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  • Hey Preggo lady
    Just checking in on u
    Hope your having a wonderful day :)
    It's a deal, it will be Mr P, Me & my sidekick (Tank) LOl
    Sorry couldn't help myself !!! lol ;)
    Mr P & I will be migrating there in about 2 months then !!
    So, expect a visit from
    Well, let's just say he's not winning any Mr Popularity contest right now, both parties The Republicans & Democrats are trying to negotiate terms that come close to having it for free, but it will never be completely free, because we are a Capitalist country, lol

    Is it true that in the U.K u have to wait in line for a long time to be seen by a doctor ?
    haha,, I doubt u would be the size of a house
    Well even if is not perfect it beats what we have for sure !!
    BTW that's incredible u only gained 13 lbs, I gained 18 with my first, & like 20 with 2nd & about 22 with the 3rd...

    You are gonna be back to your old self in no time, u are an inspiration for pregnant women !! u really are :)
    It's hard for me to go to different doctors as I don't have medical insurance, since Mr P & are business owners, evrything is out of pocket.. oh well, that's just how messed up our health care is..Suxs !!!! :(
    I meant to ask u yesterday what medication is your husband aking ? I just take pain meds when I really, really need it.
    haha, the sex part is true, lol
    There's some kind of oil that u drink too, I think, I'm gonna ask my mom & I'll let u know..:)
    Have a wonderful day ;)
    Thank god u didn't need the
    aww, is so exciting to prepare for the arrival of the baby, I enjoyed decorating my girls rooms..
    pretty soon you'll meet your little man !
    Glad to see your feeling better ~
    Take care ;)
    We're getting ready to go bowling & then the movies, I've been cleaning the house for the past 2 weeks like a crazy lady, I've been trying to stay
    I imagine you packed your hospital bag & took it with you on this trip right ?
    I have not felt any changes at all, I'm still at the same weight, pretty much nothing has changed, I do feel like if I haven't worked out in like a year, I think is more mental than physical, I was able to do some of my routine this week 3 times, but haven't been able to work lower body, cause I'm afraid my back will get aggravated again, so I'm gonna let it rest for another week or so & then I'll try to do something, & see how it goes.
    I'm considering surgery, I didn't want to go that route, but I hate living with this back pain, it really restricts my life :(
    I've been doing lots of back stretches, the funny thing is that when I'm able to excercise my back strengthens & It gets better, but when I stop it gets unbearable.
    I could imagine how u feel, u want to do more than your allowed to now, sucks.. at least your spending time with your family :)
    Oh my !!! I'm sure it was exciting & scary at the same time, the last month is like "ok I'm so, so, ready to have this baby"
    But to happen while your on vacation is crazy, right ?
    I hope you are following Doctor's orders & resting !!!
    ~You better keep me updated Girl~Take care ;)
    Had a scare today, pains and contractions, was advised to go to hospital, no baby yet - sent back to hotel but advised to rest as much as I can. They think my ligaments are causing the most of the pain but they did pick up on my contracts but my cervix is closed. Always a drama going on! Will keep you posted ...
    Wow, u read my mind I was thinking before I got home now, I wonder how Detour is doing ? I wa going to send u pm.
    I'm so happy your feeling better, you soooo close now, u must be so excited !!
    Take this time to relax, you've earned it ;)

    ~Take Care ~
    Feel much better today, I think I'm gonna try & do shoulders today, we'll see how it goes..
    I'm sure your enjoying your time with your Dad, :)
    Wow only 4 weeks left, u are almost there !!!
    Have a great day !~
    Take Care ;)
    Hey Girl,

    u know I aggravated my back like two weeks ago & I haven't been able to workout for days, I have two herniated disks and when this happens I have to stop or it just gets worse.. I hate it !!!!
    I was able to workout yesterday, today I was going to, but I've been feeling lousy all day (pms) cramps the whole nine yards..
    Hopefully tomorrow I can get back in the gym, I hate not being able to do my workouts :(

    How r u feeling today ?
    Just replied to u via email,
    Detour lovely pic !!!! you have one cute belly !! and Ayallah is just too cute for words & I can see she's got quite a personality..

    I wish I would have taken a pic like that when I was pregnant, I did take one of my belly painted like a pumpkin, lol I'll see if I find it & I'll email it to u.
    Your welcome my friend :)
    Is great having a supportive spouse, P & I make a good team too, he helps me a lot around the house, there's nothing more romantic than a man doing
    ~Hope your having an awesome weekend ~ :)
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