1st cycle: Test E 500mg/wk @ 12 wks

I'm starting to have early signs of gyno to one nipple. It's still not itchy or sore but sensitive to touch and I think I'm feeling a small lump behind the nipple. Not sure how it should feel in case of gyno but def something is changed.

Now, as I said in one of the earlier posts I only have nolva/clomid at hand, no Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was thinking of starting with Nolva 10-20mg ED until the signs are gone. What do you think? Would that be enough or should I bump it to 40 ED?
Day 40

Weight 203.

Decided to go with Nolva 40mg ED for a few days to tackle this early gyno. Will then tapper to 20 ED and then 10 ED.

Other than that shit has officially kicked in, finally. So for me it was during the 2nd half of the 6th week, if anyone is interested.

Will have the armwrestling nationals this weekend so I gotta play a bit with the water/food intake to make the 200 class.
Been reading your log, looks good. Thank God you started noticing it kick in, that's always good! Good luck buddy and put on some weight and strength!
Day 44 (Week 7)

Weight 205. That's a 12lbs increase.

This is my 5th day of Nolva 40mg ED and happy to say that from the 3rd day of it the left nipple, you know... The One :), is no longer sensitive. Will run it at 40 two more days, just to be sure.

Pins have become fairly routine and I barely have any spot/area pain the next day(s).

Clothes are becoming tighter and tighter. Libido is high, not super high but high.

Not too much to report on the negatives as I would say that early gyno is under control now. Well there is something but not sure if it's due to the test. I normally have a lot of moles on my skin and lately I noticed some new ones, small ones nevertheless. I know that estrogen is promoting skin pigmentation so probably it's due to that.
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Following :)
Ill be running a similar cycle soon and your stats are kinda similar to mines, hope all works out great on week 12!!
Day 50 (Week 8)

Everything goes well so far. Strength is steadily increasing and recovery is off the charts. I think I may actually need to put even more work in the gym even though I am doing sessions that would leave me wasted the next day if I would be natty.

After running Nolva for a week at 40mg ED to counter an early gyno I am now tappering to 20 ED and will follow with 10 ED.

Other than these new moles that I hope to get rid off once off and the expected test atrophy I don't have any sides at the moment.
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Weight seems to have stalled as of late. It's around 202-205. Not sure if Nolva was/is tampering with this in any way. I lowered it to 10mg ED.

On the other hand it's quite possible that I don't eat enough to overcome this plateau.
Day 57 (Week 9)

Weight is still 202-205 although these are my best 200 lbs ever. I'm seeing some noticeable strength gains, hit a 360x1 on squats and a 225x6 on bench (270 estimated max).

Im starting an identical cycle same dosage on everything except i am taking .5 adex twice a week the days following test pins along with some hcg.

ive been giving myself an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) type dose for a while now really dialing in my E2 levels. I used it to maintain strength during a cut. Hope the saturation of test helps the cycle kick start faster.

GOOD LUCK BRO! subbed.
Day 65

Weight is ~205.

Got a little b acne, nothing serious. Loving the results so far but I must say it really kicked in around week 8 not 6 like I said initially. I mean, ok, I felt it since the 6th BUT the real deal is NOW, weeks 8-12 :)

I'm hitting PRs on all lifts. Depending on how my low back feels, as it's a bit shot from the friday's squats, I may give 450 a try on the deads tonight.
Day 66

Hit a 450x1 dead yesterday. I. am. wow! That's a 60 lbs PR!
Sorry, no pics yet. Will post some before and afters at the end of the cycle.
Cycle is now over. End results before starting HCG blast are:

+11lbs weight (currently at 202)
+65lbs dead PR
+45lbs squat PR
+20lbs bench PR

Not a lot of weight but def there was some body recomp going on. I lost a visible amount of fat and still added those 11lbs. Now, 2+ weeks after my last shot I am still holding on that weight. I assume I've lost the water weight from test but started gaining new one from HCG and creatine.

Will run bloodwork after HCG blast is over and again after full PCT is over.
Hey big guy what about some pics after this journey?? how was the cycle bro?? sorry being out of your log for a while.