Recent content by XenoBuild

  1. X

    Testosterone Cypionate First Cycle

    Diet should be the first thing your worried about. You're going about this all wrong. Try listening to people on the forums, and answering the questions asked of you - or don't seek advice at all. At 203 lbs and 5'8"... your 3K calories isn't going to give you massive gains .... you'll need to...
  2. X

    What do flat bench flies actually do for your chest?

    There is no "inner pec" to target. It's the same muscle. See if you an contract only 'part' of the same muscle.
  3. X

    ITT we admire tatooed girls MMMMM

    Fucking love the chive!!!! One of the best sites around.... scroll it everyday, multiple times a day at work :)
  4. X

    new member,21 years old, almost 1 year progress,BF %, feedback pls.

    Congrats on the success man! You've made a difference in your life in just 1 year. You managed to lose some 20lbs while gaining muscle and strength as a newbie gainer. That's deadly. You'll find it harder to keep losing weight and packing on muscle from this point on, but it depends on your...
  5. X


    Yes... Yes... it was clearly just a joke thread indicative of the comical picture. We understand the definition of the English word for "supplement", but thanks none the less. More less than not though.
  6. X

    Getting stronger but not bigger??

    Great post Userat204... very well said!
  7. X


    They aren't everything (lol)
  8. X

    HELP ME...need to gain

    You don't start weight lighting with gear... you use gear to go past your limits, to take it to another level. IMO you'll waste your money because when you do start lifting, you will explode with newbie gains as long as you are eating enough. Don't waste your money on expensive products like...
  9. X

    what roid??? first post!!

    You're still in the newbie gain zone. You have months of incredible gains ahead of you, your body is already in shock and growing. I wouldn't waste money on steroids until at least 2 years of bodybuilding seriously; you will have a better foundation to build on with steroids.
  10. X

    Ab workouts??

    When doing abs, you want to target higher reps like 20 whereas they are such a small muscle group. I'd recommend 20 reps per set for sure.
  11. X

    Syringe question

    Whether I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or not has nothing to do with it, sorry. I meant no offence to you. No, its not about over analysing, its about just fact. Syringes are calibrated to deliver the proper dosages. The measurements take into consideration the remaining 'waste'...
  12. X

    Syringe question

    Actually, yes forget that because it has nothing to do with anything. Don't compensate for it.
  13. X

    Getting REAL Gear... Need Help Making Cycle

    I just read your other post where you were talking about using HGH to grow taller.. and you were already told no... your going on about the same things, you need more education and some time.. your also too young to be using steroids, you will do more damage than good man. Be happy with your...
  14. X

    Getting REAL Gear... Need Help Making Cycle

    Food. Lot's of food. Calculate your maintenance and add a the very least 500 calories of healthy, complex carbs then eat your face off. (not literally like that poor sap in the news) Edit.... just read "grow inches in height" ........... you be crazy.. but i hear there's pills for your penis...