test of 315


New member
hey guys just wondering how mnay reps of 315 it usually takes to have a max bench of 400lbs.ive always heard 9-10 just wondering your opinion?
hey guys just wondering how mnay reps of 315 it usually takes to have a max bench of 400lbs.ive always heard 9-10 just wondering your opinion?

Around 8 I would say..

BUT repping 8 and going up to 405 is to much..

I do 1 to 2 reps from 315 to max, If not your chest will be burnt out before max...
thanks.ivbe done 9 last week so if i get 10 this week ill def try 405.
hows this warm up look
135x 10
then try 405.
For me 405 comes at about 10 reps with 3 plates. However I don't progress well if all I do is 8-10 rep stuff, I have to do heavy single/double/triples in my routine. Even if they aren't to failure I like heavy double/triples, especially if warming up for a max attempt.

Attempting 4 plates though I would probably do 2 quick reps with 3 plates as part of my warmup, and if I felt injury free I'd go straight for 4 plates after a 3-4 minute rest (I rest a lot on heavy days).

135x10 (optional if I feel I need extra warmup)
365x1 (if coming off elbow/shoulder problems)
im strength is jumping up pretty quick sicne my deca kicked in even tho just using 300 per week.last few weeks er so was using 295 for 6-8 then i decided to try 315 the next workout only was expecting like 4 but got 8.then last workout did 9 and got spot on the 10th so i never done any heavy work above 315.
think i should try 365 next week and id i get 3 or 4 try 400 or just wait till my next cycle?
If you can hit it for 4 you should get 4 plates, although everyone is different with fiber type dominance.
never underestimate the psychological part of lifting... id hit 365 first before, just to get used to the weight in your hands. your muscles might be able to do it, but ur brain may freak out... lol.. it happens to me wayyy too much lol :(
i dont think im even gonna try this cycle,since im jumped up in weight so quick and dont want an injury.

do you keep going up a lot of strength like every cycle cause this cycle i went up like 80lbs at least in bench.for me to be repping 405 for 10 i bet it will take alot more than 1 or two cycles.
thanks.ivbe done 9 last week so if i get 10 this week ill def try 405.
hows this warm up look
135x 10
then try 405.

Ive done RAW bench matches and one thing I was told to many people burn there chest out before the lifts..

My warm up/max

135, bring it down slow, pause, up slow for 5.... Then 5 up/down fast

225 for 4

315 for 2

365 for 1

385 for 1

405 for 1

I have someone give me a lift off 315 up, I have short arms...lol