your worst anabolics mistakes

Trying 150mg/ml fina. Actually, it was probably closer to 200mg/ml and consisted of about 2/3 BA and 1/3 oil. Saying that it was painful would be a gross understatement.
did not manage post cycle estrogen managment the way I should of one time, took a year maybe more to fix
not doing a test/eq cycle FIRST... oh well

kept looking for shortcuts.. shouldve just trusted the bros out there and did a nice real cycle first
Well I have done everything right....yeah right.

Well actually I have done only two cycles and I have done them good because of bros like on this board and good friends.

The only thing I can say is I kept my diet way too clean and didn't train all that well.
My first "cycle" was russian dbol, bought from a guy at my gym back then. I was so young and ignorant, didn't even know what I was taking. I took 2 tabs daily for 3 weeks, no clomid. Wasted some good stuff and lots of money cause that guy ripped me of. Of course, I gained sh*t.
my mistake was on my second cycle. it consisted of 500mg of Sustanon (sust) and 25 mg of d-bol. I eat great til the third week in to a ten week cycle. after the third week it seemed like i could not eat anything. i was always full as a tick (POOR DIETING)
My worst anabolic mistake would be in dealing with Laundry Supplies. But aside from that I would say starting a cycle without nolvs, its a risky thing to do. Also one day I was a week off of dbol and I thought it was totally out of my system so I went on a eating frenzy in which I didn't watch my sodium. I hate a shit load of chinese food with tons of soy sauce, had like 2 BLT sandwhiches, and some other high sodium food. At the end of the day my face ballooned out like baboons ass in mating season. My mother thought I was allergic to something and luckily gave me some lasix she had. I drank 12 gallons of water over the course of the next 2 days and didn't leave the house. My face was ridiculous.