Can I eat lots of Tuna?


Amateur Bodybuilder
Sorry about random as shit question, but is it safe to eat a can of Tuna every day?

I weight about 205lbs (93kg). How much cans of tuna does it take to get mercury poisoning?

I finally found how to make tuna taste good ! Just pour some hot sauce in it, and take sips of water while trying to swallow the bites.

Quickest 40grams of protein ever!! I can eat this faster than I can down a protein shake lol. (i get upset stomach if I drink shakes too fast)
Mercury poisoning is from raw fish. U can eat tuna as much as u want. U would die from over eating long before getting mercury poisoning.
Mercury poisoning is from raw fish. U can eat tuna as much as u want. U would die from over eating long before getting mercury poisoning.


Mercury IS an issue in tuna.

raw or cooked mercury WILL stay in food!

bacteria I think you are confused with.
Watch out for the salt. I get puffy when I eat too much canned tuna/salt. The mercury issue is real canned, cooked or raw there will be trace amount of mecury. I don't think you will eat enough for it to be an issue for you.
Sorry about random as shit question, but is it safe to eat a can of Tuna every day?

I weight about 205lbs (93kg). How much cans of tuna does it take to get mercury poisoning?

I finally found how to make tuna taste good ! Just pour some hot sauce in it, and take sips of water while trying to swallow the bites.

Quickest 40grams of protein ever!! I can eat this faster than I can down a protein shake lol. (i get upset stomach if I drink shakes too fast)

Eating too quick is bad for the digestion first of all.
Predatory fishes have a higher mercury concentration, because THEY eat fishes.
Is tuna a predatory fish, im not sure, but it is advised to not eat fishes like spearfish etc..more then once a week.

I dont think tuna is that bad though..

Also, i dont think the fish being raw or cooked has any incidence on the Hg concentration.
eat tuna?

you can eat whatever the FCK you want.

The people saying you will get mercury poisoning are probably the same ones trying to stop the seal hunt in Canada.
Oh yeah, and that cola will give you cancer, later to be discovered for the effects of the cola ingredients to give you cancer, you would have to drink about 100 cans a day...fck. you would die from diabetes or obesity long before the cancer would kill you.

if you can afford to eat lots of tuna, eat it brother.

Hey, how bout the new avatar boys???lol finally figured it

Get some red meat.Like a that for 5 says then increase the carbs.

You need like 65% carbs anyways
The problem with eating a lot of tuna is simply this: you will smell like tuna. I was eating 3 cans per day...hopped in the sauna to relax...smelled like fish within 3 minutes.
Haha I just like having a can after a workout because its easy to make and high protein.

Thanks all. So from the sounds of it I should be perfectly fine eating 3-10 cans per week
Ull be fine. The three huggers made up that shit so we dont eat tuna. All fish have some mercury in them. The problem with tuna, is that they live so long (15-30 years) that their concentrations are higher then other fish.
Mercury can be found in all fish.... It accumulates in its fatty tissue. The older the fish is when it's caught, the more mercury has built up. Really not enough, however, for the average consumer. If you are concerned, as you should be... Try mackerel as an alternative. I buy it fresh... It takes just a few minutes to sear in a pan... Serve with brown rice and tomatillo salsa as a sauce.... MUSCLE FOOD!
you guys inject anything in a vial and your worried about a little mercury in some tuna lol come on cut that shit out man
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I have been eating 5-10 cans a day for the past 5 years and haven't had any issues related to it. Atleast I don't think.....
mercury poisoning is real. its a heavy metal takes a long time to leave your body. get talapia instead its cheap.

@ 205lbs u can safely eat 1 can of albacore or 3 cans of light chunk per week - CDC
I've been through periods where I'll eat 3cans a day. I think I'm ok. Just eat that shit man!! It doesn't say mercury in the ingredients does it. I don't think it's really possible to know if the specific brand of tuna your eating has mercury in it. It really depends on how the fish is obtained (wild V's farmed). Some one else mentioned talapia as a safer alternative. That sounds great if your near a kitchen most of the day (because it doesn't come in a can). I really like talapia but it's not convenient for me most of the time.
Anyone saying you shouldn't eat tuna because of the mercury really is ignorant. Sure there is some mercury in tuna, then again as others have stated there is mercury in lots of other fish and other sea creatures.

Further, if you're concerned about mercury in tuna then heaven forbid you eat chicken breasts or eggs, which most likely come from grain fed chicken that are artifically pumped with crap up the wazooo! Same goes for red meat... antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, artificial junk left right and center.

And for that matter, don't drink water because chances are it is loaded with chlorine and other toxic chemicals.

And don't go outside and breathe, too many fumes you'll die.