I haven't tried either, but I have done some research on Methyl-1-Test (M1T), so I'll let you in on my findings.
First of all M1T is a very potent anabolic and androgen that has unbelieve mass building potential. So reports so results of as much as 10 lbs of lean mass in 10 days. Because of it's extreme potency, it is suggested that you use it to jump start a cycle or bring up the lagging end of a cycle. Also, becasuse of it's potency, it is only suggested for sustained 2 week cycle followed by 2-4 weeks off. There are also a lot of side effects with M1T such as a feeling of lethargy, mild depression, increase in blood pressure, and gastrointestinal flank pain. But, it doesn'y aromatize into estrogen, so, not worries about bitch tits.
Dosage should not exceed 10mg per day and it is currently being sold in tab form by legal gear and Liquid form (which is less bioavailable) by VPX.
Hope this helps