Recent content by Agnes

  1. Agnes

    Increasing Testosterone mid cycle

    Just curious as to how this would work, as I haven't seen anyone asking before. Say I took Test E 600mg for four weeks and decided the gains were coming slower than expected and I increased the test a few hundred MG of so.....would that work or not be worth it? Would it take too long for the...
  2. Agnes

    600mg or 750mg Test E for third cycle

    This will be my third cycle. First was straight Test E 600 mg for ten weeks. Second was the same as first cycle except DBol for four weeks at the beginning. I've never had any side effects at that dosage. Should I bump up to 750mg for the third cycle or would I be better off adding different...
  3. Agnes

    How exactly would test e show up on a urine test?

    How would straight Test E show up though? Especially post cycle? Would it just show elevated or low test levels or does it somehow detect test was injected and the body didn't make it
  4. Agnes

    How exactly would test e show up on a urine test?

    Ok, so will oral Dbol or Tbol or Var show up on urine test? Or is that blood only also?
  5. Agnes

    How exactly would test e show up on a urine test?

    I've been reading it but I dont understand it. Supposedly there it is detectable up to 3 months after last shot. How, at say the two month mark, would this be detectable? I would imagine it would just show lower than average testosterone levels.
  6. Agnes

    When to start bulking during cycle?

    For example, say I took my first injection of test e on my cycle yesterday. Would you start bulking today? Or wait until the test e "kicks in" in several weeks.
  7. Agnes

    PCT difference between short and long cycle

    Hey guys, I've only done a four week oral cycle. Four week PCT with nolva and clomid. My question is how would a PCT be different with a 16 week Test E cycle? Surely a four week PCT would not be the same for a four week cycle as a 16 week cycle. Should a 16 week PCT be longer, or is a four week...
  8. Agnes

    A steroid taking elite heavyweight UFC fighter vs a male silverback goril, who wins?

    Although this thread is hilarious, I wouldn't be surprised if the OP is serious. People actually believe that Ronda could take male fighters out. There is an idea nowadays that technique is everything and you are looked down on for thinking size and strength are as important.
  9. Agnes

    Carbohydrates are the DEVIL

    I've been limiting carbs to 80-100 grams a day (usually lunch) for about 1.5 months now, still lifting as heavy as before and look noticeably leaner.
  10. Agnes

    Cycling for beginners :-A guide to safe androgen use

    For a 12 week cycles, does this look right? 36 x 2.5ml Syringe 36 x 23g Needles 36 x 21g Needles 72 x Alcohol Wipes You extract from the vial using the syringe, then put the needle on to inject correct??
  11. Agnes

    Cycling for beginners :-A guide to safe androgen use

    You guys usually get the needles/syringes online or locally?
  12. Agnes

    My new Diet - Totally going against the norm

    That makes sense. Carb up once a week or so?
  13. Agnes

    lets see wtf you eat......

    How do you guys feel about bacon? Don't usually have it but hit a buffet today and crushed a few pieces
  14. Agnes

    Sarms opinions and experience needed.

    I know I've done both. Got vision side with the 7 days straight but didn't get them with the 5 on 2 off
  15. Agnes

    S4 & OSTA stack, Sarms Search Swag

    Definetly wanna stack the S4 with an AAS next go around.