18 year old females first cycle

He's not natty, he's been using steroids most of his bodybuilding career.
I know the guy who runs the lab, personally.
I am fully aware that 18 is young, this does not mean I haven't done my research and don't understand the risks.
I have been running everything one at a time, adding each in after the other so I can familiarise myself and let my body warn me if it doesn't like something. I've experienced no virilisation so far, and if I do I will stop straight away.

I appreciate all the advice from those who have something valuable to say, so thank you all, but don't criticise my choices. I'm fully aware of the risks, I have a lot of people around me with a lot of experience and all are saying it's likely to be an infection. If you wouldn't mind giving you're advice on what the issue could be, other than slate me for using steroids so early that would be great guys ;) hahaha not being horrible I really do appreciate your guidance I'm just curious about the issue at hand xx
My coach has seen similar symptoms before, and from experience believes it to be an infection, I'm going to go to a cilice nearby if symptoms don't relieve by the weekend. I was just curious to get other peoples opinions :)
I'm not easily offended. 18 year old female in a male dominated sport, you gotta learn to grow some balls.... Maybe I'll run some test, tren, dbol to keep up with the big boys .... ;) JOKING, of course hahah x
Girl. And yes I'm a girl so I'm gonna comment on this...

I can tell you are convinced this 'bodybuilder' friend of yours knows his stuff so I'm gonna just speak my peace, whether or not you follow it is up to you, but at least I'll feel better...

1. NEVER do more than one compound your first cycle. Why? Because you won't know what is doing what. Not every woman reacts to steroids the same. Some can only take a tenth of a dosage I'm able to handle, for instance...some also love certain compounds while I hate them.
You are running WAY too many compounds at once for your first time. Shit, for your second and third time and maybe even fourth and fifth. I've done dozens of cycles spanning over several years and I'm still cautious.

2. do you trust your source? Did your bodybuilder buddy home brew it? Or does he 'know a guy who knows a guy' ? I hope you have a good source. As women we have to be careful. I remember the first guy I bought from was in person...I wanted anavar and he took advantage of me not knowing my stuff and he gave me dbol instead. Those two compounds will give dramatically different results especially for females.

3. My very first time doing anything: similar situation to yours. A guy I worked out with who always claimed to be a bodybuilder told me about his cycles. I was intrigued so he told me what to do. He told me to run clen - no dosages, just do 'a few drops' and then run nolva for pct. Ha. Looking back I'm so glad I found the forums lol

In summation: do your own research. As women we have to be cautious. We are fucking with our hormones...be safe about it. Do you want to take bunk shit laced with something that can make you infertile? Want to lose your hair? (Primo makes my hair fall out like that girl off The Craft by the way, and combined with mast? Better stock up on some Rogaine)...these are things you need to think about. Don't assume this juicer knows what he's talking about. And he very well may- but it's common knowledge that the majority of men in the juice world may know what's good for THEM, but they do NOT know what is good and not good for women. Not dissing the guys btw- many of you have admitted this to me yourselves. :-)

Please feel free to pm me anytime with questions. Be safe.

Thank you, sorry I've replied to this in the wrong way. Cuz I'm new to this forum. Only registered today in order to ask my questions!!! Will PM you if needs be, really appreciate you taking the time to respond x
lol dam 18 yr old girl doing that much steroids

Age and gender are irrelevant if you're sensible and serious about what you do, in my opinion. I'm sensible, it was curiosity and passion for what I do that made me try steroids, if I get any side effects I'll stop. I value my body, and boobies!!!
what youre experiencing is the depot sub q from injecting oils sub q..

you can easily avoid this by injecting IM..

what are your stats??

Intramuscular 3 times a week for 30ius at a time? :/ I've never heard of anyone doing that, I've done plenty of research. Would you recommend this ten? Which muscles would you suggest injecting?

5ft 5

I'm not exactly playing at this either, my strength naturally was pretty good I'm my opinion. I train 5 times a week, strength is pretty good for someone my size etc.
I have nothing good to contribute I just wish you the best and hope you are not that troll who has 189 accounts lol
Age and gender are irrelevant if you're sensible and serious about what you do, in my opinion. I'm sensible, it was curiosity and passion for what I do that made me try steroids, if I get any side effects I'll stop. I value my body, and boobies!!!

Gender is absolutely relevant...

The last thing I'll say: if adequate research was done, you'd know to not only leave the mast alone, but choose ONE compound to run. That's the biggest issue I have here. Not even your age, that's actually issue #2 to me. But the fact that you're running this cycle. It's honestly overkill..

Have I run what you're running? Yep. I've even run primo with mast as a finisher. Why? I was competing. This was before I moved into women's physique. Now the list of what I take is extremely short. Quality over quantity.
psizzle.. give us an example of a female pct please.. most of us are uneducated on the matter


As I said before, women's pct is not as extensive as a guy's...our main goal here is to minimize the rebound many of us see when we abruptly stop taking the steroids. To achieve this, a decent test booster will do the trick.

Or... here are my go-to's. I've taken these for years.

1. Forma Stanzol...unfortunately this has been banned HOWEVER MrSupps is about to release a brand new version which I cannot wait to try...basically the formestane has been taken away and replaced with Cyclohexylaminoglutethimide which is 240 fold more potent than aminoglutethimide, an AI which has been used to treat breast cancer carcinoma. aminoglutethimide itself is not as potent as formestane, but it sounds like cyclohexylaminoglutethimide will be a very good substitute.

2. Post cycle/unleashed...I've actually taken these by themselves, sometimes one without the other, but more often together.

3. Dermacrine

There are also several pct supplements out there...Forged is the one I've tried most often. Tastes like complete ass but it works. And right now I'm giving the d-test power chews a test drive. So far so good- going to check into the specifics, but this may be my latest addition to the 'these are safe for women' group.

If anyone has any products in mind that they'd like to know is safe for their girlfriends or whoever to take, don't hesitate to ask! Like I said these are the ones I always keep on hand. I'm always looking for other new ones to try.
I did not know women used. I have gained new knowledge today. This is great information to know. I just noticed that you are bigger and stronger looking than me I have a lot of work to do.

14" arms, not that huge lol. Was in prep for my last show in that pic. Leaner = appears larger especially with women
Intramuscular 3 times a week for 30ius at a time? :/ I've never heard of anyone doing that, I've done plenty of research. Would you recommend this ten? Which muscles would you suggest injecting?

5ft 5

I'm not exactly playing at this either, my strength naturally was pretty good I'm my opinion. I train 5 times a week, strength is pretty good for someone my size etc.

in addition to other things in this thread raising red flags or being bothersome... how about you stop referring to the measurements as "iu's", I'm pretty sure you mean "mg's"

my two cents... you're 18, don't ruin yourself yet... you have the rest of your life to do that ;)
Age and gender are irrelevant if you're sensible and serious about what you do, in my opinion. I'm sensible, it was curiosity and passion for what I do that made me try steroids, if I get any side effects I'll stop. I value my body, and boobies!!!

you couldn't be any more incorrect with this statement..

age and sensibility go hand in hand.. too young means youre not being sensible.. thats a fact
Wrong gender plays the biggest role in this instance. Women should never take more than nominal a points of androgens. Your very young and should want to children some day. Taking steroids the wrong way on one cycle could change your ability to have children ever.
If ur " pro coach " has an 18yo female on Aas , then he is as smart as a bucket of fish and you should stay the hell away from him. Drostanolone is not a compound for women, but aside from that. You are 18yo, female hormone panel is quite complex and delicate compared to a mans and responds sporatically to androgens. Not to mention at ur age ur estrogen and hormone levels will not be developed and will fluctuate already. I'm sorry, to add androgens into that equation is insane. U need a new coach the one u have is an idiot. Someone's gotta say it. Not " my opinion " its fact. Stay away from androgens , stay away from this " pro" get a hct and hgb test and go see an endocrinologist before u cause urself some irreversible damage.
AAS are to assist in building a body and lifestyle ready and prepared, with a mind that's focused and knowledge based. Its about building a healthy lifestyle and healthy body, not destroying it
Girl. And yes I'm a girl so I'm gonna comment on this...

I can tell you are convinced this 'bodybuilder' friend of yours knows his stuff so I'm gonna just speak my peace, whether or not you follow it is up to you, but at least I'll feel better...

1. NEVER do more than one compound your first cycle. Why? Because you won't know what is doing what. Not every woman reacts to steroids the same. Some can only take a tenth of a dosage I'm able to handle, for instance...some also love certain compounds while I hate them.
You are running WAY too many compounds at once for your first time. Shit, for your second and third time and maybe even fourth and fifth. I've done dozens of cycles spanning over several years and I'm still cautious.

2. do you trust your source? Did your bodybuilder buddy home brew it? Or does he 'know a guy who knows a guy' ? I hope you have a good source. As women we have to be careful. I remember the first guy I bought from was in person...I wanted anavar and he took advantage of me not knowing my stuff and he gave me dbol instead. Those two compounds will give dramatically different results especially for females.

3. My very first time doing anything: similar situation to yours. A guy I worked out with who always claimed to be a bodybuilder told me about his cycles. I was intrigued so he told me what to do. He told me to run clen - no dosages, just do 'a few drops' and then run nolva for pct. Ha. Looking back I'm so glad I found the forums lol

In summation: do your own research. As women we have to be cautious. We are fucking with our hormones...be safe about it. Do you want to take bunk shit laced with something that can make you infertile? Want to lose your hair? (Primo makes my hair fall out like that girl off The Craft by the way, and combined with mast? Better stock up on some Rogaine)...these are things you need to think about. Don't assume this juicer knows what he's talking about. And he very well may- but it's common knowledge that the majority of men in the juice world may know what's good for THEM, but they do NOT know what is good and not good for women. Not dissing the guys btw- many of you have admitted this to me yourselves. :-)

Please feel free to pm me anytime with questions. Be safe.

This above....^^^^^^^^^^...what great advice. This is an awesome site. Great to see females getting to talk to females cuz it's harder for them. Thanks for that post ^^^. OMM :)
Yes it would be nice to have more of you around! I'm sure plenty of guys here have wife's like me that love hit the gym with them and cycle as well. I thumb through the threads here in the women's section but not quite as active as I would like to see it. Psizzle I would love it if you would bring up some common topics for women and AAS more often.
as far as the original qustion about the knots pip and redness, i have ran a full cycle with these same problems and the lab was well reputable... at first was worried , took antibiotics re micronfiltered everything and still the same thing lol so just ran it and dealt with it... just my exp and relation. . .