Recent content by Larrybird

  1. Larrybird

    Diet advice

    Hey everybody, I'm not new to BB but I've been out of it for a while. Before I get started back into the sport, I want to figure out how to get my diet situated. I know the basics, eat more veggies, complex carbs, low fats, high protein, but I have a problem when it comes to to dieting. This...
  2. Larrybird

    29 days in my cycle...progress pic...

    damn, you're solid. would not fight! ^_^
  3. Larrybird

    What are your goal....What can Steroidology help you do

    Provide users with the best, up-to-date evidence based research articles regarding the usage of steroids / stimulants / nutritional supplements, etc... Teach how to properly dose steroids. Understand what the side effects and how to treat them.
  4. Larrybird

    who here has a college degree?

    22 yoa BS in Nursing, RN Attending graduate school for MSN minor in communication and nutrition. Gotta let my ego explode!
  5. Larrybird

    RJ helps Newbie with cycle............

    HAHAHAH! That was WAYYYY too funny. Good one RJ.
  6. Larrybird

    Post cycle therapy (pct) For Test Enanthate & Dianabol Cycle

    for the d-bol, you mean 40mg a day, right? Clomid or Nolvadex 2 weeks after last shot should be good for post cycle therapy (pct). Run your post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks.
  7. Larrybird

    First cycle questions??!! Need answers!!

    I know there are some steroids that interact with anti-depressants, i.e. welbutrin decreases the threshold for a seizure when combined with test. If you're only expecting to gain 15lbs, maybe you should just focus on your diet more. A first cycle can add about 25lbs to your body, if done...
  8. Larrybird

    Another starting my first cycle thread

    You're going to have a hard time putting on some weight if you can't eat. Judging by your current weight, and what you were before, you need to eat more. Go through a jar of PB every 2 days. Eat lots of protein, 250g+++, get lots of complex carbs, 350+++, and eat like you've never eaten before...
  9. Larrybird


    I'm NOT a doctor, but I'd say that you'd be fine to stick out your test regimen. Just be sure to take your anti-biotics as prescribed up until the very last day. Have you gotten the Test flu yet?
  10. Larrybird

    is injectable b12 legal to carry?

    Only if you have a script for it. Not sure what the laws are in your state, but I've never seen an OTC b12 injectable.
  11. Larrybird

    About to Begin PCT+ Questions for Cycle #2

    Don't want to gain too much size? Stay the hell away from Tren. If you want lean gains look at my signature. I've heard excellent things about that cycle stack. 6'0 @ 230 @ 18% isn't very big. I'm currently 235 @ 13.5% @ 6'1". 200lbs is a solid base though. If you are happy I'd just lift...
  12. Larrybird

    newbie with questions

    Hey guys, while we're on the subject of "newbie questions", about what age is appropriate for HRT? I've seen some people say as early as 27
  13. Larrybird

    Carb Cycling question

    On my low carb days, I stick to veggies and comples carbs. Here is a typical low carb day for me: Breakfast (5am) 1 cup egg beater omelet, w/ spinach, tomatoe, mushrooms, jalapaenos, fat free cheese. 1 medium head of broccolli (raw) ***I find that if I eat my veggies before I indulge in my...
  14. Larrybird

    Adding tren ace to first test e cycle

    People will tell you that 75 is the best to cruise at, but if you're getting gains with the 50, I always like to choose the lowest dose for the best results with the least sides.
  15. Larrybird

    Geneza or Uncle Z...?

    Z is like rocket fuel. Even during my 2 weeks proceeding up to PCT I was making gains like a champion.