18 year old first cycle test e 500 mg

Well I see other 18 and 17 year olds who are juicing and passing up my lifts with ease and I have to be the biggest and strongest so I'm gonna and some tren aand deca at the end of my cycle

Dude if you are going to be a moron and not listen to all these experienced folks, at least listen to me, I ACTUALLY PLAYED D-1 BALL!

Tren is HORRIBLE idea for a football player. You will not make thru 30 min of practice in full gear on tren before you collapse from lack of oxygen.

I did not Juice UNTIL I got into college. High school I was natty, like I said the juice is not going to get you a scholarship. Speed training and a lot of combines will. Have you even got invited to any combines or visited any this offseason?

And lastly, when I did juice in college, it was during the offseason and all I did was Test and Var...never touched hard core shit like tren or decca. Tren is for bodybuilders...not athletes...know the difference.
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Alright I'm just gonna stick with the test. Yes I've gotten plenty of emails and invites to camps.

I'd call you out on this on ! can you show us an invite on letterhead leaving your name out?

As everyone says this is a bad idea. But since you are just a child you can't see the forest for the trees, You still live in a make believe world of "It won't happen to me" Who gives a shit who is doing what. Your peers don't give a rip what you lift or how you run.

Tren as you were told is not for the athlete. This thread is a sad one and shows your immaturity. :dunno:
If you're going to take any steroid it should be creatine.

That shit's amazing I know they're going to take it off the shelves sometime soon.
I'd probably wait if I was you, as you're probably too young, but if you're set on it....take creatine over test.

Testosterone is a shitty hormone for building muscles.
Creatine is all about sub-q water retention which will make your muscles grow faster and you look bigger which gives you the mental edge.

Creatine has to be taken every day (ED) so be careful, it's pretty hard core.

edit: my display pic is me on a creatine only cycle. I didn't even need test! I took 5g a day which is 10x stronger than a shitty 500mg of test a week....
If you're going to take any steroid it should be creatine.

That shit's amazing I know they're going to take it off the shelves sometime soon.
I'd probably wait if I was you, as you're probably too young, but if you're set on it....take creatine over test.

Testosterone is a shitty hormone for building muscles.
Creatine is all about sub-q water retention which will make your muscles grow faster and you look bigger which gives you the mental edge.

Creatine has to be taken every day (ED) so be careful, it's pretty hard core.

edit: my display pic is me on a creatine only cycle. I didn't even need test! I took 5g a day which is 10x stronger than a shitty 500mg of test a week....

Dude...what the hell are you talking about?
Is front loading the way to go?

LMAO he is just trolling at this point.

You are not going to last 2 seconds in the big boy league.

For everyone else: take a look at one more video. this is my buddies speed training center he opened with the money he earned playing 2 years in the NFL.


Those are some of the best recruited players out of SoCal. THIS is how football players train and get good.......not like this POS trying to take Tren and play ball LMAO