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  • Oh my ! They are gorgeous !!! Your daughter is like a mini you, she's beautiful and the little man is yummy, I could just eat him up with a little, what the heck with a little nothing, he's perfect as is :)

    Hope your getting more rest now days, today there's no school, so we're heading to the Zoo & then the movies..

    take care~ xoxoxo
    Hello my gorgeous friend ;)

    how r u and the gang doing ?
    How's the my little sumo wrestler baby doing ?

    have a good one~
    Had to cont on a separate message, other one was too
    I was hungier too while nursing, try eating fresh fruits & veggies & drink toooooooons of water.. but don't sweat it, you'll get back in track in now time, your a champion sista !!
    hope to chat with u soon my friend :)
    Give my love to the kiddos xoxoxoxo
    How's the little man's cradle cap ? aww, if he smells like a macaroon, I would totally want to eat him :)
    I'm doing great, training really hard :) feel awesome !
    The weather here is changing and it's cooler now, "thank God" so it feels like fall !Yay ! we're carving pumpkins tonight with the girls, we each carve one & then take a pic, :)
    Thinking about getting my tat next week, so I'm excited !
    Don't worry Girlie, your nursing, so you'll be hungrier, it's normal...
    Hi! Been all over the place - miss yah too!!
    Little man is good, still have sleep issues at night but it's worth it to see him laugh/play/smile. He's amazing! He's got cradles cap so I've been putting coconut oil on his scalp, he smells like a macaroon! :)
    I totally hear ya girl, I didn't sign up for that part of parenting either, I tell ya my 4 year old is an 18 year old trapped in a 4 year old's body, she's toooo funny !!today is her B-day, we're having a blast ! :) Did games for the kids, all the decorations (toy story) had 3d effects, so the kids wore 3d glasses, They love it !
    yes, I sinned & had a slice of cake, it was goooooooood :)
    I can't belive she's 4, it feels like if I had her yesterday, I feel I don't have a baby anymore :( I've been wanting another one, but Mr P thinks I'm crazy..I think I am too a little :)

    Anyways, parenting is fun for sure... Like the saying says "Mothers are all slightly insane."..LOl !
    Take Care~
    awwwww, I bet he's looking cuter by the day !
    I hear ya with your daughter talking back at u, my 9 year old is going through pre-teen syndrome & my 3 year old's favorite saying lately is "Mom, u never listen to me !", "u always ignore me!"
    She tells me, when ever I talk to u, your always talking to Babe, (she calls her dad Babe).. it's sooo funny, but exhausting!!
    Her b-day is tomorrow, adn the kids don't have school, so it's perfect :)

    Give my love to the little man & big sis ;)
    Thnxs my friend :)
    How's the little man doing ? and how's big sis ?
    what grade is she in ? Girl, my oldest started 4rd grade, O.M.G ! the amount of homework they do is insane !!!!

    The little one's b-day is on the 29th, so still have a few days to prepare. Sounds like Ayallah had a great b-day :)
    My girls are into Dragons, horses, dinosours, lol
    I love it !
    Hope u slept more than 3 hrs of last night.

    Chat with ya soon ;)
    Having a good weekend, getting ready to go shopping now, my little one's b-day is in a few days, she'll be 4, we're throwing a Toystory bash !!lol She's even dressing up as Jessie, (Her request)
    I love planing their b-days, I really get into it & try to make it special for them.

    Hope big sis & little man are doing good :)
    Take care~

    I thought this gif was soo funny :)
    Hope all is well my friend~

    Oh man, it's too small, well it says

    "We is Friendz"
    "Me and you is Friendz"
    "If you smile, I smile"
    "If you hurt, I hurt"
    "If you cry, I cry"
    "If you jump off a bridge. I'm gonna miss your e/mails" LOL !
    Hi there Havanero !! lol
    hope u had a better night last night.. I emailed u again.
    Have a good one my friend~ ;)
    hey congratz he is beautiful, I saw the pics, damn!!! I wish I looked that handsome, he has a way with women, my wife wants to hug him, do you think she wants to leave me for him?? :(
    Hey there sexy moma !
    How's the little prince doing ?
    Iwas sick yesterday too, this stomach flu is killing me, today finally feel better, I think I've lost at least 5 lbs, clothes are big on me :(
    Getting my :bootyshake: to the gym today !!
    haha, I was the same way, When I had my oldest, literally like 30 min after, I was walking & I went to see her & other women were asking me,`so you had your baby yesterday ? and I was like, no, just half an hour

    I'm like u, I have to be up &

    I'm doing good, well, I think I had food poisoning or a stomach flu, I was in bed the whole day yesterday with terrible stomach cramps, couldn't eat a thing, just fluids..feel a bit better today, but have no energy.

    It's great you are feeling so good, I'm really happy for u, I'm sure the hubby is super happy with his little dude too.

    He's truly precious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the pics ;)
    Oh My God !!! He's adorable !!!!!! Love his little chin !! Does he look like his sister when she was that old ?
    oh, my He's gonna be a heart breaker for sure !!

    How r u feeling ?
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    Edwin Wen(Mr.Wen)
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