Recent content by mikert

  1. M

    eq/test question

    its might hurt since its 350mg/ml.i took deca 300mg/ml and hardly any pain and took test 400mg/ml and it hurts like hell.if i were you take 3ml per week which would give you 600mg test per week and 450 eq per week and take 1ml on monday wensday and friday and after that doesent affect you...
  2. M

    third cycle plan

    first cycle was test and dbol wk1-4 dbol 25mg ed wk1-10 test e 500mg ew seocnd was dbol/deca/test wk1-2 dbol 30mg ed wk3-4 dbol 40mg ed deca wk 7-15 was planning on running 10 weeks but only did 8. wk1-15 test e 500mg ew. would leaving out tren and adding test at 1000 per week be better?
  3. M

    third cycle plan

    reason being is its tnt.250 test e and 150 tren e per ml but i can get another bottle and do 750 tes and 450 tren would that be alot better or not much noticable?
  4. M

    First cycle- test cyp/decca/dbol

    hahaha yea that was funny and you knew i meant 500 per week.
  5. M

    third cycle plan

    planning a cycle for the beggining of march and wondering if my doses are god for my third cycle or too low? anadol wk1-5 75mg ed tren e wk1-10 300mg/wk test e wk 1-10 500mg/wk gonna do clomid for pct at 50mg for 4 weeks.
  6. M

    First cycle- test cyp/decca/dbol

    you should off took test e at 5000 per week and dropped the deca.ur dose are kinda low and you dont new that many compouds to grow on a first ctcle. weighting 130lbs is way too light to be doing steroids unless your 4 feet tall.
  7. M

    my 3rd steroid cycle

    would the test e at 500 and tren e at 300 be enought or should i get another bottle and extend it to 12 weeks and up the doseage to 625 test and 375 tren?.and would it hurt to add anadrol for the first 4 to 5 weeks?
  8. M

    first cutter advise please

    hey guys thinkig of doin my first cutting cycle in april costing of test e,tren e and clen. test at 500mgs per week tren e at 300mg per week not sure on the clen dose yet. is that enought test to maintain muscle and enought tren e to get harder and more vascular?.another point to add is...
  9. M

    my 3rd steroid cycle

    think it would be a good idea to just do 300 tren 500 test first few weeks just to see how i reach?
  10. M

    my 3rd steroid cycle

    what im getting i s tnt-400 250 test e 150 tren e per ml so im gonna run the same lenght. the tren seems a bit low,is 300 tren e enought?.and im wanting to up the would getting another bottle of tnt and goin 450 tren 750 test be good or would you guys think leaving the tren alone and...
  11. M

    Second Cycle confusion

    i dont say you will even notice sides from 500 test.ive dobe 500 for my 2 cucles and only thinbg i got was acne.
  12. M

    my 3rd steroid cycle

    hey guys planning my third cycle in april.still on my second cycle but planning ahead.heres my cycle history. cycle#1 wk 1-4 dbol 25mg/ed wk1-10test e 500mg/wk cycle#2 wk1-2 dbol 30mg/ed wk3-4 dbol 40mg/ed wk8-18 deca 300mg/wk wk1-18 test e 500mg/wk i might only go 17 weeks instead. for this...
  13. M

    test of 315

    i dont think im even gonna try this cycle,since im jumped up in weight so quick and dont want an injury. do you keep going up a lot of strength like every cycle cause this cycle i went up like 80lbs at least in bench.for me to be repping 405 for 10 i bet it will take alot more than 1 or two cycles.
  14. M

    I'm starting my 1st steroid cycle, I need advice

    your like 16% bodyfat now and you got to 12% you still be more than 217 id say like 225-230. if i were you i would run the test at 500/week to bulk up then run post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection for 4 weeks,and then just try to maintian your muscle a month after post cycle...
  15. M

    My first cycle at 20

    its your first cycle so yea its firsy cycle i injected quats and i felt like i was cripple. by week 8 if you keep injecting in same are like rotating quads you wont get much soreness.