1g of test 14 week cycle and ED with lactation.

Dude I'm 36. Like I said. Yiubwant to compare knowledge let's do it. Other than that pop some aromasin and put your junk back in your pants. Nothing in your post would survive a real debate as it is mostly logical fallacy and personal attacks.

Cognitive dissonance. The rejection of new information that contradicts one current opinion or p o s i t i o n.
Now the old fuck with a tattoo on his abdomen is playing the intellectual here. Did I ever once say that the only problem estrogen caused was tits? Where did I say that? All I said is to use an AI on an AS NEEDED basis and not just popping it with your shill ugl gear because thats what you read on the sticky. You weigh 180lbs soaking wet,the guys that told me this info are 300lbs big guys that take grams of test. Not your stupid 500mg of bunk test that you chose to use your bunk AI with. My protocol is off why? Many people all over the steroid forums take AI on an as needed basis. Saying that estrogen causes permanent ED is complete and utter bullshit.

It's funny your friend comes on this thread,derails it and now you want your ego stroked. You are not a smart man. You have a big ugly tattoo across your abdomen and you are posting your face on a forum associated with drugs. Don't come into my thread acting all high and mighty with your little peanut brain. You have some breast tissue too so clearly you haven't used your AI properly,I don't have any of that thankfully.

Anything you say is irrelevant because you lack the common sense not to post your picture on a STEROID forum. Secondly,no one is going to ever take you seriously with that tramp stamp across your abdomen.

Why are you asking for our advice then? Why not go ask your 300lb buddys. Lol funniest shit ever lmao
ai's are used to prevent sides not to counter sides after you get them. get blood works done.

It is preventative medicine....

Controlling estrogen properly will not hinder gains. Not muscle gains. If high estrogen lead to water retention is NOT gaining it really hindering gains? To low or to high estrogen has more effects than acne, limp dick and tits.

I've studied estrogens in the line of epileptics because I'm am epileptic and estrogen isn't to be played with. High or low. It's deeply involved or both brains and bones. Gyno is the least of it. Alzheimer's and statistically higher estrogen levels were mentioned several times in my personal studies of neuro-endocrinologly.

Lactation. . . . . Maybe mislabeled AAS or your body is in some trouble. Labs bro. Get them Labs!!!!!

As was stated back a ways... The Pro's might not use an AI even when doing grams at a time ( I don't think that though) however they have doctors working with them. BW done any day any time , all the time... then they treat with an AI..... But you cannot induce a gram or more of exogenous test and NOT have your E2 go up out of range. YOu cannot look at a pro BB and go by what he does UNLESS you have a doctor at your side day in and day out.

Until someone is experienced enough with his body, the sides, the doses and how he reacts he should start a cycle of Test using a low dose AI. Feel himself and get bloods to increase , decrease or delete the AI.

Example of some unwanted sides. some of which are not readily obvious to the user. :

Low Estrogen Side Effects: -

Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:
- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

This ^^ was just to get through all the bullshit arguing and give a good protocol thinking to the use of an AI , stated for most the noobs. :)


Just to set the record straight , talking about a man's weight and how much mgs they take is nonsense. Really , other then being a middle weight what is wrong with my pic .... weight at 177 lbs in my Avi pic ^^. OR would it make a difference if I took the pic 4 months earlier when , weight was 210 lbs. If I said I weighed 210 or 177 what would make you believe in me. OH and my face :) Some stupid talk for adults.
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Why are you asking for our advice then? Why not go ask your 300lb buddys. Lol funniest shit ever lmao
I dont think you read my post. The advice moving forward to fix what could POSSIBLY be the cause of my ED,is to take an AI and get bloodwork. I am already taking an AI and I am going to get blood work,what advice am I ignoring exactly? I am doing EXACTLY what anyone else would in my situation. Problem is some guy came on here with the SOLE purpose to act in a patronizing manner. If there is advice and shit talking that is one thing,when it is a pure ATTENTION grab of course I am going to say something as that is effeminate behavior.

My thread is asking for suggestions on what could be a potential solution besides doing what I am already doing.
Now the old fuck with a tattoo on his abdomen is playing the intellectual here. Did I ever once say that the only problem estrogen caused was tits? Where did I say that? All I said is to use an AI on an AS NEEDED basis and not just popping it with your shill ugl gear because thats what you read on the sticky. You weigh 180lbs soaking wet,the guys that told me this info are 300lbs big guys that take grams of test. Not your stupid 500mg of bunk test that you chose to use your bunk AI with. My protocol is off why? Many people all over the steroid forums take AI on an as needed basis. Saying that estrogen causes permanent ED is complete and utter bullshit.

It's funny your friend comes on this thread,derails it and now you want your ego stroked. You are not a smart man. You have a big ugly tattoo across your abdomen and you are posting your face on a forum associated with drugs. Don't come into my thread acting all high and mighty with your little peanut brain. You have some breast tissue too so clearly you haven't used your AI properly,I don't have any of that thankfully.

Anything you say is irrelevant because you lack the common sense not to post your picture on a STEROID forum. Secondly,no one is going to ever take you seriously with that tramp stamp across your abdomen.

When you guys get so ugly with the put downs it's time to grow up, n move on. I've had my arguments on here but this is childish and mean. Especially when you start stepping on other toes. :argue:

I'm old and I have posted my face on boards for 8 or more years. Not nice kiddo.

SO lets let it drop fellas before more people get banned on here. :bawling:
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When you guys get so ugly with the put downs it's time to grow up, n move on. I've had my arguments on here but this is childish and mean. Especially when you star stepping on other toes. :argue:

I'm old and I have posted my face on boards for 8 or more years. Not nice kiddo.

SO lets let it drop fellas before more people get banned on here. :bawling:

Mike dont act like a super hero here. I still have the PMs where you tried to peddle your sovereignlabs garbage and you told me to delete the PMs so milton didnt see.

Funny how you are liking post and acting like you are the good guy on this forum. You are a two faced man,when you were trying to peddle your gear you acted like we were buds. Now you are calling to have me banned. That's childish.
Mike dont act like a super hero here. I still have the PMs where you tried to peddle your sovereignlabs garbage and you told me to delete the PMs so milton didnt see.

Funny how you are liking post and acting like you are the good guy on this forum. You are a two faced man,when you were trying to peddle your gear you acted like we were buds. Now you are calling to have me banned. That's childish.

I didn't break any rules . I went PM and you apparently needed help. I don't give it to everyone so I don't want a name as to being some rep. I am not a rep for anyone, but I can tell someone what lab I use on a PM. I have been accused as to being a rep for AML after I posted my labs, I have been accused of making money as a rep. SO I like those PRIVATE MAIL to be private.

Let me say , if one of my friends were to give irresponsible advice like what you did, I would kick his stupid irresponsible ass to the curb. Wrong, .. friends call out friends that do stupid bad shit and give advice that is harmful ... back up kid, get a grip or life and some morals.

BY the way Sovereign Labs is out there on the net. SO without any sense of integrity, or RESPECT you just spew out some personal mail out here on board. With that you do, well you just showed the world the type of man you are after someone helped you

Now MR. cocky I will refrain from saying what I think so as not to be as rude as you are on here, I am all grown up, silly boy. I think by your irresponsible post and the things you have said here along with the above ^^^ from you , others, many others on here have your number.

To get it straight I have not called anyone to ban you. I have no power here. Admin does not act on my command or wish.

I need not say anything more you have put your own foot in your mouth and destroyed your own integrity, credibility out there for all to see.

AT any rate you will not drag me down in this crazy ego fight. Have fun :wavey: I will not respond to anymore posts on this thread as to avoid more arguing.
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Cialis works alright. I get mine from an Indian pharma and have heard that they are less potent than the American versions. I took a cialis and my penis wasnt working until a day later. It's like the indian kind doesn't really kick in until 12-24 hours. Viagra,I unfortunately do not have any right now. Problem is I do not want to rely on cialis.I thought my issue was psychological but when you jack off and ejaculate soft I think it is fair to say there is a bigger issue taking place. I have switched from a good UGL to a bad UGL mid cycle and experienced ED due to fake gear and being shut down. It's really hard to pinpoint what the cause of my ED is at this point. I had moonface and somewhat sensitive nipples. If I crash my E2 from what I have read I still should be able to get a hard erection.

How long on aromasin before I should notice positive changes to my ED issue? My only problem with cialis is that it feels like there is still a problem there. For example in a situation where I would go limp,with cialis instead of going completely limp I just lose the full glans instead of the whole penis going limp if that makes sense. I thought I maybe had a venous leak but I am not too sure now,it honestly feels like a hormonal issue. My morning woods you could bend at the middle.

I am praying to god that my issue is E2 related and not something else. I seriously do not know what else to do if my erections aren't solved by the AI.

Usually if my e2 gets up I have more erectile and orgasm issues. If I over medicate and crash (seems to happen in just a few days) , then i stop or slow the meds and I come back within 3 days. I have no blood work to back this up, just going off feeling. I ALWAYS use anastrozole and it comes from local pharmacy so I'm confident in its potency. I think in your situation I'd go with .25mg anastrozole EOD until I could get bloods and/or symptoms subsided. This is what I would do as I know I would be very unhappy in your situation. ED and libido issues suck. So if you're keeping your test dose the same id start with .25 EOD on anastrozole and move up from there if it didn't work. Bloods should tell you exactly what the issue is. Post em when you get an.
As I said before I would alternate cialis Viagra if I could get it. Even if it only works sometimes, at least itll help til you can get everyrhing squared away with blood work. Best of luck bro. I'm sure whatever the issue is you will get it handled soon. Hope to learn from you here after the blood work. I want to try more testosterone in the future......so this may be a learning opportunity for me.
Maybe somebody will chime in with better advice but sadly that's all I got.
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I didn't break any rules . I went PM and you apparently needed help. I don't give it to everyone so I don't want a name as to being some rep. I am not a rep for anyone, but I can tell someone what lab I use on a PM. I have been accused as to being a rep for AML after I posted my labs, I have been accused of making money as a rep. SO I like those PRIVATE MAIL to be private.

Let me say , if one of my friends were to give irresponsible advice like what you did, I would kick his stupid irresponsible ass to the curb. Wrong friends call out friends that do stupid bad shit and give advice that is harmful ... back up kid, get a grip or life and some morals.

BY the way Sovereign Labs is out there on the net. SO without any sense of integrity, or RESPECT you just spew out some personal mail out here on board. With that you do, well you just showed the world the type of man you are after someone helped you

Now MR. cocky I will refrain from saying what I think so as not to be as rude as you are on here, I am all grown up, silly boy. I think by your irresponsible post and the things you have said here along with the above ^^^ from you , others, many others on here have your number.

To get it straight I have not called anyone to ban you. I have no power here. Admin does not act on my command or wish.

I need not say anything more you have put your own foot in your mouth and destroyed your own integrity, credibility out there for all to see.

AT any rate you will not drag me down in this crazy ego fight. Have fun :wavey: I will not respond to anymore posts on this thread as to avoid more arguing.

So if you didn't break any rules why did you state in the PM to delete the PM so Milton doesn't see? You spent 3 years here pretending to be Milton's friend and it turns out you are stealing his business. That's why I get pissed off at people that come into threads just to talk smack. You came in here trying to earn brownie points on ology,I had to let everyone know what kind of man YOU are. You destroyed your own integrity when you chose to go behind milton's back to peddle merchandise.

If what you did wasn't wrong,why did you feel the need to tell me to delete the PM? Milton can see the PM whenever he wants and he will see you are nothing but a brown noser that is looking to make some sales on the fucking back of Milton. You talk to me about integrity yet you pretend to befriend people so you can push your underdosed product.
Usually if my e2 gets up I have more erectile and orgasm issues. If I over medicate and crash (seems to happen in just a few days) , then i stop or slow the meds and I come back within 3 days. I have no blood work to back this up, just going off feeling. I ALWAYS use anastrozole and it comes from local pharmacy so I'm confident in its potency. I think in your situation I'd go with .25mg anastrozole EOD until I could get bloods and/or symptoms subsided. This is what I would do as I know I would be very unhappy in your situation. ED and libido issues suck. So if you're keeping your test dose the same id start with .25 EOD on anastrozole and move up from there if it didn't work. Bloods should tell you exactly what the issue is. Post em when you get an.
As I said before I would alternate cialis Viagra if I could get it. Even if it only works sometimes, at least itll help til you can get everyrhing squared away with blood work. Best of luck bro. I'm sure whatever the issue is you will get it handled soon. Hope to learn from you here after the blood work. I want to try more testosterone in the future......so this may be a learning opportunity for me.
Maybe somebody will chime in with better advice but sadly that's all I got.

I truly appreciate the well wishes bro. I don't have anastrozole only aromasin.So even if I crash my e2 I should still be able to get erections right?I'll get bloods and keep everyone posted. I appreciate the help.
OP....i want to learn from your situation and wish I could offer more to help you. A few guys have posted on here and maybe their comments got you a little heated, but i hope you can get constructive advice from them and TAKE IT. These guys have helped me a lot and threads like this one are uncommon nowadays on this site. Lets all play nice........or maybe I need more anastrozole and more cypionate (feeling a little emotional). Hahahaha
Please post the bloodwork and let us know what works for you. Lets continue to learn from one another. A lot of great guys have posted here. Looking forward to hearing the resolution
So far After one day of dosing 6.25 and the next day 12.5,I have currently taken 18.5mg of Aromasin. My morning and spontaneous erections are coming back. My erection came back hard,sexual stimulation actually felt good again,but after 5-6 minutes I lost my erection again.I wonder if I should give it another day before adding in more aromasin. I am not trying to crash my e2.
So far After one day of dosing 6.25 and the next day 12.5,I have currently taken 18.5mg of Aromasin. My morning and spontaneous erections are coming back. My erection came back hard,sexual stimulation actually felt good again,but after 5-6 minutes I lost my erection again.I wonder if I should give it another day before adding in more aromasin. I am not trying to crash my e2.

With that being said, if you are planning bloodwork, you kinda need to stay at a dose of your ai so you know where your at when you get the results. If your constantly adjusting ai dose, you won't really be able to tell where your at with that particular dose. You are kinda in a bind right now and may need multiple bloods done over time to get dialed in.
To the members of Steroidology.

Since there was some false accusations told publically about myself and selling AAS p r o d u c t s I am simply compelled set the public straight.

I OMM am NOT a rep for any Lab or company. I have NEVER been a rep. I have only been asked to share my labs after I used their product. I have done that with 3 labs with the understanding that I have no desire to be a rep, and so I am not.

I OMM do NOT sell to anyone s t e r o i d s what so ever for myself or any lab or other companies. I do not sell anything...

Just like ALL these women coming out of the woodwork making accusation of all these politicians and famous people , the public in so many cases will never know the truth. It's a he said she said situation is so many of the cases. Well here is where the lie begins and ends. For most all those who have been around for a few years I think my track record on O'logy speaks in my behalf and truthfulness.


OMM :)

Ha lol Now that's entertainment :dance2:
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