1st cycle for getting shredded

I'm right there with you bro, being huge gets you noticed, being ripped gets you laid. People are saying it might be better to cut batty and start with the aas your next bulk leading into next years cut with aas. I'd suggest this year trying clen, it will be very effective for what yours goals are.

Sounds like you have a admirable physique, when your natty getting accused of gear it's a compliment. If you have your mind set, test only is ideal, mast wouldn't be the harshest compound to stack with.

I suppose doing a test cycle wont hurt b4 i do the cut. only thing being 16 week min timeframe (12week t,4weeks pct) + 16 week break= 32 week (not including time to gather supplies/money) before i can start cut with stack and thats around April/May and Ill prob miss summer AGAIN lol. I understand that my body may react differently to different compounds but I think my best line is to leave it till next jan/feb and do what I have planned. I think the only thing Ive left to decide is whether to just use T or compound it with Mast.( Ive read from competitve bbuilders that they use a blend of T prop/Mast/Tren Pre comp 200/400//400 a week to combat water retention/T sides).

I used just clen on my last cut for last 6wks (2on,2off,2on) up to 160mcg first then 200mcg 2nd ( used a shed load of taurine and made sure got plenty of potass) and didnt really feel much of a difference in fat loss terms.Which Is why im set on T3 this time around. Im not even that worried about Catabolic side as I gain muscle pretty easy. Was thinking just use anavar when I first looked into it but then thought if im gunna need to do PCT I may aswell do the real thing :)
I used just clen on my last cut for last 6wks (2on,2off,2on) up to 160mcg first then 200mcg 2nd ( used a shed load of taurine and made sure got plenty of potass) and didnt really feel much of a difference in fat loss terms.Which Is why im set on T3 this time around. Im not even that worried about Catabolic side as I gain muscle pretty easy. Was thinking just use anavar when I first looked into it but then thought if im gunna need to do PCT I may aswell do the real thing :)

Your clen must have been under dosed? 200mcg is a lot of clen, I'd be shaking like a leaf. Either way, keep us posted in interested to know how it goes
to much crap, DIET is key to fat loss, steroids will not magically burn fat, way to much shit for chopping fat
why dont u try aiming for 10% bf first then go from there, 5% bf is show time, u will be lucky to hold 7% bf, most guys that go into shows are hovering around that percentage of bf
exlipid? I'm right there with you bro, being huge gets you noticed, being ripped gets you laid. REALLY, thats bs. big dif being ripped with no muscle then being ripped with muscle
exlipid? I'm right there with you bro, being huge gets you noticed, being ripped gets you laid. REALLY, thats bs. big dif being ripped with no muscle then being ripped with muscle

When I say ripped I mean someone with developed muscle and low bf...imo a Skinny guy with abs isn't considered ripped. This is just my experience, I'm not a lady killer or mr. Personality who takes down chicks every weekend, but when I'm lean I get a lot more attention.
to much crap, DIET is key to fat loss, steroids will not magically burn fat, way to much shit for chopping fat

I dont get it, 2500 calories is good for a 200 lb male with a double cardio day. do you mean to many carbs/ not enough fat? I really dont get how I could optimize it. For getting 10% BF, Ive got that before 3 times and Ive plateaued. Do you have any advice of how I can get to my goal (5%BF) other than cut the shit out?

I know its not healthy to get down to 5% bf but its what i want, Ive always thought (and been told) i had potential as a bodybuilder
and I think the results of this course will give me the confidence to get on stage.
(paste from OP)
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