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  • O.M.G, I had misread your message I understood you said she's lucky to have me, I had a grin from chin to chin & she tells me "Why are you so happy?" I re-read your message again and said, Damn, no one tells me she's lucky to have me, lol

    J/K .. I am very, very, very Lucky to have her, she's a wonderful women.

    btw your husband is lucky to have u too, your a great gal :)

    You have a great weekend too! I'll answerr your post shortly :)
    I could imagine how hard it must be on your body, I hardly threw up while pregnant, I hate throwing up it's so divilitating, I can't believe you have had to go throgh this throughout your whole pregnancy, and then having to take care of your daughter while feeling like this.. I'm sure your hubby helps you a lot thou..

    That sucks my friend, your almost there thou and soon you'll have you rlittle man with you. How did your daughter do with her gymastic thing ? :)
    I don't think u can attach a vid as a pm, I'll pm u my email addr, so u could attach it in the email.
    You know my parents were the tltal opposite, I never saw them being very affectionate with each other, I was very close to my Dad, but my mom was not affectionate even with the kids, so I always told myself I would be the opposite & I think I over do it sometimes, I'm always hugging, kissing & telling my kids I love them.
    and thank god Mr P likes that I am this way & he's the same way.

    Can't wait to see the vid !!!! ;) talk to u later
    haha, I think as my kids get older, we're gonna be the couple that is always like, kissing each other, and stuff and the kids will be like "ewwww, my mom & dad are wierd" lol
    I gotta take some more pics to finalize the log.
    Glad to hear your feeling better !

    I thought of u when I saw this smilie is soo cute !
    With me I think because I was high risk, they would do ultrasounds often, so they would measure & estimate the weight of the baby often, with my last one, they told me she was going to weigh over 9 lbs at birth, I almost died.... she weighed 7 1/2 lbs ~Thank God~ lol
    Thank ya sexy momma !! ;)
    Wow ! This has been a hard pregnancy for u, I really hope it gets better for u, how much is the little man weighing now ?
    @Detour...I've studied every style of dance except ballet (not my thing) ... my favorite is jazz funk and hip hop!

    How's the pregnancy going? Heard you're getting sick a lot. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will help your fatigue and ease delivery also. If you're interested feel free to email me...

    dance & big bellies full o' love, Madam 3J
    I did my last injection, but I'm going to run the lof for a few more weeks, to see how my body reacts to the ending of the cycle. So far I feel great, strenght is great, and I actually gained 2 lbs, but look leaner, even my wedding band is loose on my finger.
    I have to take some final pics & post them with before pics to compare, but I left the chrger to our sony camara in the hotel in Orlando, so now I had to order a new chrger frm Sony ($90.00) and it takes like 7 days to get (I always manage to leave something behind in every hotel)

    Have a good day :)
    The idea of a surrogate is a nice idea, but I don't think I could carry a baby to term, give birth & not feel it is mine.. Maybe selfish.. lol
    Oh I love him in my tum, feeling his movements and knowing he's very "alive". Being plagued by sickness makes it difficult to enjoy. I wouldn't mind more kids but I can't go through this again, I get so sick it's more than my life's worth to get this sick again.. Plus I like the idea of having an even number of kids so it would have to be 2 or 4 etc.. I'll stop at two lol! But if you wanna be a surrogate....?!!!
    Oh, yes, you know I rally enjoy being pregnant, I loved every minute of it, I kindda want another baby, but Mr P thinks I'm
    Are u done with the nursery for him.
    No u don't need the stress now girl.. Just try not to think about it much, do u have an alarm system installed ?
    Rest as much as possible this last trimester, u know u won't get to sleep again until like 2 years from now, wait, make it 5 years from now.. lol
    take Care :)
    Oh My God, they have balls & they are so dumb, c'mon t try the neighbor's apt ??? Do the cops have any leads ?
    When I read your last messahe it said (Mrs P I shouldn't) I was like, what ? lol
    Wow Detour,
    I feel for what you guys were put through, There's no words to describe what I would feel, my family & my kids safety is what I treasure most in this world, I think I would have needed to take something to relax my nerves if this would have happen to us...

    But don't worry people that do harm to others pay for it someway or another, you get out of life what u put in, and these scumbags, will get what they deserve.

    Hope u find peace & glad allof u are ok
    take care of that belly & yourself ;)

    Have a good night !
    Feel free to send me a message if u need someone to talk to.
    Hey my friend :)
    Oh wow ! that sucks, u must be counting the days left, I bet, your belly must be huge by now..ha ?
    Things are great with me, took a 10 day vacation & got back yesterday, took the kiddos to Disney World, we had a blast..
    Hope your daughter does great !! :)
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