eq/test question


New member
I was wondering about something I found for a next cycle. It has boldenone undecylenate 150mg/ml and test e 200mg/ml.
How would I take this 1.5mls twice a week?
Do you this this will be painfull compaired to doing it seperate? say at eg 200mg/ml and test e 200mg/ml
I wouldn't mix them in one... just alternate spots.

600mg/wk eq for 16 weeks is ideal... its fully active at that point and you get the best resuts.

The test e... 500mgs/wk for 14wks is ideal

No pain no gain friend. If the BA content is way too high and its unbearable, you can add some sterile oil to the compound, just make sure you know how to do that before attempting it. You don't want the doses to be out of whack.
ok thanks for the info about how much to take of each. So you would not get something that is already combined like that, always get seperate gear. just seems like you'll have to be pinning alot of gear that way
EQ and Enth are both oil based, thoretically you can combine them safely... to each his own, but that would be one hell of a lot in one inject. Id rotate starting from the delt with one of them, opposite side delt with the other, work in a circle (one clockwise, one counter clockwise)

Just reduces the pain of the actual inject itself....

also, you would know which one you are sensitive to (if at all) and which one to dilute with the sterile oil if you so choose.
I was wondering about something I found for a next cycle. It has boldenone undecylenate 150mg/ml and test e 200mg/ml.
How would I take this 1.5mls twice a week?
Do you this this will be painfull compaired to doing it seperate? say at eg 200mg/ml and test e 200mg/ml
You'll be just fine with either of the scenarios you posted.

I mix every injection (Test E/EQ/Tren)I do and have shot 4ml in my glute before.A 1.5ml shot is considered small to most people.

BA doesnt cause inject site pain.That horse has been beaten to death...........
Guys....you are not reading his post correctly.

He has gear that is a combination of EQ & Test...as in mfg'd that way.
Guys....you are not reading his post correctly.

He has gear that is a combination of EQ & Test...as in mfg'd that way.

stone does that sound like a good combo, or is the eq to low to get the most out of it, if I did 1.5ml 2x/wk that would be 600test and 450eq, the eq dosage is what i'm questioning

or should I just stick to the second witch would be getting the seperate gear at those dosages stated above and taking the proper amount of each
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Now that I have a better understanding of what was being asked...

What you just said sounds reasonable. It's not to say that you won't get good results out of the EQ, but it is fully maximized (potentially of course, everyone is different) at 600mgs weekly @ 16 weeks total.
also I hear about alot of pain from gear that has high mg/ml, so since I have never done eq, was wondering if anyone had any input on gear made with both eq150mg and teste 200mg per ml? Would this be as bad as doing test 350mg/ml?
its might hurt since its 350mg/ml.i took deca 300mg/ml and hardly any pain and took test 400mg/ml and it hurts like hell.if i were you take 3ml per week which would give you 600mg test per week and 450 eq per week and take 1ml on monday wensday and friday and after that doesent affect you anymore after few week take 1.5ml on monday and thursday.
also I hear about alot of pain from gear that has high mg/ml, so since I have never done eq, was wondering if anyone had any input on gear made with both eq150mg and teste 200mg per ml? Would this be as bad as doing test 350mg/ml?
Ignore my first post I didnt understand.

EQ is typical very gentle and painless.It will offset the bite Test E can have.I've mixed EQ with some harsh prop before and it helped tremendously with injection site pain.

I'm using a domestic UGL's Test E @400mg/ml and it is painfree.The quality of the gear determines the level of pain.......
At a 150 EQ to 200 TestE mix you have it setup for 1.5mls per shot 2x a week @ 450 EQ/600 TestE or 2mls per 2x a week @ 600 EQ/800 TestE, etc. The problem with mixed bottles is that if they aren't mixed in the ratio that you want (ex. if you want 600mg of EQ but only 500-600mg of TestE) then you should just stick with individual bottles of each.
Am currently 5 weeks into my first cycle which is equipoise / test e.

The equipoise injections give some pain for 3-4 days, the test e does not. Not too serious, but it has ruled out quad injections.

When I mix the equipoise with the test e it is less painful then 2ml of equipoise.

I am up 17 pounds in just over a month on equipoise 750ml, test e 250ml and have had no side effects.

If I was in your position I would still use your mix, but also buy some boldenone on its own. So something like 2ml of your mix and 2ml of boldenone (to give an extra 500mg).
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I haven't ran Equitest my self but the guys I have talked to who use it love it. And I have seen it dosed at 200mg/ml Eq and 250 mg/ml Test e. This is going to be my next cycle I think.
I'm running a test e/eq mix dosed at 250mg test/200mg eq. I'm doing 2ml e/w so 500mg of test and 400 eq no pain what so ever from the mix going in.....mind you there is some pain the next day or two. Kinda like a bruise but nothing serious!