1 Week out, last pics before the show!


New member
Ok, well the pics did not come out that well. A little out of focus on some of them. You should be able to get the idea though.

Not sure what I am weighing, as I am waiting for the day of the show to weight myself.

Holding a lot of water currently as I am sodium loading.

Anyways, here they are.......
Damn man, you face has definitely leaned out. Definitely going to look great when you drop the sodium. Good luck at the show.
Those first couple pics are insane. Especially the second one with the obliques, serratus and quads popping out all over the place.
You're looking awesome bro. No tanning? Just shave those pits and you'll be set! Good luck!
Thanks everyone! Believe it or not, I AM tanned!!LOL But no worries, with all of the spray tan and dream tan I will be good!
You've done a better job of keeping your size through the comp prep diet this time around. Look forward to hearing about the great results from your contest.
Looking fantastic mike, Id say your looking the best Ive seen from you without a doubt. Best of luck and congrats regardless brotha, good fucking work!!
Thanks guys! Yeah, I feel this is the best I have looked as well! I can't wait to see what the show brings!
Well I just got back from pre-judging. Very tough class!! I got first call outs, so hopefully that is a good indicator that I came in top 5. In this class I will be happy with a top 5 finish!!

I will let you all know how it goes!
Well I took 3rd place. There were some tough guys in this class. There were 12 of us, and everyone seemed pretty good. I am very happy with my placing considering the competition.
I will get some pics up as soon as I can.
Awesome job man, forgive my ignorance but what show was it? How many people were competing in your weight class? I'm really looking forward to seeing the pics.