Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times

It sounds more to me like agency's(PD's,FBI,DEA) requested access to phone records/locations and that sprint obliged so there wouldn't be any complications/complaints not that Sprint is literally going around giving out GPS locations. My .02's
All cell phone carriers do this. Did you think your information was private? LoL

they know where you are, who you talk to, who you text.... Just a matter of if they care enough to look into it.
The data is only accessed if there is a need, i.e. LE reasons. Sprint just don't go through it because they want to, it's stored specificaly for LE purposes. I've heard before that certain words in text message can be flagged such as drug references and once you reach a certain limit your number can be red flagged and then it can be looked into....actually it happended to my ex's brother.
The data is only accessed if there is a need, i.e. LE reasons. Sprint just don't go through it because they want to, it's stored specificaly for LE purposes. I've heard before that certain words in text message can be flagged such as drug references and once you reach a certain limit your number can be red flagged and then it can be looked into....actually it happended to my ex's brother.

in the beginning, it happens "at need". after a while, it just happens.

when they introduced tasers here, they were "only at need" and only a few cops even had them. last week, it came out that they now use them in prison, even if prisoners are too noisy in their cells. talk too loud? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!

its called teh totalitarian tiptoe. in the beginning, its all so reasonable. all so logical. then before you know it you have a boot on your neck
Cell Phone companies will only release info without warrant if there are exigent circumstances.

For example, a suicidal missing person - They will give their GSP location to police.

If someones welfare is at risk they will give up info without warrant.

Otherwise, you need a warrant for that information.

I don't know what you guys are into, but a lot of you are paranoid or have a lot of shit to hide.

My cell phone records and GSP data are about as interesting as watching paint dry. Look all you want.
technically is true however lets get real.... do you honestly believe LE gets warrants before doing every investigation?

they break rules, get what they want, then tie the pieces together when they have enough and get the warrants with one phone call
They used to need warrants, not anymore since the patriot act. They never really need one anyway, they can get it after they have what they need. Project Echelon is well documented online also.
I agree they dont need warrants anymore..

How bout a cop that has a hair across his ass for you, or one that your dating is ex, he can see where you been?????

Scary shit IMO
when they introduced tasers here, they were "only at need" and only a few cops even had them. last week, it came out that they now use them in prison, even if prisoners are too noisy in their cells. talk too loud? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!

what's wrong with using tasers in prison?
this is a really sensative topic and can go on for decades if the right people happen to read it. regardless of how it is explained to us the urgency of whats going on we'll manage to shrug it off and keep moving forward with our lives. reality is the whole picture and scope of things r beyond wut u and i can imagine. "things" dont happen over night, but gradually. not a single war in history has happened by incident, they were all premeditated for reasons that were beneficial not in the short run but in the long run. why do we allow ourselves be caught in the mix? because if we put our cellphones away, our computers, gps, and credit cards away, we've outcasted ourselved from the norm of society and catch right back up in the rat race. the best anology i can give is: if u put a frog in boiling hot water the frog will leap out. if u put the frog in cool water, and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will sit there until it dies.