Hey all, first time posting here just registered cuz I'm panicking about my most recent subq injection.
Basically, not interested in anyone's opinions of me on steroids as a young female, I'm safe, I'm coached by a 7 year 260lbs bodybuilding unnatty pro, I'm not worried about my safety as I know I'm 100% safe. That bein said, your experiences and advice is much appreciated, really keen to hear your thoughts!
Started anavar 20mg a day, then masteron prop 10ius EOD bar weekends (mon,wed,fri) and just started primo ace, 20ius eod, same as my mast. It make sense to only pin once so I'm effectively subq'ing 30ius 3 times a week.
As I started injecting on just 10ius, as it was only masteron, I had no problems other than minor PIP, but as of fridays injection, 30ius at once into my tummy, I've developed a lump under the skin, maybe marble sized. As always I rotate sides and upper/lower abdomen so I'm not slamming the same area over and over, so on Monday I did my left lower side. Since then, another lump has developed maybe marble size again but slightly longer, and a red patch about 3 fingers wide has developed. The sides of this red patch aren't defined, it just looks like a ring. Warm, painful to touch but no more painful than standard PIP from a short ester shot.
Been reading some proper horror stories so I'm just wondering, should I be worried?
Goes without saying I practise proper hygiene and sterilisation, so no slip ups with dirty needles/hands will have caused this.
Thanks in advance, soph x
Basically, not interested in anyone's opinions of me on steroids as a young female, I'm safe, I'm coached by a 7 year 260lbs bodybuilding unnatty pro, I'm not worried about my safety as I know I'm 100% safe. That bein said, your experiences and advice is much appreciated, really keen to hear your thoughts!
Started anavar 20mg a day, then masteron prop 10ius EOD bar weekends (mon,wed,fri) and just started primo ace, 20ius eod, same as my mast. It make sense to only pin once so I'm effectively subq'ing 30ius 3 times a week.
As I started injecting on just 10ius, as it was only masteron, I had no problems other than minor PIP, but as of fridays injection, 30ius at once into my tummy, I've developed a lump under the skin, maybe marble sized. As always I rotate sides and upper/lower abdomen so I'm not slamming the same area over and over, so on Monday I did my left lower side. Since then, another lump has developed maybe marble size again but slightly longer, and a red patch about 3 fingers wide has developed. The sides of this red patch aren't defined, it just looks like a ring. Warm, painful to touch but no more painful than standard PIP from a short ester shot.
Been reading some proper horror stories so I'm just wondering, should I be worried?
Goes without saying I practise proper hygiene and sterilisation, so no slip ups with dirty needles/hands will have caused this.
Thanks in advance, soph x