1st cycle anavar and test ethanate

xcoregage said:
I deff will and I'll keep ya'll posted on gains

Ok, thee fact that you should have waited and worked harder aside, you are gonna need to get your s#@t together real fast since you have started your cycle. My advice to you. Go get your self some food.
Black Beans
Raw Almonds
Olive Oil
Low Fat Cheese
Whole milk
Natural Peanut Butter (skippy makes one cheap)
Whole Grain Bread
Green Veggies (I do frozen broc. cauli. green beans. brussle sprouts) $1.abag!
Yam or Sweet Potato
Canola Butter
Jelly (no high fructose)

Whey Protein
Gainer Powder

Nolvadex and Clomid the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) might be tough to get or too expensive for you.

6000 cals it really hard to do clean. Throw a scoop of oatmeal into your gainer shake and use whole milk. you should get around 800cals per shake. Eat often. You mentioned cost, it's expensive! Shop around or buy in bulk.

READ< READ<READ<READ!! There is a lot of good info on this site. RESEARCH!

Get your post cycle therapy (pct) together or you will NOT keep much of your new gains. Use the search box!

Yeah, your gonna take some flak for not planning this correctly and asking questions like what's post cycle therapy (pct)? But don't let that discourage you from educating your self. So ask away, but read the stickys and you will find a lot of answers there. The most important thing is that you contiune your cycle safely.

Good luck!-
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ok cool and by the way I already got some nolvadex powder lined up ...what do I mix it with ? I was told everclear...is this right ? oh btw jjsauce ask in anabolic section not in my cycle please lol..and Im actually kinda glad I jumped straight on gear cause I have problems with motivation If I dont see gains ..I used to workout b4 but didnt see much so gear was next thing to try ..thanks for all you guys' help
What if you started developing gyno last week? You should have everything organized before you go on gear man.

The reason you didn't see gains before was because you were not eating enough or training right, it's as simple as that. You're not a "hardgainer" beleive me. I'm not trying to flame you, but you can't really bullshit us, we all know already. The reason you hopped on gear was because you're not dedicated enough to go natty and you think that gear will make you grow.

As long as you have your diet and training in check, you will grow. Just don't think it's magic.
I think you should definitely clean up your diet but if you don't see an increase in fat composition while on that diet....then there shouldn't be a reason to mess with it. Just take out the bad sugars and adjust your quick carbs to times that would benefit such a spike in insulin. Also, replacing some of those carbs with protein may help as well. I also think you should buy a legitimate gear book and do some research on what you are taking into your body. It isn't just...a steroid...I inject it...there's a lot to know about each substance. There are many good books on this subject...just look around. By the way, I have a dual Masters degree in Biochemistry/Physiology and Ph.d in Biomechanics and I still have a lot to learn on this subject. It's a good blend of scientific knowledge, Experienced friends, and real world testing that will help you get to where u want to go. Good luck bro

i am thinking about trying anavar and nothing else for either 4 or 6 weeks, 20 to 30 mg per day. do i need post cycle therapy following this or is it not necessary? should i increase the dosage each week, maybe 10mg/day week 1, 15mg/day week 2, 20mg/day week 3 etc...any advice would be appreciated
Im knew to this site. Im getting ready to start doing test 250 for the first time. I quess my question is how long should i stay on it b 4 doing getting off and how long should i do a off cycle 4?
whyyy anavar if your so damn skinny allready?????? anavar is a mild steroid and is used for cutting and reducing fat. none of this is what you need. save the money and buy food unless its too late
Funny how this thread started over a year ago, but it keeps getting posts every few months...I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this newbie's pure ignorance.

sjohn191....start a new thread of your own in the anabolic steroid section.
BROOOOOOO!!! i used to be 6'3 155lbs and i was a RAIL! you ARE NOT READY! i ate good clean food and trained hard for three years before my first stack.. it was hard to wait BELIVE ME especially when my friends didn't wait... but im glad i did because all my freinds got F***ed up on their stacks when they were too small and their diet was poor... i made sure i was 200lbs before my first stack, now im a solid 230lbs... its worth the weight i promise
and as far as the inch per 10 lbs ?? does this mean I should have 15 inch biceps since i weigh 155 now?

ROFL :bash:
so at 200lb = 20" guns

lol :laugh4::laugh4::laugh4:

oh the uninformed and lazy

doesn't know what PCT is

no idea on diet

having never touched a weight. They start training at 100lb and think why not me on juice?

A classic example of how people screw themselves up.

None of us started at 200lb. I started at 165. To all those that say they have a fast metabolism Bull$hit. You are simply not eating enough and eating too much garbage food.
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i am 6'3 260 and am thinking about starting my first ever cycle could anyone tell me what to take/stack and what my pct cycle should look like, im wanting to usal oral tablets only