16 Month Progress


New member
About August, 2010, I decided to really turn shit up in my program. Diet, weights, supps, everything. I had been hitting weights for about 2 years, going anywhere from 130 to 145. Finally got my shit together, and here is what Ive done in the past 16 months.

First pic is the day I decided to step it up
(August 2010) Weight:140lbs

This pic is today(January, 2012) Weight: 170lbs

I still have alot of work ahead of me,(Put on some extra weight I will need to shed) but have been seeing some nice results. People always remembered me as the small 130lb guy, so I get a ton of compliments nowadays, which aint bad. I look better in clothes, than without a shirt as i have always slacked on working my abs, etc, but will really commit to it this summer.
I have no idea why pics wont attach or embed. I am using photobucket and have no issues on other forums. If someone can assist me, it would be greatly appreciated.
big improvements, dont be so hard on yourself, in all honesty i dont think your bf% looks to have changed much at all. thats just my opinion
throw your diet up in the diet section, maybe it could use a little tweaking to help you drop some fat if you wanted. lot of good and knowledgable guys here
Will do. I will be starting my first legit "cut" here in about a month or so. Ive never really had to/be concerned with cutting, but now that I have my gains where I want them, I need to be sure my diet/cardio are in check when I do it,so I dont end up back at >160. Ill be posting it in a few days. Thanks again for the feedback.
Did a better comparison. On the left 140lbs, on the right 176lbs.(Just took it last night) 16 months apart. Almost 12 weeks of gear.(Wrote about that in the Cycle-Blog Forum) On my way to 180!
Thanks Jenner! Im hoping this summer to actually do a cut(First time I legit needed one) so Ill be changing my diet, including cardio,etc. I have run into an issue the past year though that anytime I do any major ab workouts, I get a charlie horse in my abdominal area the size of a damn plum. Painful shit, and I have no idea why Im getting these. Potassium levels should be fine, I eat plenty of bananas, and get enough from supps,etc. But its definitely hindering my ab workouts. I have to really baby them.
Thanks everyone.

Finally finished my cycle today. Going to add in a little cardio over the next few months, mainly just for heart health as my cholestrol is usually a tad high. Not going to do a major summer cut or anything. Will post some more pics before and after next cycle.

Final pic is at 178lbs.