Recent content by 3DRanger87

  1. 3DRanger87


    Ain't going to happen.
  2. 3DRanger87


    I've been using 2600 for a while now and had the same problem as you so I started doing two scoops instead of four. Haven't seen any difference in my weight gaining from it. And last me just around a full month now. BSN true mass has 19 full serving per container but it's very pricey.. Mass Tech...
  3. 3DRanger87

    Cycles & Girlfriends

    Either way she'll find out.
  4. 3DRanger87

    Somebody please reply. Tired of being ignored.

    You can keep making excuses or just get in the gym already. Did you lift today ? What did your dietconsist of ? I'm guessing no and crap. You're the doctor here, a small , light guy with little "lifting" experience and high bf% ? What do you think ? Steroids are not your answer, diet and...
  5. 3DRanger87

    2nd injectable cycle. What do you bros think?

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @50mg ED Weeks 1-16 Decca @500mg Weeks 1-18 Test Cyp@600mg The reason why I upped the test is because I believe decca should be ran at 500mg and you want your test to be at a higher amount than decca which would put you at 600mg. Of course you could always lower decca to 400mg...
  6. 3DRanger87

    superdrol and anadrol

    Take this shit somewhere else.
  7. 3DRanger87

    Best bang for buck bulking cycle

    No such thing as "bang for buck" cycle. Gear is nothing compared to food and supplements. This is a first cycle post in disguise because anyone who's used AAS & had any kind of common sense wouldn't be asking this. Do more research.
  8. 3DRanger87


    Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer. - Arnie My excuse for a brew or two on Sunday, I blame the NFL. As far as food though I'm very strict because my body doesn't handle processed food well. Even when I was younger, never craved sweets or junk.
  9. 3DRanger87

    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) small dosage - REAL results

    Good results, normally I'd label you a dumbass for not lifting natural for at least a year or so but since you've made the commitment to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I don't see the harm in it. With a good diet you should see some great results in the next year. Good luck and make sure...
  10. 3DRanger87

    Oil is really hard to draw/inject

    I like to pull and pin with either a 21g or 23g depending on location. Depending on how much gear you're using it should take a minute or two. Inject shouldn't take longer than 30-45 seconds. This is based on my personal experience
  11. 3DRanger87

    quad injection spot (pic)
  12. 3DRanger87

    fish oil on cycle

    Damn I've been paying way too much...EPA 360mg & DPA 240mg per pill.
  13. 3DRanger87

    crashed gear???

    You aren't going to tell him ? That's fucked imo.
  14. 3DRanger87

    need advice on Dbol & Winstrol orals

    Don't run it, I don't get how this is not making sense to you. The reason why nobody is helping you is because you're only going to get the same answer.
  15. 3DRanger87

    Injection Sites

    Not a problem 233