1st cycle: Test E 500mg/wk @ 12 wks

Hi everyone!

I'm in my final preparation of starting my 1st cycle after doing my share of reading for about 1yr.

I use the metric system so bear with me please should I screw up the conversions from time to time :)


26yo (almost 27)
5' 11" (182 cm)
193lbs (87 kg); started 162 lbs
~12-14% bf (after a bulk-ish winter)
6yrs of continuous training

Maxes & training:

Press 175lbs
Dead 390lbs
Bench 245lbs
Squat 330lbs

Following Wendler's 5/3/1 for a long time now and switching the assistance templates from time to time. Will follow an adjusted mass template once "on" by gradually building up volume up to the 4th week of the cycle.

Press ss w/ pull-ups x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Close grip bp 3-5 sets
Skull crushers 3-5 sets
Lateral raises 4-5 sets
Bent over raises 3-5 sets

Deads x 3 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
RDLs x 4-5 sets
Heavy DB rows x 4 sets
Bi curls variation x 3-5 sets
Heavy abs x 4 sets


Bench ss w/ pull-ups x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Incline DB bp x 5 sets
Push-ups x 4-5
Chest sup. row x 5 sets
Bent over raises x 3-5 sets

Squat x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Leg press x 5 sets
Leg curl x 5 sets
Shrugs 3-5 sets
Heavy abs x 4 sets

Armwrestling practice

Conditioning (hill sprints)


4 eggs
1 scoop casein

1 scoop whey
1 handfull nuts (cashews, almonds etc.) / 1 tblsp flaxseed oil

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

1 scoop whey
1 handfull nuts (cashews, almonds etc.) / 1 tblsp flaxseed oil

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

19:00-20:00 (during training)
1 scoop whey
1 scoop dextrose

1 scoop whey
1 scoop dextrose

plain yogurt
1 scoop whey

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

= 9 meals

Water: min 1-1.5 gals


Vit C 2g/day (will take 4g in the first few days of the cycle to hopefully avoid the test flu)
Vit D3 4000-5000 UI/day
Omega 3 10g/day
Enzimes with the PWO meal
Joint powder 1 tblsp/day
Will drop the creatine once "on"


wk 1-12: Test E 500 mg (250 Mon PM; 250 Thu PM)
10 days after last pin: 10 shots x Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000 UI EOD
From the day after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin: Nolva 40/40/20/20

may want to get some letro for gyno and acne just in cast... and adex or arimason for bloating and add clomid to the pct of yours..do your research better to have and not need, then to need and not have.
@chrisperanio Thanks for the advice. I did my research and know that it's good to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at hand, however it's a bit difficult to get something like that here (and also expensive as hell) and my logic was that if I'm going with just test (not even Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle) and given the fact a lot of users run test alone without any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I may just get away with it without any issues. If I will have some then I'll just take some Nolva for gyno. It's actually gyno what I'm concerned about since the other sides are easier to revert and yes, I know Nolva is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but a SERM and works differently, however decided to go with it this way. I'm keeping an eye on the sodium and hope for a not so huge bloat.

Clomid wise I decided to not add it to my post cycle therapy (pct) due to possible side effects. I see this is a leap of faith anyway since from what I read some advise on Nolva+Clomid only post cycle therapy (pct), some cruise on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), some blast it, some cruise and then blast, some say Clomid is evil etc. There is no clear road for a beginner other than research as much as he/she can and then take a plunge to see what works and adjust from there. Clomid is anyway something quite reachable in my area (as oposed to AIs) so I can change my mind at any time.
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Day 19

Pinned 6th shot yesterday in left quad. Shit is becoming routine, almost no soreness at all one day after. I figured out it helps me to flex the pinned muscle several times and do some bw squats (for quads that is) after the initial local massage. For the first shots I would just "protect" the injected muscle and not do anything with it.

- sleep is perfect;
- skin normal;
- agression is a bit increased meaning the very same shit is pissing me off MORE than before;
- sex drive on the rise;

I did a sort of deload this week (just the main lift, the assistance work was the same) to let the upper joints catch some breath after an armwrestling meet I did last weekend. This is probably the last deload I do before the test is kicking in. From that point is straight line to the end, 5/3/1 but skipping the deload weeks.
@chrisperanio Thanks for the advice. I did my research and know that it's good to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at hand, however it's a bit difficult to get something like that here (and also expensive as hell) and my logic was that if I'm going with just test (not even Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle) and given the fact a lot of users run test alone without any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I may just get away with it without any issues. If I will have some then I'll just take some Nolva for gyno. It's actually gyno what I'm concerned about since the other sides are easier to revert and yes, I know Nolva is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but a SERM and works differently, however decided to go with it this way. I'm keeping an eye on the sodium and hope for a not so huge bloat.

Clomid wise I decided to not add it to my PCT due to possible side effects. I see this is a leap of faith anyway since from what I read some advise on Nolva+Clomid only PCT, some cruise on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), some blast it, some cruise and then blast, some say Clomid is evil etc. There is no clear road for a beginner other than research as much as he/she can and then take a plunge to see what works and adjust from there. Clomid is anyway something quite reachable in my area (as oposed to AIs) so I can change my mind at any time.
well Clomid is the best bro and has been around for ever. This wouldn't be the case if it was no good. Sometimes in this game you gotta take some negitive sides to get positive sides. The best aas compound tren has horrible negative sides but the positive sides out weight them. So what I'm trying to say here Clomid is one of the best serms out there. I get absolutely 0 sides and a lot of other guys do. So just man the fuck up and take it. If sides are bad stop it! It's that easy bro. If your absolutely scared to take something because of the sides your in the wrong field and stop with aas now.
@bigherm, I'm not usually easy to convince but you have a point and yes, you are right, if the sides are bad I can just stop it. Thanks, I will add clomid to my pct.
Day 23

Did pin #7 yesterday. Weight is around 197-200.

I think I'm starting to feel something in the gym. Usually during the first week and especially the first training days (mon, tue) after a deload my strength is down a bit (probably the CNS is not so primed as during the work weeks) but not yesterday. I would say I felt something as soon as I did my 2nd warmup on my main lift.

Let's see how it goes tonight. Without any "aid" it should be a struggle to get my prescribed reps on the deads since my training max is near a plateau. If it won't be too much of a struggle then the test is definitely kicking in.
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Good stuff bro though a lot of it could be.mental though you are on your fourth week so may not. Just remember with the e ester your not gonna get this feeling like BAM I'm juices. Lol. It's more of a slow steady increase, along with gains. Noticing any Bloat? How's your nipples? how's your libido any increase?
That was exactly what I felt yesterday, just a slight strength increase. Agree with you though, e kicks at about 4-6 wks according to user so it may well have been mental.

As far as the bloat goes I put like 4-6 pounds in the first two weeks and nothing changed since then. Bloat is still there but nothing too unpleasant.

Nipples are fine, don't "feel" them. No itching or soreness at all. Libido had a spike during week 3 but now it's normal I think. No random boners whatsoever lol.
Day 30

I did my 9th pin yesterday and starting to wonder what the fuck is going on since I still don't feel anything in terms of strength. It seems like it was my impression one post above.

- weight is 200 (+7 from start)
- sleep is good
- no acne
- BP is again normal 13/8
- sex drive is a bit up from normal but not very much and I find it difficult too finish off
- testes are soft but have not shrunken as of yet
- bf seem to have decreased a bit
Good stuff bro though a lot of it could be.mental though you are on your fourth week so may not. Just remember with the e ester your not gonna get this feeling like BAM I'm juices. Lol. It's more of a slow steady increase, along with gains. Noticing any Bloat? How's your nipples? how's your libido any increase?

I want to feel BAM I'm juices sounds pretty cool LOL
Day 30

I did my 9th pin yesterday and starting to wonder what the fuck is going on since I still don't feel anything in terms of strength. It seems like it was my impression one post above.

- weight is 200 (+7 from start)
- sleep is good
- no acne
- BP is again normal 13/8
- sex drive is a bit up from normal but not very much and I find it difficult too finish off
- testes are soft but have not shrunken as of yet
- bf seem to have decreased a bit

I am in week 5 or 6 and I never felt really anything but the lifts got easier where I used to grunt to get the lifts I would just lift it and be done. Shit I actually forgot what week I am in holy crap.........

Just give it time and workout and eat like a mad man!
I'm not even expecting anything else BUT the hard lifts (5x85%*1RM, 3x90% etc.) are still ... hard. I'm starting to get pissed at me for not going with a kicker, be it prop or dbol, whatever...
Day 33

- Did my 10th pin yesterday
- Weight 202 (+9)
- Started noticing the new size but STILL lifts are not easier, at all
- Managed to drop an ampule on the floor yesterday. It went to pieces so now I'm one ampule short for my 12 weeks cycle. Will try to get one to stay on plan
- No additional sides as of yet, just the usual - slight bloat and oily skin
im following this mate, im going on my first cycle soon! Test E only and BTW i also do hill sprints, THERE FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
Day 33

- Did my 10th pin yesterday
- Weight 202 (+9)
- Started noticing the new size but STILL lifts are not easier, at all
- Managed to drop an ampule on the floor yesterday. It went to pieces so now I'm one ampule short for my 12 weeks cycle. Will try to get one to stay on plan
- No additional sides as of yet, just the usual - slight bloat and oily skin

I heard streanth only starts around week 7, I dunno but i hope you get stronger cause im doing the same cycle soon, if you dont get stronger it will ease me away from test only lol
Test will make you stronger as long as your diet is on track and youre eating enough calories for growth. My friend's BP went from 215x8-->245x8, DL: 365x8-->405x6 and Squat: 315x5-->375x5. On his first cycle.
Day 37

Weight 204 (+11)

Ok this time I'm pretty sure I felt something different at my armwrestling practice as a guy with I was struggling up until now suddenly felt more accessible. Hard to tell since his form could be off that day but nevertheless I'm watching my numbers this week.

Recovery is just EXCELLENT. During the last weeks I build up to a pretty high volume in the gym and also at the armwrestling table so now I have sessions that normally would leave me feel like I was hit by a train the second day BUT NO, I wake up the next day like nothing happened. Fully fresh.

I'm increasing my calories here and there, whenever I can. Really hoping to hit 225 by the end of this. I know it's probably a bit far stretched since I didn't run a kicker so I only have about 8 weeks of help BUT my secret weapon is that during my very last week of this I'll go on holiday in a all inclusive location so I'm planning for absurd amounts of food to be ingested... for 7 days in a row :D

Started doing my conditioning again as until now it was either snowy, rainy or basically just really shitty weather. It's hill sprints once per week followed by a short jog. Needless to say that I moved like a fat pig for my first session.

On the negative side:
- I have a fair degree of test shrunkness
- One nipple started to become more sensitive but still no actual side of gyno so I'm not adding anything into the picture for the moment
- My face is reddish much of the time and I tend to sweat more than usual (I'm anyway a heavy sweater even without test)
- Sleep, skin, aggressiveness are all OK