You've seen a pic of my wife, now you get a pic of me.



This is what Putin looks like. I dont know my bodyfat but I've been losing it. 5'10, 215lbs, 23yr. I purposely took the picture by the fridge, otherwise my big head would make my body look small :) My arms are 17" last time I checked.
Ha, I see that my shorts are down a little far, dont mind my buttcheeks.
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Soild man,great waist that widens the back!
You biceps look way bigger than your tricepsand I bet your triceps are really strong too.I have the same problem:(
Keep the waist slim and add on muscle month by month..awsome:)
parrish said:
Soild man,great waist that widens the back!
You biceps look way bigger than your tricepsand I bet your triceps are really strong too.I have the same problem:(
Keep the waist slim and add on muscle month by month..awsome:)
Yeah, my biceps do look a little bigger than my triceps. I'm trying to work on them, they are very very stubborn.
It does seem like my waist widens the back but the reality is that my shoulders are very wide and naturally round.
Shit, you've got the same cabinets as me, but they sure look better with those countertops.

Looking good. I can't argue with anyone that puts up real pictures rather than just talking shit. But to be perfectly honest, I prefer seeing you wife naked. Please take no offense to this.
mranak said:
Shit, you've got the same cabinets as me, but they sure look better with those countertops.

Looking good. I can't argue with anyone that puts up real pictures rather than just talking shit. But to be perfectly honest, I prefer seeing you wife naked. Please take no offense to this.
Cheap cabinets, was gonna get them upgraded but I fucked up.
I prefer seeing her naked too. I told her today I'm gonna take pics of her in sexy langerie or however you spell it.

riprockwell said:
Damn, looking good man. Hard work pays off. Just curious, how many cycles under your belt?
Been juicing since 20.

strngthmnx said:
damn putin you're hott!! your wife is beautiful too; you guys make a great couple!
Thanks for the compliment. I've been happily married for 3 years. Dated for 3 before that.

Ectomorph, the leg shots will come soon. I've been working on em.
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Is'nt that a bitch??
Your tri's are strong??
What I like and try for is the lower back,yours looks awsome!!!!
I have a slipped disk so have top be careful but tight abs & great christmas tree back,that's a cool look:)
parrish said:
Is'nt that a bitch??
Your tri's are strong??
What I like and try for is the lower back,yours looks awsome!!!!
I have a slipped disk so have top be careful but tight abs & great christmas tree back,that's a cool look:)
My tri's are strong. I dont do deadlifts. Most of my excersizes involve isolation movements.
Lookin good, very good :) The only Critique I can give is that you need to put on mass on your arms (specially Triceps) as They are laggin behind the other great parts of your body. Other than that you look very solid and thick. great job!