18 year old females first cycle


New member
Hey all, first time posting here just registered cuz I'm panicking about my most recent subq injection.

Basically, not interested in anyone's opinions of me on steroids as a young female, I'm safe, I'm coached by a 7 year 260lbs bodybuilding unnatty pro, I'm not worried about my safety as I know I'm 100% safe. That bein said, your experiences and advice is much appreciated, really keen to hear your thoughts!

Started anavar 20mg a day, then masteron prop 10ius EOD bar weekends (mon,wed,fri) and just started primo ace, 20ius eod, same as my mast. It make sense to only pin once so I'm effectively subq'ing 30ius 3 times a week.

As I started injecting on just 10ius, as it was only masteron, I had no problems other than minor PIP, but as of fridays injection, 30ius at once into my tummy, I've developed a lump under the skin, maybe marble sized. As always I rotate sides and upper/lower abdomen so I'm not slamming the same area over and over, so on Monday I did my left lower side. Since then, another lump has developed maybe marble size again but slightly longer, and a red patch about 3 fingers wide has developed. The sides of this red patch aren't defined, it just looks like a ring. Warm, painful to touch but no more painful than standard PIP from a short ester shot.

Been reading some proper horror stories so I'm just wondering, should I be worried?
Goes without saying I practise proper hygiene and sterilisation, so no slip ups with dirty needles/hands will have caused this.
Thanks in advance, soph x
I don't understand why you don't ask the pro "coach" that is advising you. And if he doesn't know the answer to this and how to help you, fire him.
Masteron isnt a compound females should use imo. It's not very anabolic, yet very androgenic. Primo yes, deca yes to a degree. I'd take great caution with androgenic drugs unless masculination dosent bother you.

I'd also pin intramuscular as well, not subq
what youre experiencing is the depot sub q from injecting oils sub q..

you can easily avoid this by injecting IM..

what are your stats??
boobie pics please

be respectful to our female members or i will ban you.. first and final warning..

dont dick around.. treat our female members with respect so they like being here..

im dead serious gentlemen
Girl. And yes I'm a girl so I'm gonna comment on this...

I can tell you are convinced this 'bodybuilder' friend of yours knows his stuff so I'm gonna just speak my peace, whether or not you follow it is up to you, but at least I'll feel better...

1. NEVER do more than one compound your first cycle. Why? Because you won't know what is doing what. Not every woman reacts to steroids the same. Some can only take a tenth of a dosage I'm able to handle, for instance...some also love certain compounds while I hate them.
You are running WAY too many compounds at once for your first time. Shit, for your second and third time and maybe even fourth and fifth. I've done dozens of cycles spanning over several years and I'm still cautious.

2. do you trust your source? Did your bodybuilder buddy home brew it? Or does he 'know a guy who knows a guy' ? I hope you have a good source. As women we have to be careful. I remember the first guy I bought from was in person...I wanted anavar and he took advantage of me not knowing my stuff and he gave me dbol instead. Those two compounds will give dramatically different results especially for females.

3. My very first time doing anything: similar situation to yours. A guy I worked out with who always claimed to be a bodybuilder told me about his cycles. I was intrigued so he told me what to do. He told me to run clen - no dosages, just do 'a few drops' and then run nolva for pct. Ha. Looking back I'm so glad I found the forums lol

In summation: do your own research. As women we have to be cautious. We are fucking with our hormones...be safe about it. Do you want to take bunk shit laced with something that can make you infertile? Want to lose your hair? (Primo makes my hair fall out like that girl off The Craft by the way, and combined with mast? Better stock up on some Rogaine)...these are things you need to think about. Don't assume this juicer knows what he's talking about. And he very well may- but it's common knowledge that the majority of men in the juice world may know what's good for THEM, but they do NOT know what is good and not good for women. Not dissing the guys btw- many of you have admitted this to me yourselves. :-)

Please feel free to pm me anytime with questions. Be safe.
Was actually a legit question. Contrary to popular belief, women need a PCT. Not as extensive as a guy's, but we stil need it.

I actually didn't know that I was trying to be funny thinking females didn't pct lol glad I learned something today... I don't pct myself about to turn 36 so I'm not interested in being natural anymore lol
As a side note, women don't actually "need" a pct - sometimes it helps with some side effects of coming off cycle such as estrogen rebound, depression, etc but all of this will tend to stabilize in due time.
Unlike with men, where without a proper pct they risk being shutdown permanently.
Can it be useful for some women? Sure. Is it "needed"? No.

IME, tapering the dose until menses returns is the best way to go; this usually takes a month or 2.
Of course some women don't need to taper at all & recover fine.
I would NEVER recommend serms/ai for women - if you look at the data on patients being treated for breast cancer, there are far too many adverse side effects.
If, for whatever reason, a woman hasn't fully recovered then I recommend getting bloodwork to see what's going & then taking it from there.
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Was actually a legit question. Contrary to popular belief, women need a PCT. Not as extensive as a guy's, but we stil need it.

psizzle.. give us an example of a female pct please.. most of us are uneducated on the matter
Listen op, your post raised a lot of red flags. One being your 18. At that age your very naive to your surroundings. The second being your 260lb natty trainer. Why would u want cycle advice from somebody who is natty? I'm guessing he is selling u the gear. Be a lil smarter about it. The choices u make today can fuck you over real bad tomorrow.
Listen op, your post raised a lot of red flags. One being your 18. At that age your very naive to your surroundings. The second being your 260lb natty trainer. Why would u want cycle advice from somebody who is natty? I'm guessing he is selling u the gear. Be a lil smarter about it. The choices u make today can fuck you over real bad tomorrow.
Read the OP again tbone . She said "unnatty" aka enhanced