Recent content by SomeBloke

  1. SomeBloke

    Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times

    in the beginning, it happens "at need". after a while, it just happens. when they introduced tasers here, they were "only at need" and only a few cops even had them. last week, it came out that they now use them in prison, even if prisoners are too noisy in their cells. talk too loud...
  2. SomeBloke

    Have you ever been in a Real bar Broll

    no. where is live, the fights are either 1 on 1, or 5 on 1 (softcock bastards!). melees are rare
  3. SomeBloke

    Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times

    sounds pretty unethical to me. i value my privacy, and dont like stuff like this at all.
  4. SomeBloke

    How Many of you Bros Have Had Sex With a Stripper?

    i had just moved state, and was unemployed. so one of my buddies asked me if i wanted to be a "driver" at night. im like "sure, why not, any job will do until i get a job in pharmacy" thinking that id be a courier driver or something, and they said that someone would come over to interview me...
  5. SomeBloke

    Can a girl get pregnant during her period?

    pharmacist. yes, its possible.
  6. SomeBloke

    would you let a man jack you off in order to nail a girl?

    bro, what the fuck are you thinking. the whole situation stinks - you havnt fucked her yet and she wants you to get jerked off by some guy BEFORE you bang her? what the fuck?! smells like a setup to me - either shes there to get HIS rocks off and might even get the hell out of there after he's...
  7. SomeBloke

    olive oil vs. flax oil

    i use olive oil to fry steak and in salads. having it by the spoonful is a waste of taste, imo
  8. SomeBloke

    Phatboy's recent pics

    probably the best online pic ive seen for the past half year. looking really good, well done (you bastard :D )
  9. SomeBloke

    4.5% bodyfat, final result, please critique

    actually, calipers are useless on people with very high or very low bodyfat, for the simple reason taht caliper readings are back referenced to a population sample, and thus an estimate is produced. unless your population sample includes many many people with extremely low bodyfat (and they...
  10. SomeBloke

    Will cardio prevent heart damage from roids?

    hi guys, pharmacist. (not being a hero, just saying) for the most part, the damage you will do to your heart from being on roids will come from heart enlargement (ventricular wall thickening, and overall stretching of the walls of the heart) as well as the damage done your arteries by having...
  11. SomeBloke

    4.5% bodyfat, final result, please critique

    first off, well done. though i will agree with those that think you are more than 4.5%. i would only make that claim with some sort fo xray analysis, rather than calipers. im mainly chiming in to comment on your ammonia comment - it isnt neccessarily a good sign if your sweat reeks of ammonia -...
  12. SomeBloke

    Super Pics FINALLY!

    look great, super :)
  13. SomeBloke


    fuckenhell! the people aound here actually train! :D props stang, i never would have thought :)
  14. SomeBloke

    Bleeding on DNP

    hiya, pharmacist. i havnt heard of that particular side effect in any of the texts, but id put money on it being the dnp. could be a lot of things, but sounds like your endometrium is absolutely shitting itself and not lining the uterus like it should...i would put an educated guess on some...
  15. SomeBloke

    SO tired ON DNP

    hiya. the antihistamine doesnt build up, thats not how antihistamines work. you should be on one though. by your symptoms, i would go for one of the newer ones that are used in the fexofenadine if youre hugely lethargic, i would be looking at 2 things: 1) bump up your blood...