1 cycle 9week progress


No pain - No gain
The End

Hello guys

i will put some stats before and after and wha i am running and wich doses.


W.1-10 Test Enan 500mg E5D
W. 2-7 Tbol 50mg ED

Start Weight: 72kg
Weight Now: 84kg.

here some before and after stats of my strenght.


Before everything is 3*6reps

Benchpress: 80kgkg
Dumbellpress: 37.5kg
Benchpress in smithmaskin 45 degrees (only free weights): 25kg

Barbellcurl: 40kg
one hand Preachercurl with dumbell: 18.5kg
Dumbell curls: 22kg

lying tricepspress: 35kg
Cable Pushdowns: 60kg
kickbaks: 11kg

Squats: 70kg
legpress: 140kg

Deadlifts: 60kg
Chins: only my one weigh who is 72kg
Seated Cable Rows: 70kg


Benchpress: 95kg
Dumbellpress: 47.5kg
Benchpress in smithmaskin 45 degrees (only free weights): 50kg

Barbellcurl: 50kg
one hand Preachercurl with dumbell: 22.5kg
Dumbell curls: 24.5kg

lying tricepspress: 45kg
Cable Pushdowns: 75kg
kickbaks: 16kg

Squats: 85kg
legpress: 200kg

Deadlifts: 85-90kg
Chins: 10kg hanging on me + my weight
Seated Cable Rows: 90kg

Last edited:
Before pics here.

my diet was first weeks 3900kcal then i high it up every 2 week by 500kcal so i am on 5500kcal/day now. :shoot2:
LiftTillIDie said:
Nice job getting in plenty of cals, looks like you are getting the most out of your cycle.

thanks man.. i have been working out very very hard and eating very strikt diet. :) dont know if i could have done it better than this. anyway i am very happy with the results.

here are another back shot relaxed.. looking huge :druggie:
Golgo13 said:
You mean 'Judge.'

Why dont you just start a thread specifically to help people with their grammer?

Hey I didnt puut any apostrophes or commas either so you better correct this whole post now. :rolleyes:
you need to hit your squatsa and deads harder. if both ur squats and deads are lower then you bench you have a problem and it shows in your legs. otherwise you look good.
Golden_Muscle said:
Why dont you just start a thread specifically to help people with their grammer?...

Because you wouldn't go there, just like you didn't go there the first time someone tried to teach you. :insane2:
All I have to say is it is about fuckin time that somebody got their size up to some natural limits before hitting the gear. I'm tired of seeing a buck 70's eating shitty, training shitty and asking for advice on what gear they should hit next. GOOD JOB MAN!!!
jimdawg said:
All I have to say is it is about fuckin time that somebody got their size up to some natural limits before hitting the gear. I'm tired of seeing a buck 70's eating shitty, training shitty and asking for advice on what gear they should hit next. GOOD JOB MAN!!!

hehe i am 100% with you often people start to take gears before they have build up some physqie. well i did train 3 years naturall and i can everyting i have to know about to build muscle. how to eat, how to train and so on.
thanks buddy!

guys thanks everyone yes i know i have to build upp better squats but give it time only been training legs för 4months.

but dident i get out the best i can from the cycle? :shoot2:

6 days untill i start my pct!
hehe long time no speak buddy, I've been busy with my Var cycle...I'm having some great results on it but like you I'm starting too realise test is needed to add the real muscle bulk... The var is great for definition and pumps but I think test has got it going on when it comes growth :D
Golden_Muscle said:
Why dont you just start a thread specifically to help people with their grammer?

Hey I didnt puut any apostrophes or commas either so you better correct this whole post now. :rolleyes:
