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  • Thanks for the advice you gave me on my PCT, everything is going smooth right now. Just ordered my nolva and clomid for my first real cycle and am going to order up the fun stuff tomorrow!
    I'm down with the flu. Crazy variations in temperature do it to me every time :(
    Zeek, this is Iwannabod. I never heard back from you about a location for good test. Is there a reason?
    I would say start with IGF-DES because you will see and feel results quickly.
    Hey brother are there any peptides I can have some fun with while in PCT and waiting for my cycle to start? Sent you an email also bud.
    It varies but between pharm grade HGH, those are usually fairly close in strength. The big differences come into play when you compare legit pharm grade and chinese generics. Although some labeled chinese generics are very strong mg wise. Stay at the same dosage you were at IMO
    Zeek is Jin or anyother HGH stronger then any other? I read some post in the past about Jin being strong. Or is an IU of Jin just like and IU of Tevtrophin which I am working off.
    Zeek PM me your e-mail address so I can use it to sign up somewhere as a recommendation
    The kids buy me stuff but in the end I have to pay for it since they don't have any money of their own lol

    My older kids sent me some great presents though!~
    We did, just did a hell of a lot of driving! I see you are a Christmas baby too, I bet you have gotten many a birthmas present just like myself lol
    Thank you Durst! great holidays on this end. I hope you and the family had a great holiday also!
    Hey Zeek, just stopping in to say hi brother and I hope you had a great holiday bud.
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