19 Years Old. Wanna start dbol Cycle HELP!!


New member
Hey guys im 19 years old, about 165 pounds, 6'. I workout really hard about 4 months at a time with about 2 week breaks in between. When I diet (eat alot) really hard I seem to go up to about 170 pounds and it seems like it plateaus at that. I am considering buying a cycle of dbol. They are 5mg pills. I have done a lot of research on them. I know the side effects on the kidneys liver, the acne and the gyno. But if I completely dont care about any of those side effects and am willing to deal with them, how do you guys recommend I cycle. I am not willing to use test, just because I have enough as it is and essentially the dbol will turn into some. Any recommendations? anything will help Thank You
Look, you need to learn how to eat and keep the calories up consistently or you'll never maintain any mass.

Taking gear at your age will just fuck yourself, simple as that. A little short term gain that you'll probably just loose but at a huge cost, which includes freezing your growth plates.
mranak said:
Look, you need to learn how to eat and keep the calories up consistently or you'll never maintain any mass.

Taking gear at your age will just fuck yourself, simple as that. A little short term gain that you'll probably just loose but at a huge cost, which includes freezing your growth plates.

I agree with mranak! Focus on your diet.
mranak said:
Look, you need to learn how to eat and keep the calories up consistently or you'll never maintain any mass.

Taking gear at your age will just fuck yourself, simple as that. A little short term gain that you'll probably just loose but at a huge cost, which includes freezing your growth plates.
^^^^take this advise^^^^^ what's the rush bro?? tighten up your diet (more cals) and fine tune your training, you'll see results....fer sure.
i was 19 at 165 at 6 feet tall. I didn't take dbol to get bigger, i ate more. i've got to nearly 200 without the dbol...you can too.
You should hit atleast 210 lb naturally at 6 feet. To get there you will have to eat the right foods and workout, be patient, by the time you are 210 you will know enough about diet and working out then you'll be ready for a cycle. I you do a cycle now I garantee you will depressed post cycle and lose any muscle that you might have accidentaly gained on the cycle. Go out and have fun with the ladies, remember if you like someone say it to her, straight up, you,ll be suprised how well it works, man have fun at 19, go out with friends and get it on with some girls. There's too much of a risk to juice at 19, hair, sex drive, natural hormone may get fuct.
165lbs @ 6' tells us one thing - you are making mistakes in your diet and/or training. Don't be fooled, steroids are not magic, they cannot help you get big if you don't eat and train properly.

If I were you, I would head over to the Diet/Training forums and read up there. You should have absolutely no problem putting on 30lbs over the next year naturally.

As for a Dbol only cycle? That's just dumb. You have "enough" test? It's obvious you have no clue about steroids, so even if you were big enough to use them, you aren't knowledgeable enough to do so quite yet.

Good luck man, eat!!
also...once you start training with AAS, it's pretty hard to go back to natty training, or at least for me that was the case. Why not capitalize on your age and natty potential first, max that out and then hit up the gear.
People who actually know what they are doing here, don't care for people like you (its guys like you that give all steroid users a bad name). Like Thoms said, you are here for ALL the wrong reasons. Lift hard and count your calories for 2 years and then maybe steroids will be right for you provided: you actually learn about strength training and apply the principals.
If you cant get bigger through just diet and training STEROIDS are not gonna help you. you'll get some water and strength gains but as SOON as you come off you'll go right back to square one...
take it from me someone who started using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) at a very young age .. if i could go back and change what i did i would in a second! do yourself a favor and wait bro
skarhead1 said:
If you cant get bigger through just diet and training STEROIDS are not gonna help you. you'll get some water and strength gains but as SOON as you come off you'll go right back to square one...

True. Probably even slip past square one since post-cycle therapy will most likely be neglected and natty test levels will be low for quite some time.
pierre1 said:
I am not willing to use test, just because I have enough as it is and essentially the dbol will turn into some.
this right here says you did not do the research you said you did. youre too young. sorry I know its not what you wanted to hear but its the simple truth.
Too young. Eat alot of whole foods with protein, veggies, yams, brown rice, lean meats like steaks, ground round, fish, and tons of egg whites, oh and plenty of h20. Protein shakes to supplement and post workouts. Multi-v, flax oil or the caps, ala, extra Vit-C, zinc, plus the shakes is all you need right now. Don't even think about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) till your 23-25yr old. You body is still growing and your testicular axis isn't even mature enough that it prob isn't even in sync yet. Eat, sleep at least 8hr and train hard and you will grow bro.
just stay patient, and enjoy the process.

it seems like it will take forever, but if you just LEARN as much about training, and diet as you can... then stay faithfull with your workouts and eating, you'll be amazed at what you can do.