1st cycle


New member
I'm thinking of starting my first cycle at the beginning of May. I've worked out consistently for 5 years but have never been on a cycle of anything. My goal is to get more cut up then it is to get really big, but i still want considerable muscle gains. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the best cycle with the least amount of side effects for my intended goals. Thanks fellas.
A lot of people on this board on in favor of beginners doing TEST only cycles...STONECOLD said that you can lean out or gain on any steroid...it's all diet so ...if you want to bulk up TEST is the King of the Road...and if you don't want to get fat...EAT CLEAN. I would run test enanthate or cypionate...500mg/wk for 10 weeks... and get some Nolvadex in case signs of gyno arise...post cycle have some clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if available.
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demon1125 said:
I am 21 years old, 5'9 , 12% bf
what do you weigh ?
imo under 200 pounds 300-400 mg a week of test cyp or eth for 10-12 weeks , over 200 pounds 400-500 mg of test .
Stone, why not 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks?? And demon what is your weight at??