12 week cycle after post cycle therapy (pct) results


Beast in training
12 week cycle after pct results

I finished post cycle therapy (pct) about 2 weeks ago so im assuming these are my permanent gains from my dbol/test E cycle. If you look at my previous thread in this section you can see pics of me before. My goal was to gain as much weight as possible, I probably looked better before becuase I was lower bodyfat, but I dont care about being shredded, just wanna change my whole frame. Tired of being the "skinny big guy" I wanna be the big big guy..lol. Im actually surprised my abs are as defined as they are, I havent trained them in like 4 months.

My next cycle will be Anadrol, Test E & either deca or EQ

Any comments/suggestions are be appreciated




face was all fucked up in this 1 lol, hada black it out

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whats your height and weight and arm measurement? it's hard to put everything into perspective.

Lats, delts, and triceps are lagging bro...focus on them next cycle.
Lats and delts maybe, i'll take a pic of my triceps from the side tomm or something, I think there pretty decent. My gf seems to think that becuase my back is crooked permanently and I cant stand up straight that my lats will never show? Idk if that makes sense or not, but I agree with the non existing lats

stats -

Age - 21
weight - 180
biceps - 16.01
Chest - 44.25
quads - 24.5
waist - 35.5
calves - 15.5
neck - 16.75
forearms - 12.25
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there always has to be one guy that has to give the negative energy. I think the guy did a great job from his b4 pics
whats your height and weight and arm measurement? it's hard to put everything into perspective.

Lats, delts, and triceps are lagging bro...focus on them next cycle.
there always has to be one guy that has to give the negative energy. I think the guy did a great job from his b4 pics

whos giving negative energy? He posted his pics for critique and i told him what areas are lagging. I didnt say he looks bad, relax bro.