Young bodybuilder - Big Dreams | 500mg testo-e 12 weeks

The reason why im posting this thread (and im hoping it is okey to ask for help here mod?) is because i have great dreams to start compete in bodybuilding and i want to dedicated my life to it. I have been reading alot about famous bodybuilders and there is a pattern that most builders start using AAS as teens. I will provide some information about myself and my training and diet / history:

Age: 20

Weight: 92 kilo

Height: 193cm

BF%: 15-18%

Medical conditions: Never had issues

Training experience: 1 year of very serious training/diet

Training Schedule: 3-1-3 Split

day 1 Push:

Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Flat Benchpress: 5set 10reps
Militarypress: 3set 10reps
Cabelflyes: 5set 10-12reps
Triceps pushdowns: 5set 8-12reps

day 2 legs:
Lever Leg Extension: 3set 10rep
Lever Seated Leg curl: 3set 10rep
Squats: 5set 10reps
Deadlift: 5set 10 reps
Lever seated calf raise: 5set 10rep

day 3 pull:

Chins: 5set 6-10rep
Barbell bent over row: 3set 10-12rep
cable pulldown: 5set 8-12rep
cable seated row: 5set 10rep
barbell preacher curl: 5set 8-12rep

Diet: Currently im cutting and eat 2800 calories - my macros are 40% protein 40% carbs 10% fats

Food info: I keep my food simple, it consists of chicken, eggs, pasta,rice,fish(tuna), bread (rare), protein shake, omega3 + vitamin supps

Supplements: Creatin, BCAA+EAA 10g during and after training, whey 100% protein, versa-1, DMAA tablets / jack3d / craze, vitamin+omega3+kalcium/magnesium supps.

My goal with AAS: To put on alot of mass

My suggested cycle is: 500mgTesto-E once a week for 12 weeks

My suggested PCT is: 14 days after the last inject with testo-e il front nolva with 60mg daily the first week of post cycle therapy (pct). And after the front il take 20mg of nolva every day for the remaining time.


week 1: 500mg testo-e
week 2: 500mg testo-e
week 3: 500mg testo-e
week 4: 500mg testo-e
week 5: 500mg testo-e
week 6: 500mg testo-e
week 7: 500mg testo-e
week 8: 500mg testo-e
week 9: 500mg testo-e
week 10: 500mg testo-e
week 11: 500mg testo-e
week 12: 500mg testo-e

PCT (14 days after last inject with testo):
week 1: day 1-7: 60mg nolva
week 2: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 3: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
week 4: day 1-7: 20mg nolva
Il also get armidex and if i start feeling gyno during the cycle il start taking 1mg on a dailybase.

I have great dreams in bodybuilding, and I know 20 years old with 1y experience is way to low. But I have already decided to start, what im looking for is help if the cycle is good and the pct also? Should I change something ?

Please dont laugh or tell me im stupid. Im very dedicated to the training and my diet and have been the last 10 months. This is my life and I want to dedicated everything to bodybuilding. I strive to be professional in the sport, and I know im 20 and very young. But you guys know as well as me that time is the most important thing to build a good body. If I want to go far in bodybuilding I need to start taking steroids now or it will be to late.

Look at the facts Phil Heath is 33 years old and im 20, he has trained since he was a teen and probably started taking at 18-20 - the same with most other IFBB pros.

I live my life everyday for bodybuilding, lately I have lost contact with most of my friends since they think im stupid and strange that I want to be that big and tells me il never go far. I dont care what they say but I do what i want to do. I never drink or smoke or eat food with low nutrition, i never take NSAIDs (painkillers) since they fuck your protein syntheses neither do I sleep under 8 hours.

Please help me since im very confused and my intentions are good, what do you think about my cycle. 1 years is very low training, but i have grown alot during this time, and i have develop big arms, cobra trapz and bat lats, my legs are growing very much. My mother thinks im currently on steroids since I have grown so much, so does my friends and therefor they have stopt being with me since they thinking im doing the jucie.

/ Sorry for the bad English, im not from an English speaking country.

I'm gonna try to make this as clear and to the point as possible...

-at 6'4" u will have to get to 350lbs off-season to even have a hope of competing at the ifbb level

-there's only ever been "ONE" bodybuilder 6' or over to win the Olympia, his name was Arnold

-3500 calories per day is good for a pre-contest cutting diet, but to gain u gotta be consuming double that

-don't be fooled into thinking ALL ifbb pros start gearing so young... for example Mr. Olympia Phil Heath was not anywhere near bodybuilding until he was 22 years old. Before that he played basketball for the university of colorado (NCAA div 1). He was 175lbs at 5'9" when he started training seriously, but let's not start comparing yourself to the best bodybuilder in the world haha

So basically u got a very tough road ahead of u bro... not saying u can't do it, but u have to make your goals attainable. For instance try to get to 110kg's (242lbs) natural within the next year... by eating lots of quality foods and training hard getting to that weight should be easy at your height
I'm gonna try to make this as clear and to the point as possible...

-at 6'4" u will have to get to 350lbs off-season to even have a hope of competing at the ifbb level

-there's only ever been "ONE" bodybuilder 6' or over to win the Olympia, his name was Arnold

-3500 calories per day is good for a pre-contest cutting diet, but to gain u gotta be consuming double that

-don't be fooled into thinking ALL ifbb pros start gearing so young... for example Mr. Olympia Phil Heath was not anywhere near bodybuilding until he was 22 years old. Before that he played basketball for the university of colorado (NCAA div 1). He was 175lbs at 5'9" when he started training seriously, but let's not start comparing yourself to the best bodybuilder in the world haha

So basically u got a very tough road ahead of u bro... not saying u can't do it, but u have to make your goals attainable. For instance try to get to 110kg's (242lbs) natural within the next year... by eating lots of quality foods and training hard getting to that weight should be easy at your height

Your 100% right.

When I start my cycle I plan to eat 3500 calories - do u think that is way to low?

I know my road aint easy, but I love this sport and you gota do what you love doing. Im very dedicated and I dont expect to become mr olympia, but my goal is to compete at a ifbb pro level in 10-15years ~. Therefor steroids is a most for me.
Lengthen the test cycle, add a kicker for 4 weeks (SD, dbol, anadrol) and add a tail for 4-5 weeks (anavar) and run HCG throughout since you are young. No sense in shutting yourself down for the minimal gains of a 12 test only cycle.

Minimal gains? its his first cycle, his receptors are fresh, if he eats right he could gain 25-30 lbs!?! Also, why the hell would you tell someone who has never ran AAS before to run two orals in one cycle? Thats terrible for your liver.

Terrible advice from you, terrible.
Your 100% right.

When I start my cycle I plan to eat 3500 calories - do u think that is way to low?

I know my road aint easy, but I love this sport and you gota do what you love doing. Im very dedicated and I dont expect to become mr olympia, but my goal is to compete at a ifbb pro level in 10-15years ~. Therefor steroids is a most for me.

3500 calories is way too low for a guy your size, especially if u wanna make gains
Minimal gains? its his first cycle, his receptors are fresh, if he eats right he could gain 25-30 lbs!?! Also, why the hell would you tell someone who has never ran AAS before to run two orals in one cycle? Thats terrible for your liver.

Terrible advice from you, terrible.

How the fuck is two low doses/duration of an oral bad for your liver...I know guys who run 4-5 orals in a 15 week cycle. I am suggesting ways to get the maximum gains safely from a cycle. Everyone on this board is a bunch of pussys.

Also, Mangoxx, you mentioned waiting a couple months after the first cycle to start another. This is going to be much worse for your body than using an oral or two. You need time on + PCT= time off if you are going to cycle. This means if you do a 16 week cycle including PCT then you need 16 weeks off before starting another. All the up and down of hormones will fuck you up a lot more than running some dbol/anavar which apparently, according to the dumbfucks on here, will destroy your liver when it would realistically take weeks and weeks of high dose orals to do permanent liver damage.
How the fuck is two low doses/duration of an oral bad for your liver...I know guys who run 4-5 orals in a 15 week cycle. I am suggesting ways to get the maximum gains safely from a cycle. Everyone on this board is a bunch of pussys.

Also, Mangoxx, you mentioned waiting a couple months after the first cycle to start another. This is going to be much worse for your body than using an oral or two. You need time on + PCT= time off if you are going to cycle. This means if you do a 16 week cycle including PCT then you need 16 weeks off before starting another. All the up and down of hormones will fuck you up a lot more than running some dbol/anavar which apparently, according to the dumbfucks on here, will destroy your liver when it would realistically take weeks and weeks of high dose orals to do permanent liver damage.

I have to agree on the liver issue. If I am not mistaken, orals are not as bad on the liver as people make them out to be. Everyone who seems to get blood work mid cycle after oral use seems to have normal liver enzymes.

Birth control for women is actually decently liver toxic, yet they use it for decades without problems. A few weeks on an oral steroid, especially at a conservative dosage will probably have little to no affect on the liver, IMO
Minimal gains? its his first cycle, his receptors are fresh, if he eats right he could gain 25-30 lbs!?! Also, why the hell would you tell someone who has never ran AAS before to run two orals in one cycle? Thats terrible for your liver.

Terrible advice from you, terrible.

Is it possible for me to gain muscle with the testo-e 500mg and be cutting ?
I have to agree on the liver issue. If I am not mistaken, orals are not as bad on the liver as people make them out to be. Everyone who seems to get blood work mid cycle after oral use seems to have normal liver enzymes.

Birth control for women is actually decently liver toxic, yet they use it for decades without problems. A few weeks on an oral steroid, especially at a conservative dosage will probably have little to no affect on the liver, IMO

Interesting...didn't think about the birth control thing but that is a really good point
Is it possible for me to gain muscle with the testo-e 500mg and be cutting ?

This is fairly hotly debated from what I have seen. Most people will say that 95% of the time you are either gaining muscle OR losing fat. Both can be done to some extent using anabolics with the proper diet but to what extent I am not sure...if you wanna gain muscle and lose bf I would reccomend test/tren/anavar
This is fairly hotly debated from what I have seen. Most people will say that 95% of the time you are either gaining muscle OR losing fat. Both can be done to some extent using anabolics with the proper diet but to what extent I am not sure...if you wanna gain muscle and lose bf I would reccomend test/tren/anavar

Okey, cuz il probally go on a calroie balance or calorie - during the cycle. Since I need to lose some fat and still make sure il gain muscle with a good diet.

Ultimately what u do is your choice. I am an oldschool type of gjy that thinks that you should hit a natural.plato before ever thinking if doing anything but again thats only my opinion. I and many here can see you have your head screwed on tight and you seem very level headed so. If you could hold off a bit and get a really good natural base like mentioned previously and hit 240 lbs naturally just think how easy it would be to gain another 60+ lbs on AAS over a few more years. Also look at it like this. How many MR Os have you heard if in the past decade won their first before age 30.

Again you seem well educated on the subject vut there is nothing like havinh 2-3 yrs of a good natural base building to work with later on.

Good luck and wish you the best
I'm in the same boat as you man, and you seem mature, committed and dedicated to bodybuilding.
There is not many like you left. I really admire that.
19, I want to get to get to IFBB pro standard.

But truthfully, I doubt I can.
There is a reason why Phil is "the gift", his genetics are amazing.

You have a great natural base though
And looks more lean that 15%.

Personally with me, from research I see most people recommend test-e only for first cycle, although I haven't done much "scientific" research about it.
and also with me, I realized I am growing even when I'm 19. (I peaked late) and at 17~18, I'd shave once per three months or so, now its a couple times every week.
I do not believe I am ready for it.
So just saying I think you should assess your situation. If you think and truly truly believe you're ready, I'd say research for about a good 2~3 weeks, and you're good to go.

Make sure you have no doubts

All the best man, see you on the Mr.O stage ;)
I'm in the same boat as you man, and you seem mature, committed and dedicated to bodybuilding.
There is not many like you left. I really admire that.
19, I want to get to get to IFBB pro standard.

But truthfully, I doubt I can.
There is a reason why Phil is "the gift", his genetics are amazing.

You have a great natural base though
And looks more lean that 15%.

Personally with me, from research I see most people recommend test-e only for first cycle, although I haven't done much "scientific" research about it.
and also with me, I realized I am growing even when I'm 19. (I peaked late) and at 17~18, I'd shave once per three months or so, now its a couple times every week.
I do not believe I am ready for it.
So just saying I think you should assess your situation. If you think and truly truly believe you're ready, I'd say research for about a good 2~3 weeks, and you're good to go.

Make sure you have no doubts

All the best man, see you on the Mr.O stage ;)

Thanks man, im glad you also love the sport and want to be a pro! Nothing can stop us if we fight for it.

I have been thinking alot and today id be looking at a cycle of testo-e 500mg Galenika e5d, with a total of 16 injects for about 85days. Il also add .5mg armi e2d to prevent gyno, and the post cycle therapy (pct) would be 60mg first 7 days and then 3 week of 20mg every day. But yes, im still thinking about if I should cycle or not, I mean I will grow alot on this probally. And I dont think that its so dangerous some people say it is. Afterall as long you train hard and eat good during the cycle and also after it - you should be able to keep most gains and if your healthy restore your t-levels after a few months.

But im kinda lost right now, im 1 second away from ordering all these stuff and start - but something inside me tells me to think abit more. :S

Ultimately what u do is your choice. I am an oldschool type of gjy that thinks that you should hit a natural.plato before ever thinking if doing anything but again thats only my opinion. I and many here can see you have your head screwed on tight and you seem very level headed so. If you could hold off a bit and get a really good natural base like mentioned previously and hit 240 lbs naturally just think how easy it would be to gain another 60+ lbs on AAS over a few more years. Also look at it like this. How many MR Os have you heard if in the past decade won their first before age 30.

Again you seem well educated on the subject vut there is nothing like havinh 2-3 yrs of a good natural base building to work with later on.

Good luck and wish you the best

I think your 100% right about having atleast 2-3yrs natural or even more. But you know, im thinking of bodybuilding day and night and I keep seeing myself as very small and tiny. In the gym I only bench 60 kilo for 10 reps on 5 sets, that is kinda weak. And I eat really good healthy food with a high calorie intake and high protein. Therefor im being depressed and I think steroids can help me to go that extra mile and I think il grow like hell if il start cycle, dont you think so also?
Try getting some aromasin instead of adex it doesn't have rebound estrogen
And use clomid also during your post cycle therapy (pct) and dude your diet is the key to success man you should consume 300-400g of protein a day and put down 4500-5000 kcal a day to get big enough to go pro
I think your 100% right about having atleast 2-3yrs natural or even more. But you know, im thinking of bodybuilding day and night and I keep seeing myself as very small and tiny. In the gym I only bench 60 kilo for 10 reps on 5 sets, that is kinda weak. And I eat really good healthy food with a high calorie intake and high protein. Therefor im being depressed and I think steroids can help me to go that extra mile and I think il grow like hell if il start cycle, dont you think so also?

Remeber tgis and I read it from another member gere and it was spot on. AAS are nothing but suplements and you do all your growing in the bed while you sleep and in the kitchen. That statement which I did not make is a true as saying the sun rises in the morning and sets at night. What AAS do is help you synthesise food carbs and proteins better and help in recovery but realistically what is making you grow is what your ultimately puting in your mouth and how much sleep you get at night. My biggest break through came at age 28.

I was 5'10" when I graduated high school. Weighed a miserable 136 lbs. Got to 155 and staye there for years and at age 28-29 went from 155 to 185 lbs and all I did was modify my diet and start sleeping more. My plato came at 190 lbs amd that was after 20 yrs of lifting natty. I lost a lot due to low test but like I always sy. If it wasnt for low test and the shittiness that comes with it I would have never done test.

You can grow its just harder at a younger age. Remember your muscles do not fully mature until your late 30s to your early 40s and around 50 ir so is when u start loosing muscle if ur doing nothing about it. The road is long arduos and hard. But those determined like yourself will make it.
"But those determined like yourself will make it."

That is my own moto, and its really good said. I will eat 4000 caloreis on the cycle and 300g protein is a most, rest will be carbs/fats - I always sleep 8hrs minimum, I never miss a workout - I usully only workout for 50-60minutes, since my tempo in the gym is really fast and im rly in a working mod at the gym.

I dont understand really why people dont think I should cycle, im 20 years old and I know alot about nutrition, training and rest. As you say steroids is just helping you repair your body faster.
The reason a lot of people say that you should not do AAS is because your body and brain grow until about age 25. Once you start adding anything that might hinder that growth then you really are not hitting your full potential. Ask any of the old timers here. Most of them will tell you they wish they would have waited. And even those that dont say that know enough now through research that waiting wpuld have been probably best.

Theres a kid in my gym like I have said he is 24 walks around 255 great looking physic but from talking to him it has been an uphill battle.

Your a smart kid and I say that because am almost 41 so u could be my kid lol. But again if this is what you want to do and for sure it is your dream listen to those that have traveled your road and are not giving you the answers you WANT to hear. That is a show of maturity and character. Thus far I can say for me am impressed by your maturity.
mangoxx, my first cycle was at 17years old. and i had great genetics back then, but u know what happened beacuse of that? my clavicles didn't get much bigger than they were was i was 17-18 years old, luckily i had small hips and waist at the time as well so it didn't impact me as much as it could have. and just like old and stacked said about the 255 pound 24 year old, im sure it has been an up hill battle for him fighting for every pound, just like i am. i don't have a problem gaining weight im 290 pounds right now, but i had to work my ass off soo hard to get to where i am right now, i have to gain so much upper body mass to make up for my clavicles. i look back and think about how much easier it would have been if i would have just waited.

i can give u my word that if u wait till u hit ur genetic limit and can't grow anymore, and then look to AAS, you will end up much bigger or at least it would not take u as long to get there...
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The reason a lot of people say that you should not do AAS is because your body and brain grow until about age 25. Once you start adding anything that might hinder that growth then you really are not hitting your full potential. Ask any of the old timers here. Most of them will tell you they wish they would have waited. And even those that dont say that know enough now through research that waiting wpuld have been probably best.

Theres a kid in my gym like I have said he is 24 walks around 255 great looking physic but from talking to him it has been an uphill battle.

Your a smart kid and I say that because am almost 41 so u could be my kid lol. But again if this is what you want to do and for sure it is your dream listen to those that have traveled your road and are not giving you the answers you WANT to hear. That is a show of maturity and character. Thus far I can say for me am impressed by your maturity.

But that aint guranted to happen, right? Its possible but not something that is for sure? After all I plan on using steroids until I either die or quit bodybuilding (which will never happen).

I understand that I might stop my full potential, but if I keep on using steroids and train hard / eat / sleep / rest. I can always grow right?

Thanks for the kind and coaching words my friend. Not to go all emotional, but ive had a hard life as it is and duh to many thing I only really have bodybuilding in my life that is something I truely love and want to dedicated myself to, even if that means acne, gyno, liver failure and stuff like that. Sounds kinda fucked up, but hey we all have our reasons. Ive been reading alot lately and its a very hard call, I live for bodybuilding and its the only thing that truely also loves me. Waiting 3-5 years of natural training is the right call. But I dont know if I can do that, it has really become adictive to see myself growing. And I have extremly high ambitions and goals in bodybuilding. Therefor steroids may take me to the next level, even if it means some bad side effects.