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  • Is all they make 250-ish? Does this mean I have to get two if I want 500? And are my chances greater with domestic?
    OK so I'm really 49 :(

    The kids were kind enough to order a bunch of Chinese food for a little mini party they had for me. I still had to write the check when the delivery guy came but it's the thought that counts right? lol
    Read your b-day it's today

    !!! Happy B-day !!! Zeek
    Hope your having a good day :)
    Hey Zeek, i added some tren a to that winny test e cycle. i am having trouble sleeping @ night, could this b the tren? also is this a good idea to add the tren? it is from euro pharm, i am sticking 75mg eod. I have also gained 6 pds in the past 13 days, im thinking some of that is due to water retention. I have been drinking around 1.5-2 gallons of water a day and watching my sodium intake. Any other suggestions on losing some water weight?
    LOL you just have to wait for the system to update G! give it a day or so
    The piglet was delicious by the way! I want a suckling pig next but not sure where i can even buy one around here. A suckling pig is like 5 lbs but they are so good! It never had anything but mommas milk!

    If I was in Miami I'm sure I could get one or even NY.
    Thanks brother! a lot of the site features here are new to me! What the heck if it gives people something interesting to read :)
    Kids are nosey! I haven't been able to post anything decent in the big ole titie thread or the ass thread in several days because they keep walking up on me lol
    Hey Brother, that sounds amazing ! Let me know how it goes, I've never had it, but it sure sounds like some DAMN GOOD protein meat right there :D
    Btw, I dont think your clicking on the user name to reply to a visitor message, so it's basically posting on your own page, No worries though Brother, it happened to me maaaaaany times ..lol

    I didn't mean to be nosey, but if u need the link to the other site .. here it is.... healthandfitnesstalk.com

    Trust me I do the same (clearing my history, my 9,8,4 year old keep saving "my littlestshopgames & stuff like that & adding it to my favorites"... Trust me man, I know ..lol
    Jimbo! Hit me with that addy to the other site please, evertime I clear my history to keep my kids out of my business I lose and forget the address. If you stick it on my wall here I won't lose it again :)
    That was thanksgiving! Thanks Mr P, I'm doing good and Merry belated Christmas to you and your family also! I'm making a turducken for new years eve. It is a turkey with a duck stuffed into it with a chicken stuffed into it. I hope I don't over cook it!
    hey bro happy late Christmas lol, how u been? did you eat those baby piggy?
    haha, i was going to comment on that var pic sayin wtf you don't know everyone:)haha
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