cycle as one of their first...

weeks 1-15 test 500-600mg a week
weeks 1-4 dbol 20-40mg ed
weeks 13-17 anavar 50-75mg/ed
post cycle therapy (pct)

Yes your post cycle therapy (pct) is fine and yes you will make good gains. I am saying if you are only using one compound 500mg isn't much. You would be much better off using dbol and anavar (as I have laid out) and you will make much better gains for the same amount of time and trouble of being shut down.
I WOULD NOT only use test. Yes you will make good gains but you won't make great gains. IFBB pros blast and cruise so they never come off. You can't keep up with them cycling 500mg test for 12 weeks when they cruise on 1g+ a week.

It is very simple to add a 4 week kicker of dbol and a 4-5 week tail of anavar and you will be happy if you do. 12 weeks of a low/mid dose test is not worth shutting yourself down for.

^^^^Don't listen to this guy , he would have you do orals coming & going , big mistake . you seem much smarter than that . Its your only body , think of the long run . Pace yourself , test only this time , add deca to the test next time , then maybe a d-bol kicker . When you get a little older maybe some tren , but get the experience first .

Who am I ? I just turned 53 today , took my first roid 30 years ago (d-bol only cycle,duh) and have 35 years total bodybuilding & powerlifting . Listen to experience . ~Bo
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I cant rly have my cycle longer then 12, how about il take 500mg testo 1-12 and then il blast the dbol at week 7-11 ?, should I take arimidex 1mg daily during the cycle just to make sure?
^^^^Don't listen to this jerk , he would have you do orals coming & going , big mistake . you seem much smarter than that . Its your only body , think of the long run . Pace yourself , test only this time , add deca to the test next time , then maybe a d-bol kicker . When you get a little older maybe some tren , but get the experience first .

Who am I ? I just turned 53 today , took my first roid 30 years and have 35 years total bodybuilding & powerlifting . Listen to experience . ~Bo

Great, do u know if I can take arimidex during the testo-e to make sure i dont get gyno? And ofc 1-2weeks after the last inject il stick to the pct? Do u think il make some great gains and will i be able to keep them?
I cant rly have my cycle longer then 12, how about il take 500mg testo 1-12 and then il blast the dbol at week 7-11 ?, should I take arimidex 1mg daily during the cycle just to make sure?

I think is 1mg Adex ed is overkill unless you really have gyno probs . I use .5mg adex every other day or 3 times a week . Get blood test BEFORE you cycle then every 8-12 weeks after . Its a small bit of insurance but worth it ....
I think is 1mg Adex ed is overkill unless you really have gyno probs . I use .5mg adex every other day or 3 times a week . Get blood test BEFORE you cycle then every 8-12 weeks after . Its a small bit of insurance but worth it ....

Ok, so i shouldent be taking adex during the cycle unless il start feeling breat tissue on my breats? Il make sure il get blood tests before the cycle and then il check them again 6 week in the cycle and also after the cycle.
Ok, so i shouldent be taking adex during the cycle unless il start feeling breat tissue on my breats? Il make sure il get blood tests before the cycle and then il check them again 6 week in the cycle and also after the cycle.

Get blood test first or you"ll just be swimming in the dark , you won't know where you are . Private MD (Labcorp) has female hormone test (for guys) thats only $50 and they have them in almost every state including Alaska (I did them last summer) and alot of other countries...Where are you at ?