11 WEEKS 20-25lbs to Contest Weight Cycle


New member
All right so here it is. I am 230lbs and Im competing May 2nd im 11 weeks out and Im behind and I know I can get to stage weight. Was wondering what everybody thought about this cut cycle I am advanced user 35years young

Sustanon 250 250mg EOD
Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
8 Weeks Out Start Winnie Oral 50mg a day
6 Weeks out Start Nolvadex

What other recommendations does everyone have I am currently doing fasted 30 mins cardio I am ath 300grams proteing 200 grams carbs and 40 grams added fat per day. Im scrambling and Im up for any suggestions other then wait to do another show.
All right so here it is. I am 230lbs and Im competing May 2nd im 11 weeks out and Im behind and I know I can get to stage weight. Was wondering what everybody thought about this cut cycle I am advanced user 35years young

Sustanon 250 250mg EOD
Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
8 Weeks Out Start Winnie Oral 50mg a day
6 Weeks out Start Nolvadex

What other recommendations does everyone have I am currently doing fasted 30 mins cardio I am ath 300grams proteing 200 grams carbs and 40 grams added fat per day. Im scrambling and Im up for any suggestions other then wait to do another show.

Post up some pics & you'll get honest opinions on whether or not two and a half months is enough time for you to get on stage

Edit: drugs look ok, I'd change almost everything but honestly what you have would be alright, this will hinge almost entirely on your current condition, diet, cardio and willingness to suffer
whats your current bodyfat??? whats your competition weight??

whats your diet look like??
I'm assuming you are doing bodybuilding, since you mention stage weight but can you confirm that?

Honestly, if you have a pair of board shorts you may be better off targeting physique for this round, stay in shape and hit bodybuilding hard at the next show

I say this because you can get away with 6-8% bodyfat in physique, with good posing, smile, stage presence and white teeth/haircut...

Bodybuilding at amateur level is going to depend on how close you are to striated glutes which may be a stretch for <3 months (not saying it's impossible though)