1g of test 14 week cycle and ED with lactation.

To the members of Steroidology.

Since there was some false accusations told publically about myself and selling AAS p r o d u c t s I am simply compelled set the public straight.

I OMM am NOT a rep for any Lab or company. I have NEVER been a rep. I have only been asked to share my labs after I used their product. I have done that with 3 labs with the understanding that I have no desire to be a rep, and so I am not.

I OMM do NOT sell to anyone s t e r o i d s what so ever for myself or any lab or other companies. I do not sell anything...

Just like ALL these women coming out of the woodwork making accusation of all these politicians and famous people , the public in so many cases will never know the truth. It's a he said she said situation is so many of the cases. Well here is where the lie begins and ends. For most all those who have been around for a few years I think my track record on O'logy speaks in my behalf and truthfulness.


OMM :)

Ha lol Now that's entertainment :dance2:

bump this again ... :)