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  • awwww, I could imagine how cute he is :) You must be in heaven, the rush after having your baby cannot be put into words, kiss him away...:baby: and give him a kiss from me, I feel like if I know him, from hearing about him throughout your pregnancy.
    I can't wait to see pics !
    How's the proud big sis ??
    and the proud Dad ?
    How's nursing going ? chat with you soon, I'm sure you got your hands full now ! Have an awesome day !!! ;)

    You are making me want have another baby, :help: lol

    Congratulations to your hubby & u my dear friend !!
    I'm sure he's perfect & gorgeous !! Enjoy him !!!
    Please do!!!! i would love that!!!! My wife wants another child as well lol...but its impossible now i guess,both of us are fixed lol.....i wish we werent though:(
    Wow ! I was sure by now the baby was here, can they induce your labor ? you must be so tired, poor you :(
    but don't worry it will be over soon & you'll have a perfect beautiful miracle in your hands & won't remember a bad thing abou the pregnancy.

    I'll pm u with all the details !!!!! btw "I'm loving it so far!!!"
    if u know what I

    hope this ends soon for u, hope u feel better today ;)
    Gad to hear you are doing ok,i know you will be glad when its baby time lol!!! very exciting time in a persons life!!!!...I hadnt done much this weekend,iv had a migraine all weekend,so ive just rested....i hate these migraines,ive had them since i was 17,so im used to them,but gosh im tired of them just take care of yourself,i'll be thinking about ya!!!
    LOL i know,i dont get upset very easy,but that kid really p'oed me off bad,i was wanting to go off on him big time,i did a little,but i held back lol...i cant tolerate smart a!@@!...with him calling me out,telling me to bring it on,and i was like lmao,you gotta be kidding.....finally i just got serious with him and dropped it and just gave him a friendly warning of the damage he will have
    wow you are getting close and i know you are glad,a 5 year old daughter,thats so sweet,i enjoyed my daughter so much when she was that son is 19,and will be 20 in november and is a sophmore in college,growing up fast lol,and my daughter is 17,and will be 18 in jan,shes a senior in high school this year,so both of mine is nearly grown lol,i miss them being young so much:(
    how far are you along?Is this your first child or do you have more....i love children i have 2 of my own,but they are just about grown
    Wow ! just wow ! I replied to your email, good job girl ! ;)
    lot's of hard work !
    awww, that's sweet, I remember my oldest first woobly tooth, I still write them letters from the Toothfairy, I'm running out of ideas thou
    My oldest is gonna be 10 in January and she still believes in the Toothfairy, it's sooo
    She does inquire now after we installed our alarm system "how can the Toothfairy remember everyone's alarm code ?"
    I tell her, sweetie, she's keeps all the codes in her
    She's a modern, hip, younger Toothfairy.. LOL !
    wow I didn't know that about castor oil, I think the time will come soon, just keep moving & I know u have no problem with that ! lol
    ~Hope u have a wonderful day ~
    Hey there,

    U know I was thinking about u last night, and thought to myself I bet u she's already in labor,
    No worries my friend, nature has it's way, when u least expected it the little man will make his entrance.
    For me walking did it for my 2nd one, I would go for 1 hour walks, not trying to indulce labor, but after 4 days of doing that, I went into labor. (other tips I've heard of are: sex, walking up & down stairs, and castor oil) my mom swears by castor oil, she had 7 kids and always gave bith by 39 weeks, she would take castor oil )she tells me)she would take it with juice.

    give it a try..might work :)
    I could imagine how u feel, anxious, excited, tired, emotional, o.m.g !! I would be bouncing off the walls !!
    I bet the big sis is excited !
    anyway, hope your having an great weekend !
    Take care my friend ;)
    thank you I'm really lucky to have such a wonderful wife and family, we think very highly of you too, hope you're having a great weekend too, best wiches to you and your family and the little man thats coming soon
    Hey Lady! So sorry it's takin me this long to reply. I have been amazingly busy with 3J's Nutrition Network and other obligations! Feel free to email me at and we can chat all day long! My emails come straight to my phone but I dont check ology too often! Hope to hear from you soon and again, my apologies for the wait! <3 Madam 3J
    awww, that's sweet, I like that movie too, here it's been raining all day, the kids are at my inlaws house for the weekend, so we've been "Bom Chicka wah wah Chicka wah wah" lol "gotta take advantage of the alone time ya'
    just hanging out & pretty much watching movies & eating, I made some grilled fish tacos, :yumyum:

    I edited part of this message (I'll pm u the rest) lol

    hope u have a better day tomorrow ;)
    oh that suxs my friend..
    Hope th rest of the day gets better for u

    ~Happy anniversary~
    you love birds !! ;)
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