18 year old first cycle test e 500 mg

I don't have a few years. I have 4 months to get to college football readiness

1 cycle in that time frame isn't gonna get you there ,, In fact quite the opposite, You do your cycle now for 8 weeks,, then AFTER that you know your going to be shut down. Your natural test levels will be at zero, your gonna feel weak, depressed and tired -- Do you know when your gonna feel like that ? Roughly 4 months from now.. Do you really want to go into college football readiness feeling tired and weak
4 months from now I will start my senior football season. I'm a junior

18 year old Junior? Get held back?

If you could play D1, you wouldn't have to guess whether or not you could. You would already have recruiters sitting in your parent's living room ans there would be an Escalade that magically appeared in your drive way with the keys in it.
Scientific study suggests steroids dont work until the day you turn 25 you see the neuron modulators in the endocrin system have not fully developed, therfore the plasma receptors cannot bind with the pneumatic receptor glands wich will not allow the hormone to attach to the nucleus maximus

PhD in bro science from Harvard. Listen to this guy kid. He is the top expert on steroids in the US and maybe the world. Don't dare question his knowledge either.
18 year old Junior? Get held back?

If you could play D1, you wouldn't have to guess whether or not you could. You would already have recruiters sitting in your parent's living room ans there would be an Escalade that magically appeared in your drive way with the keys in it.

maybe he thinks that if he does this one cycle then this will become a reality.. everything he knows about AAS probably came from the TV, media, and You Tube
Right now you need to get your diet in check. Do that first, help yourself maximize the HUGE amounts of testosterone you already have in your body, exercise powerfully, THEN move onto steroids later. Here is an example of what will happen if you start taking testosterone now:

Let us assume your test level is about 800, a good high number due to your age. If you inject testosterone into your body, the first thing it does is STOP making its own testosterone. While it varies for everyone, let us say injecting 200mg of test will give you around a test level of 800. What this means is you will NEED to inject 200mg of test JUST TO GET TO WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE NATURALLY. I made that in all caps because that is what is so important. To actually RAISE your level, you will need to add even more test in your injections. The next 300mg of test is the only part actually doing anything...you are literally wasting nearly half your gear.

You will certainly see gains, sloppy gains, but gains nonetheless. Then you will enter PCT and lose half of what you gained. You will also feel like crap, be depressed, and have no energy. In a month or two, you will recover and be back at where you started with a little more muscle - but nothing huge or significant.

Your diet is the key, get that in shape first. Do Keto or Carb Cycling and get your body fat down to a level worthy of using steroids (you are WAY too fat to use them now). Until you can drop below 15%, steroids will not do much help for you - but they can cause you a lot of harm.

My advice, stay away from the drugs. Get your diet fixed, hit the gym with the same desire you normally reserved for sex. Get your body fat down and THEN talk to us again. Hit the Diet Forum for help with the diet.
Scientific study suggests steroids dont work until the day you turn 25 you see the neuron modulators in the endocrin system have not fully developed, therfore the plasma receptors cannot bind with the pneumatic receptor glands wich will not allow the hormone to attach to the nucleus maximus

this has been proven by Einstein
Hey fat kid, listen to the men on here.
Your ENTIRE life will be fucked up for what, 15#s of temporary gain?
Grow up a little first, your posts prove you're not ready.
Well Ido have a lot of muscle mass and I'm sure I can play for a d1 school

"I'm sure" as you you have no scholarship?

Take it from me as someone who at one time was a top 100 recruit in the country and played D1 ball..........walk ons hardly every make it. Also they do not get treated fair, there is almost no room for mistakes. And lastly, how much you can lift will not make or break you making it. Its how you play on the field which steroids do not help.

You really want to get ready? I would highly suggest joining a speed training center. I personally went to Athletic Republic for 8 years. It's a proven system that makes you faster and more athletic in every way possible. The biggest problem with guys coming out of high school is they are never ready for the game speed. Its a LOT faster than varsity football. Get faster, eat clean and lift. Stay away from gear.

Btw here is a promo vid of AR:


But AR is a little pricey. There are many out there, find one in your area.
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Well I see other 18 and 17 year olds who are juicing and passing up my lifts with ease and I have to be the biggest and strongest so I'm gonna and some tren aand deca at the end of my cycle
So? Other people are doing it and lifting more than you? Are these same "other people" playing football better than you? Grow up, man. You should probably get that diet in check first as I'm sure you're spending your weekends smashing fast food and ramen noodles. AAS ain't the way to a D1 school that you're "sure" you could play for. If you're so sure, why do you need AAS? Where are your deficiencies which you think Tren and Deca will fix?

No one is flaming you because they don't want you to be the best at what you do. They're flaming you so you don't end up like Taylor Hooten, which has become the red flag used to make sure the stuff stays illegal, (but not the other antidepressants and shit he was on). You're too young and if you NEED them to get you into college ball, my guess is you aren't good enough as is.

Well I see other 18 and 17 year olds who are juicing and passing up my lifts with ease and I have to be the biggest and strongest so I'm gonna and some tren aand deca at the end of my cycle
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Well I see other 18 and 17 year olds who are juicing and passing up my lifts with ease and I have to be the biggest and strongest so I'm gonna and some tren aand deca at the end of my cycle

You obviously don't know the first thing about AAS. You are going to cause yourself serious harm.