Gyno after first cycle - suggestions?


New member
Been a year since my cycle was my first and only real cycle, everything went pretty good ran dbol 4 weeks test about 14 until i ran out did PCT with clomid. Used Hgc during, and liquid Amiridex every few days. I noticed some sensistivity in one nipple during weeks 6 - 12 or so when flying high. Had good gains, got everything back after post cycle therapy (pct). Felt pretty normal for awile.... then about 4 months or so after being OFF my nipple started hurting again and got worse and worse and then both nipples. Went to the Doc and they ran a breast scan and showed minor gyno in my right brest. My question is this. I am off now, been off for a year, have pretty much lost everthing i gained due to a very poor diet and injury and surgerys ect. Why would i still be having complications? Should i use some letro every few days for awile and see if it helps? i have some on hand. again i am OFF right now so kinda weird to have problems unless i messed myself up. Thanks.
Been a year since my cycle was my first and only real cycle, everything went pretty good ran dbol 4 weeks test about 14 until i ran out did PCT with clomid. Used Hgc during, and liquid Amiridex every few days. I noticed some sensistivity in one nipple during weeks 6 - 12 or so when flying high. Had good gains, got everything back after post cycle therapy (pct). Felt pretty normal for awile.... then about 4 months or so after being OFF my nipple started hurting again and got worse and worse and then both nipples. Went to the Doc and they ran a breast scan and showed minor gyno in my right brest. My question is this. I am off now, been off for a year, have pretty much lost everthing i gained due to a very poor diet and injury and surgerys ect. Why would i still be having complications? Should i use some letro every few days for awile and see if it helps? i have some on hand. again i am OFF right now so kinda weird to have problems unless i messed myself up. Thanks.

Sounds to me like you might be one of those unfortunate souls who actually does get affected by "real" gyno.. I'd talk to your DR. and take his advice.. You'll get a shit ton of different opinions here