Zeus's test/tren/var log

I was planing to take winstrol orals but i wont . 3 weeks left so i dont even i take it 50 mg ed will make sime diference ? If i knew better i would take ana ar from the start but its ok nxt time :) . Tell me this brother , how much time do thinks its the best to wait for another cycle ? And did you planed something after this cycle ?
I was planing to take winstrol orals but i wont . 3 weeks left so i dont even i take it 50 mg ed will make sime diference ? If i knew better i would take ana ar from the start but its ok nxt time :) . Tell me this brother , how much time do thinks its the best to wait for another cycle ? And did you planed something after this cycle ?

time on plus pct equals time off, i waited a year lol
Hey everyone, heres a update for everyone. Im currently doing 3 science courses my pre med. I have 3 weeks left of test prop and and var. I wont be going on much, sorry yall, just busy with school. But I'm on my prep diet. So I will update a photo and do update you guys more in about 2 weeks. For those that are following and have any questions please feel free to ask.

So total of me running test is about 12.5 weeks. these last 3 weeks i plan on running 320mg to just get rid of the test prop
total of running var of 10 weeks :). currently at 80mg ed with the var :)
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Yo brother are you done with your cycle ?
I expect some pic around here so ... :)

i will be done this saturday, this Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast is having me have a lot of dam emotions man, esp since im really stressed out with school, and how fast its moving. I already have midterms this upcoming week. Its crazy brother. My diet kinda fell apart. But I will post up pictures the day I start PCT, so the water retention wont be so bad with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast. It was def a awesome cycle, but with 2 16 week science courses put in 8 weeks.. is basically having me think about school 24/7. Will get back this Wednesday, if not Wednesday then thursday forsure.
Lookin forward to seeing the pics bro. I'm gonna be doing almost the exact same cycle after my next one. Sounds like your progress so far has been great.
Hey yall i started PCT, but really busy as in taking pics with my midterms today and tomorrow. So ill post up the pictures tomorrow. My weight stayed about the same as when I went on that trip and gained about 9lbs lol from the carbs. But still lean. Just wanna say that Im happy with the strength and the veins that i got, my shoulders got a lot more fuller and a bit bigger. I was able to get that dam left shoulder the same size as my right shoulder, as i remember some of the members bashing about it; but its all good, were here to help each other succeed. Will give more info tomorrow, yall have a great day!
Hey zeus . I startet to get these awfull cramps in my chest and forearms . Did this happend to you too ?
Hey zeus . I startet to get these awfull cramps in my chest and forearms . Did this happend to you too ?

when you took var??

BTW TO EVERYONE, the tren was causing me to have acute pancreaitis. This shit is not a joke, waking up to upper ab pain is terrible.
I'm PCT right now, tomorrow will be the first week. My strength is there, but its hard to push more :/. My fucken emotions are terrible. To Avdo, ill post up them up soon i hope. With the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i ran the entire time i can say that i dont feel tired or lazy like my last post cycle therapy (pct). But the fucken emotions man, I get so sensitive to shit, its honestly the worst, I know i just need to wake up everyday and say that it will be a good day. But from a scale 1-10 them emotions are at 12 being the worst. Idk if any of you have experience this before.
Sorry to hear about that man, I hope it levels out for you soon. Hang in there brother.

thanks man, yea its bad. I mean i would never think that i would be feeling depressed, thats basically it. Feeling like your not you, and this summer, esp with summer school it just sucks.
thanks man, yea its bad. I mean i would never think that i would be feeling depressed, thats basically it. Feeling like your not you, and this summer, esp with summer school it just sucks.

I've been there man, I know the feeling. What are you using for post cycle therapy (pct) again?
I've been there man, I know the feeling. What are you using for post cycle therapy (pct) again?

clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

Into my second week of post cycle therapy (pct), def feel alot better with my emotions like 1000x better. Those 2 weeks were hell. Now in the third week my strength has gone down a little bit. But i have pictures of all the updates. Just so busy with work and i have my finals next week, and i fcken done!!!! Weight has changed much sitting at around 194-197. staying lean, but fuck man, its hard to get my abs to pop out alot more, esp with being in school so long , and worrying about work and school. Legit no life this summer haha.
He lives! Tren is no joke, but proud of you for sticking it out... you've made some great progress man, so post those pics :D

What would your goals be next time, anyway? Seems like you're working hard to stay real lean...