Mr P
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  • Going good bro:) ..ther was lots of rain on and off till yesterday..beautiful today..but its only fitting cuz its canada day:)...yay!
    Its definitly a have a cold one type day here today..first nice/hot day in a week or so..was nothing but rain. Its prolly not as hot as miami..but definitly one of the nicest so to be in a boat at the moment. On that note...back to work:(
    My buddy said the same thing as what's in that link..say's it's never really an issue or very hard to do at all. Have a good one!:)
    Moving in Canada - Immigration Process

    I will ask my filipino buddy for info aswell at work,he's a smart mofo
    I can look into it, I think the process is simple. I know a guy that moved from chicago here...I think it has to do with employment contract or something..not sure, and jobs are no issue is a plenty. It's the weather that would be a shocker!!
    I will look into it...and let ya know:)
    Work is busy busy...but that's a good thing. Raining working when wet. Gas is high here..bout 1.07 per litre....4 litres I think per gallon so whatever that translates to in your language:)
    He said he was kidding bout the loser thing....but maybe miami will win da basketball next year, I watched that last game..I dunno fak all about basketball..but i was cheering for the heat!
    Yup I have faith in them. They lost there composure last night and got raped. But they always rebound after a tough loss. If they can steal one in beantown..and maybe finish it off in Van.
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