Recent content by amadeus

  1. A

    Post your prohormone results

    I've taken 1-AD and I did like it. The gains I saw from it were not massive by any stretch but they did make the people close me do a double take. You will notice that you are sleepier through-out the day and if you drink water, like you should, you'll be pissing just about every half hour...
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    For all who have injured your Rotator Cuff

    I'm on Vioxx 50 mg for 4 days, then 25 mg for 6 days and if it doesn't get any better I'm going to the Orthopedic Doctor for MRI's and possibly surgery. Thanks for those sites, haven't checked them out yet but I will.
  3. A

    For all who have injured your Rotator Cuff

    what are some good exersize's to get that little pesky thing back in shape? I just found out I either tore mine or have an inflammation and I gotta start to figure out some way to get myself back up to speed if I go down for surgery. Thanks
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    how many customs letters

    Outside of Chicago - Naperville, IL
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    how many customs letters

    I've been seeing Customs Vans a lot more in my area. Does that mean that they are doing some sort of operation or just coincidence. I've seen probably 5-9 in the past 2 months. Also all in the same area. Just a question 'cuz I'm curious. I don't use yet, still don't know enough to want it...
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    a minor blast from the past...but how much water did you drink when taking these? i have a bottle and decided to try them out finally...not sure how much water i should be drinking because being out in the sun most of the day working on roofs kinda makes me thirst for water every 10 seconds...
  7. A

    Are Deadlifts Necessary for a Wide Thick Back ?

    no that made total sense, and i've done both kinds. it's just i never really took into account all the other muscle groups utilized in the "normal" deads. thanks fYre i appreciate the help. :afro:
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    Are Deadlifts Necessary for a Wide Thick Back ?

    this is going to sound really novice, and i guess in retrospect it should. but what exactly do the deads target and why are they such an important muscle builder for the back? to me, i would think your legs would get most of the workout, unless i'm thinking/did them wrong.
  9. A

    I'm going to be keeping an online journal..

    of my use of 1-AD, Taraxatone (at times), and Hydroxycut. just so that I can keep track of progress and whatnot. When i get the page up, I'll post a link if anyone's interested in following. I'll put times of eating, working out and routines, taking of pills, etc... It will be a detailed...
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    anyone know about this 1-TU stuff?

    it totally does, but people did say the same thing when 1-ad and all them came out. i'm not a believer of it right now, wasn't sure if anyone had any dealings with it or knows someone else....
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    anyone know about this 1-TU stuff?

    reading through FLEX, ya i know it's a crap of a magazine some say i like it some days, they have an ad for 1-Tu by Nutrex Research. anyone know anything about this product? it say it: Only 1-testosterone product utilizing a medically approved delivery system: 17-*what looks like a B but...
  12. A

    PlasmaVol by Sportlab

    sweetness....i can't wait till then, open it now!! lol, jk. this stuff sounds like it's good stuff, i'm itching to try it.
  13. A

    PlasmaVol by Sportlab

    where can i get some in the us?
  14. A

    Anyone here train using the Rest-Pause method?

    oh i don't think you're trying to be an ass at all...i didn't really clarify myself...i'm not huge, but i can definitely notice that my muscles are fuller.... i really gotta start taking progress pics of myself, lol....:40oz:
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    Anyone here train using the Rest-Pause method?

    i assure you that my chest is a helluva lot fuller looking than a week ago...anyways, today i go again and we'll see how it goes today.