1st cycle ever, HGH, Test, Tren


New member
this is my 1st cycle ever
i hve been a chubby flabby dude even after losing weight by normal means (diet nd cardio) so i decided to try something new so here's my stats after losing weight

weight: 95 kg
height: 185 cm
bf: 18%

nd here is the cycle:
HGH (somatropin 4 IU's EOD for 6 months)
test propionate (200 mg weekly 2 days per week)
trenb acetate (100 mg weekly 1st month to be increase to 200 mg weekly afterwards)

i already finished my 1st week, so there's nothing much to say

im keeping a clean diet

any advice??

Yes...you shouldn't have started this cycle...nothing about it is right, including dosages, injection frequency, the compounds you chose, and there is no mention of post cycle therapy (pct) or on cycle AI.
You are not ready for AAS
How old are you?
Hi amrhashem this is my first post and Im contemplating a cycle soon. I personally will try test first to see how my body will react before I'll dabble with stacking tren. As for HGH you have the cash obviously so why not. But its blind leading blind at this point as far as solid advice goes. Look forward to see your results.
im already hiring a personal trainer and we still didnt talk about the post cycle therapy (pct) but im sure there 1, so any recommendations for the post cycle therapy (pct) and the whole cycle??
im already hiring a personal trainer and we still didnt talk about the post cycle therapy (pct) but im sure there 1, so any recommendations for the post cycle therapy (pct) and the whole cycle??

I already gave you my recommendations...
You do not need to do this cycle...if you don't have post cycle therapy (pct) compounds yet then there's another mistake...
You are not ready for AAS regardless what your trainer says...
Everything, EVERYTHING about your cycle is wrong. Just like I said in my first reply.
Diet your ass off and train like an animal. All you need right now is food, creatine, and a preworkout.
i ve been on diet and training since 2006, where i weighed 140 kgs i never got any further below 90 kgs and not below 18% bf whatever happens so i guess this is the max my body can get through normal training.
i ve been on diet and training since 2006, where i weighed 140 kgs i never got any further below 90 kgs and not below 18% bf whatever happens so i guess this is the max my body can get through normal training.

18% isn't the greatest place to start your first cycle and like I said...NOTHING ABOUT THIS CYCLE IS CORRECT.
Everything is off...doesn't matter how long you've been training if your cycle is f'd up.
You were not ready to do this in regards to knowledge about AAS and proper cycling protocols.
And if you cannot get below 18% naturally, your diet is off
AAS will not help you cut any BF% of your diet is off...
I'd fire that personal trainer that told you to take this shit and invest in a nutritional coach.
ok thanks for your advice, so what would be the ideal bf% to start my cycle (at least HGH since i bought some expensive stock) and what would you recommend for a PCT??
ok thanks for your advice, so what would be the ideal bf% to start my cycle (at least HGH since i bought some expensive stock) and what would you recommend for a post cycle therapy (pct)??

Read the STICKYS brother...
All of them...
Learn about steroid esters in relation to injection frequency (how many.times and when you inject a week)
Ready about proper post cycle therapy (pct) protocol
Ready about anti estrogens
Read about recommended on cycle supplements
Read read read brother.
I would recommend you not continue this cycle and have blood work done in 3 weeks to see where your natural test levels are...

And about bf% for someone that was always overweight I'd say get to about 15% AT LEAST...but as low as possible.
Read the STICKYS brother...
All of them...
Learn about steroid esters in relation to injection frequency (how many.times and when you inject a week)
Ready about proper post cycle therapy (pct) protocol
Ready about anti estrogens
Read about recommended on cycle supplements
Read read read brother.
I would recommend you not continue this cycle and have blood work done in 3 weeks to see where your natural test levels are...

And about bf% for someone that was always overweight I'd say get to about 15% AT LEAST...but as low as possible.

is a post cycle therapy (pct) cycle really needed now since i did only 1 shot of tren and 1 of test??
armrashem, listen to frank, he's trying to help you and is giving you all the right info... first of all you dont touch tren till you have several AAS cycles under your belt, you dont have a post cycle therapy (pct) yet nor do you know why it is necessary... take frank's advice and dont inject again, you should be fine only doing one injection but take the safe option and have your blood work done in a few weeks... you havent mentioned any caber etc for your tren and dont even have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for your test, bud you do not want to have bitch tits and start lactating, LEAVE THE GEAR ALONE, go to a nutritionist, stop seeing that complete retard of a trainer who suggested this cycle, he clearly knows nothing about AAS... you're down 50kgs bud, that's a great accomplishment, you've got this far towards your goal, keep working at it and consult 3J for a good diet plan