Your thoughts on addiction?

I didn't read all the comments but will respond to the op. Yes steroids are addictive, I have a lot of experience with addiction and steroids are no different from any other drug.

Yes physically, your body becomes dependent on them if you stay on for a while and when you come off it can be difficult or even impossible to recover your natural hormone production. That's pretty much text book physical addiction

Psychologically also a yes, I think most people who have cycled love the results and find it difficult to come off. Ever since like 8 weeks in my first cycle I have wanted to just say fuck my nuts and blast n cruise, like most other drugs you get positive reinforcement making you want to continue to use

That brings me to my final point, addiction isn't necessarily bad. You have to take a step back and look at it, are the drugs having a net positive or net negative impact on your life? This is a question only you can answer based on your own priorities. When the negative consequences outweigh the positive results and you can't see it or can't quit despite knowing, then you have a problem
I can see agression issues with tren, as I get more aggressive then I already am, an aggressive person, but not to the point of harming my girlfriend or family
I at times get the thoughts of people staring at me the wrong way on tren or maybe talking shit, in which on my cruise dose of test I dont let those things bother me to much
One guy I talked to at my gym and pumped iron with, had the same issues as u with his gf and one night he decided to drink with those stupid thoughts, and ended up smoking his gf in the face, spent 3 months in the can for stupidy, and obviously fucked up cause once your in there, there is no way for pct man, and on tren it will hit u hard exspecially with no pct, he got out and didnt even reconize him, his gains turn into flab, and refuses to get bloods done, so what he do the first week he was out, lol, started to juice the same shit, stupid man, and lost a lot of respect from people as well
I do not know what to say about this but just dont make any stupid moves that will wind u up in jail bro, goodluck man
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Addiction is the inability to stop doing something. Physical means the body thinks it needs it to survive and it is too painful to stop, psychological means you mentally think you need it to survive and it is too painful to stop. Many addictions have both types at the same time. If you can stop doing something and move on with your life like nothing happened, you are not addicted. Just because you can do it does not mean it is not addictive for others. Physical addiction does require specific mechanisms in order to exist and, from what I have seen, always also includes a psychological part as well.

As a recovering alcoholic, I know all too well just what addiction is. Having an empty glass in my hand and a bottle in the other, cursing myself as I pour myself a glass while telling myself not to do it. Hating myself as I drank it, tears in my eyes as it was impossible to stop. Saying "fuck it all" after the first glass and having 5 more... Nothing could make me stop until I found AA, I was powerless to do it on my own. Addiction is something I would never wish on my greatest enemies. It was a full year after becoming sober before I could go to the grocery store due to there being a liquor store next to every one of them.
anything can be additive, sex, drugs, cartoons, collecting cards, OCD type ways of doing things... Man up and control self or get help. The issues were there, not caused by your steroids in my opinion....
Something like Tren has pharmacological effects that increase confidence to the point where if someone defys you, you truly believe there is no way they are right, because YOUR ALWAYS RIGHT.

To begin using something like tren we have to be very grounded in ourselves, and if you have spirituality and meditation they can really set the tone for your day if you are a tren user.

I have done cycles of tren in both a good state of mind and not. I know exactly where you are coming from and when I am feeling good before I begin tren, my tren cycle is absolutely splendid. When I used to use tren and have a bad outlook on life, drink and use drugs, my aggression and confidence was out of control.

Live CLEAN, Spiritual, Love others and yourself!

Drop the Tren and grow up. N don't debate. You posted and people are trying to help. That's the first thing id do. Immediately drop the tren ace. Your lucky it's ace also.
Tren isn't good for some people period. Spirituality has nothing to do with it.

For me, it made my insomnia so bad that I got literally 0 minutes of sleep some nights. I was lucky to get 2 hours on a good night. Trying to get by without sleep, week after week, it was exhausting. The lack of sleep made me irritable to begin with, so I was more prone to being rude to the people who were close to me.

I never had violent thoughts, and I never lost my temper and hit someone. Sometimes saying the wrong thing is all it takes to damage a relationship. If you treat your wife like she's an irritation, like you'd rather not be around her, guess what? She might not be around much longer.
Tren isn't good for some people period. Spirituality has nothing to do with it.

For me, it made my insomnia so bad that I got literally 0 minutes of sleep some nights. I was lucky to get 2 hours on a good night. Trying to get by without sleep, week after week, it was exhausting. The lack of sleep made me irritable to begin with, so I was more prone to being rude to the people who were close to me.

I never had violent thoughts, and I never lost my temper and hit someone. Sometimes saying the wrong thing is all it takes to damage a relationship. If you treat your wife like she's an irritation, like you'd rather not be around her, guess what? She might not be around much longer.

x2 this. Shit makes you look great, but makes you feel and act like shit. Tren is most def not for everyone. I hated what it did to my psych. Idc that I gained 24lbs on a 6 week cycle. I will never run it again. Test/Deca til I die. I can gain gradually and slowly and keep my gains, as well as my relationships and composure.

Addiction to gear is very real. Thats what this community is for. To keep educated minds and support alike.
I disagree. How is steroid-induced hypogonadism not a physical symptom of withdrawal?

Physical Addition to drugs auses the body to feel like its in enormous pain and cause the body to react to that pain and withdrawal by vomiting or feeling very very sick. What your talking about is a symptom to aas use. There is no physical withdrawal from aas, only mental which can def cause depression which is mental not physical.
Physical Addition to drugs auses the body to feel like its in enormous pain and cause the body to react to that pain and withdrawal by vomiting or feeling very very sick. What your talking about is a symptom to aas use. There is no physical withdrawal from aas, only mental which can def cause depression which is mental not physical.

Sorry but those may be symptoms commonly associated with opiate dependence, but that's not the definition of physical dependence.

To be fair though, AAS withdrawal does fail parts of the definition of physical dependence in that there isn't tolerance built up and the withdrawal symptoms are not acute.

Call it chemical dependence maybe - it's a fine distinction. It would be somewhat silly to argue that what takes place after going off AAS is entirely psychological.
Chemical dependence is what it is, yep. And you are correct, it is NOT entirely psychological, though any addition to it is.
Sorry but those may be symptoms commonly associated with opiate dependence, but that's not the definition of physical dependence.

To be fair though, AAS withdrawal does fail parts of the definition of physical dependence in that there isn't tolerance built up and the withdrawal symptoms are not acute.

Call it chemical dependence maybe - it's a fine distinction. It would be somewhat silly to argue that what takes place after going off AAS is entirely psychological.

I stand corrected. There is withdrawal from aas. I googled it. Not the kind I'm use to seeing or hearing about but def a withdrawal. Nice work my friend.
Haven't read much of this thread, but I can attest to Tren making an already aggressive, short-tempered person become an irritated, psyco, edgy fucker... From experience.

Get off the Tren.
I think that you can mentally become accustom to how you feel while on steroids. And then when you quit even if your test levels return to normal you still don't feel normal. That's how I have been since ive done steroids. But it's not really addiction as much as it is I fucked my hormones up and now I want to feel normal again.

Heavily androgenic steroids are notorious for causing anger and irritability. If you try something like tren and start having urges and images to hit your girlfriend or friends, you should stop the compound if the thoughts don't stop in a day or two. Their are a lot of great steroids out their that will give people a amazing physique. I would rather just do something like 400mgs to 500mgs of testosterone with some hgh and a good diet plan than do tren.
The body adapts IMO ^^^

Well, something adapts, whether it is all psycological or physiological... 250mg Test weekly used to make me feel awesome, now, I do feel awesome, but it's not as awesome as it first was... I still feel great, I am still more aggressive (naturally already was), sex drive is up. All in all, it is most likely a combo of psyh and psyiological adaption now that I think about it.

The body always strives for homeostasis.
There is no physical withdrawal from aas, only mental which can def cause depression which is mental not physical.

Depends on the root cause of the depression. If the depression is caused by a drop in certain neurotransmitters due to aas withdrawal, then it is no longer a mental or 'state-of-mind' issue, it has then become a physical issue.
You were experiencing the bad side of Tren and you upped the dose?!!!!

What this guys said ^

You need to exhibit self control. If you are noticing your self all out of wack then it is your responsibility to get back to a normal. The hormone swings you speak of could be associated with any PMS sensitive female the only difference is your size can make you dangerous.