Recent content by Anabolicsrevisited

  1. A

    First Cycle Advice Please!

    LGD and S4 are mildly suppressive and nolva nd clomid shouve been your PCT. At your age your endocriologist would say fuck no, but you are grown. I'd run a test only cycle of test enanthate for 16-20 weeks with a full PCT of nolve and clomid. Run aromasin at 12.5mg eod for AI support and HCG @...
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    Why shouldn't I Blast & Cruze? PCT seems like a waste

    Test-U is pricey and the esters are super long.... if you wanted to feel/see the benefit of test without feeling as if you were low, you'd have to give yourself a test-p, or c 'bump' (frontload). 350 cruise is a tad high IMO....200/200 test c, or e and deca would have you feeling great.
  3. A

    wondering if all deca is oil based or if it comes water base too

    Why would anyone want the water based version? Half life isn't that long to begin with, eliminate the esters and you'll be pinning so often you could just get an IV.
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    anadrol vs dbol - gyno extravaganza while on big daddy dbol!!!

    Try primobolan, considered realtively weak stand alone, but stacks nicely. Low conversion, low anabolic ratio... but stack it and it's better than not running an oral on a bulk.
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    Prevalence of AAS use in your gym.

    Lol, When I quit lifting I'm gonna run an all oral cycle of twinkies.
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    Prevalence of AAS use in your gym.

    Out of curiosity, I wanna know how many of the folks in your gym use gear, or do you suspect use it? I workout at the base gym and most of these folks are supposedly law abiding military, vets, retirees or their family members so there are a handful of ppl I suspect of gear use simply because...
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    Anyone have shoulder Surgery??

    I had a serious couple of shoulder injuries while riding my Hayabusa and surgery was an option both times, but I opted out of it due to lifting down time. Have you thought about consulting with someone familiar with muscle structure and perhaps kinesiology, or something along the sport medicine...
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    Advice needed: Need to bring up lagging body parts and want some advice. Help!

    Thanks everyone for looking and not offering anything remotely close to advice. 83 ppl looked and said eff it.
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    My wife is dying to take trenbolone enth, don't know if she should or not..

    Nice glutes... from a muscular perspective :wackit::wackit:
  10. A

    My wife is dying to take trenbolone enth, don't know if she should or not..

    My thoughts exactly...10 mg of Anavar will work wonders for her over time. BB clit can be cool though. Winny is a decent alternative, but anavar is the "approved" gear for women. You can always up the dose to 20mg for a short period for a more pronounced effect. You planning on oral or IM?
  11. A

    What would you put in a pre workout???

    Arginine, ass load of caffeine, green tea extract, waxy maize, creatine, small amount of whey isolate, zinc, magnesium and HMB in a strawberry lemonade, or iced tea flavor.
  12. A

    What kind of bike do you ride?

    Black 07' and Electric Blue 05' Suzuki Hayabusa's. Mostly stock 07 and the 05 will literally make you shart yourself.
  13. A

    Could you live in a 3rd world coutry?

    I've been in Iraq and Afghanistan living in some pretty gawd awful conditions unlike a lot of the joes who had access to some creature comforts and adapted quite well. As long as I had the short list of things below I'd be GTG. 1. Access to pharmaceutical grade gear and nolvadex 2. A good gym 3...
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    lexy panterra quite possibly the most perfect female i've ever laid eyes on

    She is pretty dammm fine. I love chicks who look like that anyways, but her... makes you wanna just up and leave someone.
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    Not drinking alcohol and how you do it?

    Alcohol is severely overrated in my humble opinion. When I was a teen I drank almost daily, especially during the summer. When I joined the Marines it was ritualistic... drink, drink, drink, run PT, go to work, get off and drink all while being in shape. I just up and quit one day because when I...