Recent content by Hrad

  1. H

    Ladies, What do you consider to be 'well endowed'?

    I'm 6.75 x 6" No girl has ever said it was small, all have made a comment saying its defs on the thicker side. It really comes down to what the girl has had in the past. One girl has only slept with 1 other guy and he was asian (no racist) and she kept saying it was "so big", this other girl...
  2. H


    Cycling off is not necessary, it is fine to quit cold turkey. Clen has a long half life so you shouldn't worry about that. About cycle length, that's up to you. Personally I stop feeling the effects of it after 10 or so days so I run 2 weeks on max. If you can still feel it working then there...
  3. H

    Getting caught with steriods.

    Yes but it is still illegal to buy...It would be hard to get busted for just possession. You would have to have to be pinning in front of a cop or something lol.
  4. H

    50 ml Tren A Bottles at AML - WOW!

    US as well IIRC, but it's slightly more expensive.
  5. H

    LGD 4033 SARM (closer to steroid than prohormone

    Be sure to update when you start taking that LGD!
  6. H

    LGD 4033 SARM (closer to steroid than prohormone

    You're going to run 10mg LGD-4033 right off the bat? That's hardcore bro. Uniquemicals itself says to run 1mg for first week then up it as you go
  7. H

    Uniquemicals new SARM, 12 x more potent than Ostarine [LGD-4033]

    Sounds legit. What would you use as the oral? I've decided not to get it yet as I"m currently cutting anyways. If you decide to do a cycle with it you better make a log though bro
  8. H

    Uniquemicals new SARM, 12 x more potent than Ostarine [LGD-4033]

    I read somewhere that recommended dosage will be 3mg-15mg/day. Personally if I were to buy it I would stick to 3mg just to see what happens. Patients showed significant results at just 1mg/day so I feel like 3 would be enough. Would you run this thing as a standalone or part of a cycle? I'm...
  9. H

    Uniquemicals new SARM, 12 x more potent than Ostarine [LGD-4033]

    It's going for sale tonight at 12:01AM EST.
  10. H

    Uniquemicals new SARM, 12 x more potent than Ostarine [LGD-4033]

    So many of you have heard that Uniquemicals is coming out with a new SARM very soon apparently. It will be LGD-4033. Coming out of Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. METHODS: In this placebo-controlled study, 76 healthy men (21-50 years) were randomized to placebo or 0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg LGD-4033...
  11. H

    Need Clen Help

    If you are just starting to try to lose weight now then don't worry about clen yet. Just do some cardio and count calories. The weight will come off easier than you expected.
  12. H

    Road to Being 290 pounds lean, help and guidance.

    You're 140lbs, 13.5% BF @ 6'1? Son, forget about steroid for a few years and eat like a monster and lift heavy.
  13. H

    Want to take Liquid up on it...want some feedback from the vets

    The only thing I'm worried about with it is too much muscle loss. Of course there is slight chance of messing up your thyroid but that shouldn't be a long term problem. Like with test, when you take T3 your body stops producing it itself. If you're not running AAS with it you want to take a...
  14. H

    Uniquemicals new product, 12 x more potent than Ostarine?

    Bumping jsut in case anybody knows