Recent content by Malave16

  1. Malave16

    HCG question.

    Direct line medical also has it for like 4$ 60ml. I normally mix it 5000iu to 5 ml bac water. So each iu in the syrenge is 100 iu of hcg.
  2. Malave16

    Z ever coming back?

    Just a matter of time.
  3. Malave16

    glute lump... worry?

    You could cut it with some b12 in the syrenge, not in the vial. Dont just do hot water. I normally nuke the water to a boil, then sit the vial in it for a few minutes if the oil is that tick.
  4. Malave16

    glute lump... worry?

    Get a smaller needle size, and warm up the gear before inject. It will go i. A lot faster and smoother.
  5. Malave16

    Does it get better ??? Need some positivity

    Are u using any antiaromataze? Like letro, arimidex or aromasin? If so tou coild be pushing your estro levels too low, which will cause the same symptoms you described.
  6. Malave16

    Lost weight while on gear (not get lean).

    Yupp that was probably water weight what you lost.
  7. Malave16

    blah injection, help?

    What i do is, i only use 1.5" needles for all my spots. For spotsyhat require less then 1.5" of penetration, i take the needle cap and cut the tip of it so only the desired lenght of needle is exposed with it installed back in the syrenge. So for delts i cut the cap so only 1" of needle is...
  8. Malave16

    problems getting hurt on cycle. not sure on what to do

    You should call off the cycle. Give yourself time to heal.
  9. Malave16

    Can I eat lots of Tuna?

    Ull be fine. The three huggers made up that shit so we dont eat tuna. All fish have some mercury in them. The problem with tuna, is that they live so long (15-30 years) that their concentrations are higher then other fish.
  10. Malave16

    First Injection Attempt

    Lol man it happens. It just gets better from now on... Shit u migh find yourself poking yourself just because on your non pin days.
  11. Malave16

    Gyno after first cycle - suggestions?

    What did your post cycle therapy (pct) looked like? It sounds like an estro rebound.
  12. Malave16

    Do Ecotomorphs Gain Size With Less Weight On Body?

    I would go by what the mirror says.
  13. Malave16

    accidently mixing steroids

    Did it happen while drawing with the same needle from different bottles, while pushing air in the vial with a half loaded needle? If thats what happened then you'll be fine.
  14. Malave16

    cutting after a cycle

    Yes you can continue to cut, just dont be as aggresive on the deficit.
  15. Malave16

    SubCu pain when injecting HCG?

    Weird, shit normally doesnt hurt. Bout it been bunk, doubth it, shit is so cheap, that it would prolly cost more to try to make a fake. Try a different spot and try to keep the bevel of the needle is pointin out, that will make the so called insect bite cfm is talking bout.