my 3rd steroid cycle


New member
hey guys planning my third cycle in april.still on my second cycle but planning ahead.heres my cycle history.
wk 1-4 dbol 25mg/ed
wk1-10test e 500mg/wk

wk1-2 dbol 30mg/ed
wk3-4 dbol 40mg/ed
wk8-18 deca 300mg/wk
wk1-18 test e 500mg/wk

i might only go 17 weeks instead.

for this next cycle thinking of a few options.

option 1 test and tren.

wk 1-10 tren e 300mg/wk
wk1-10 test e 500mg/wk

think the doses are too low?.and should i even run tren on a third cycle?

option 2 high dose test only.

wk 1-12 test e 1000mg/wk

this seems a little high but ran 800mg/wk test and deca combined so only a 200mg increase.

my stas are 5'6 and about 185 pounds then done finishing my second cycle.
Option 1 sounds good..(and I m anti tren)
I d start with the test 2 weeks earlier to let it kick in..and run the test 14 weeks total, 2 weeks before/after tren...
( Watch for sides from tren; it did not agree with my 400mg in 4 days application.. you ll probly be OK)
Option 2 sounds good.
I ve never done 1000mg a week before..but as your not mixing compounds, and it appears you tolerate test, u could try it.
AND please post up your tren tolerance cuz I MAY try it RESPONSIBLY next summer...I wish you well...
i like the idea of adding another injectable to this cycle-especially something different than what you have used-to go along with your test
i think i would run Proviron before i would run tren. the prov will help with water retention and it will help harden the muscles. look under the steroid profiles. for this one.
what im getting i s tnt-400 250 test e 150 tren e per ml so im gonna run the same lenght.

the tren seems a bit low,is 300 tren e enought?.and im wanting to up the would getting another bottle of tnt and goin 450 tren 750 test be good or would you guys think leaving the tren alone and getting t-400 and run run 300 tren and 900 test?.

and i dont know my tolerenace to tren this will be my first time with tren but ill let ya know hows it goes.
would the test e at 500 and tren e at 300 be enought or should i get another bottle and extend it to 12 weeks and up the doseage to 625 test and 375 tren?.and would it hurt to add anadrol for the first 4 to 5 weeks?